(I got the pictures to work FINALLY!!!)
Shanan has been reminding me how I haven't really posted an update on the birds here lately. Well, they are ALWAYS around and in need of something (kind of like your kids), so I never really think about it, but she is RIGHT!! Here is a picture of the birds now. It is 17 days old in this picture. If you'll look back when they JUST had fur, and now, they are at their "teenage" awkward years, still a little furry fuzz on their heads, spindley feathers, not "cute" baby chicks, but not yet pretty chickens.
They will leave us when they are 49 days old and weigh around 5 lbs. Last summer, when we had jumbos, we kept them for an extra 10 days, and their average weight when they left us was 9.75 lbs. Now, THAT is a bird, I don't care WHO you are!! :) 
Today was Garrett's first football game, and I missed it. At that same time, Graceson had softball tryouts, and you can guess who got to go with which child... The good news is that there is another game on Tuesday and that they won today's game! He played guard for the offense and he started for the first 1/2 of the game, until they put in the 2nd string. Now, I am just repeating what information I was given, and although my football knowledge is limited, I feel like that is good news!
Last night, the boys went to a football scrimmage and Gra and I spent the night at her friend Jessica's for a girl's night out. Evidently, it was her sister's birthday, and Jessica got to invite a friend too for the party, and so the girls and girls' moms had a big time! You KNOW she was tired today, when she crawled in my bed to take a NAP!!! She wouldn't DREAM of taking a nap, she's too big, ya know, so when we slept for 3 hours, that would be a clue that we were BOTH whipped!! Thanks to Monica and Jessica for inviting us!! We took bon bons, and they were YUMMY!! They were VERY easy!! You take a package of oreos, and pulverize them in a food processor. To the crumbs, add a block of softened cream cheese. That is your filling. Shape into balls, and put in the freezer for a little bit. Heat your dipping chocolate according to the directions on the package. Dip the balls, and put on waxed paper. Put back into the freezer for about 30 minutes. OOH LA LA! And that's it!! Where are YOUR recipes? The clock is ticking, and right now, it is neck and neck between Kristi and Shanan, since those are the only two that have GIVEN me recipes!!! HINT HINT!!
Tomorrow night is Gra's baptism!! We are all too excited!! If you're in town, we'd love for you come!!
Have a GREAT night, and thanks for sharing a day in the life of the chicken farmer's wife! love to all!! JA
Today was Garrett's first football game, and I missed it. At that same time, Graceson had softball tryouts, and you can guess who got to go with which child... The good news is that there is another game on Tuesday and that they won today's game! He played guard for the offense and he started for the first 1/2 of the game, until they put in the 2nd string. Now, I am just repeating what information I was given, and although my football knowledge is limited, I feel like that is good news!
Last night, the boys went to a football scrimmage and Gra and I spent the night at her friend Jessica's for a girl's night out. Evidently, it was her sister's birthday, and Jessica got to invite a friend too for the party, and so the girls and girls' moms had a big time! You KNOW she was tired today, when she crawled in my bed to take a NAP!!! She wouldn't DREAM of taking a nap, she's too big, ya know, so when we slept for 3 hours, that would be a clue that we were BOTH whipped!! Thanks to Monica and Jessica for inviting us!! We took bon bons, and they were YUMMY!! They were VERY easy!! You take a package of oreos, and pulverize them in a food processor. To the crumbs, add a block of softened cream cheese. That is your filling. Shape into balls, and put in the freezer for a little bit. Heat your dipping chocolate according to the directions on the package. Dip the balls, and put on waxed paper. Put back into the freezer for about 30 minutes. OOH LA LA! And that's it!! Where are YOUR recipes? The clock is ticking, and right now, it is neck and neck between Kristi and Shanan, since those are the only two that have GIVEN me recipes!!! HINT HINT!!
Tomorrow night is Gra's baptism!! We are all too excited!! If you're in town, we'd love for you come!!
Have a GREAT night, and thanks for sharing a day in the life of the chicken farmer's wife! love to all!! JA
Hey! I haven't talked to you all day long. That seems weird! I am glad that you updated us on Garrets game because I was wondering.....and also about Gra's tryouts. Glad yall had fun. Ok, if no one else enters the recipe contest, you have to award Kristi the prize. She is WAY BETTER at cooking than me!!!! Have a great night! Will call you tomorrow! Love, Shanan
Hey, I noticed Shane had the camera with him today at the game. If he didn't take any pictures of Garrett don't worry because I did! I'll e-mail them to you! Have a wonderful night and I'll see you tomorrow night! Love ya! Amy
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