Thursday, July 31, 2008

What have I been doing?
Well, I have enclosed a little photo to give you a clue. This is the sign at the entrance of the chicken houses, to let you know the farm name. In case you didn't know why I chose the blog name that I did, now you do!! Last year I planted marigolds around it and made it a little "fu fu ee er" (sound it out, it's pretty phonetic). This year, I decided since only the neighbors (the 4 houses past us on our road) and the deer saw it, that nobody would miss their absence. Well, I do, so NEXT year, I am thinking about planting a perennial!! I saw my last posting date and that was Tuesday. It is only Thursday but I have had THREE different people ask me why I hadn't posted... We have been SOOOO busy, and I've been in a little bit of a slump, but I am working on it! The Wisconsin trip was GREAT, as I have said time and time again, but we are SOOOO paying for it now!! We saw Shane yesterday morning when we were up at the houses doing our work, and he didn't walk back into our house until after 10 pm. He never got off of the bobcat, because he was shoveling "litter" (that's a pleasant word for chicken poop) onto this conveyor belt that's really tall, that took it up and dumped it into our farmer buyer's 18 wheeler. We had to clean out this time, and we already had 2 cleaned out last time. To give you an idea of "how much" dukey we were surrounded by, it took NINE tractor trailers, to collect all of the "litter" we were removing from ONE house. While Shane was in one house shoveling, I was in another spreading salt. OK, stop reading here if you are very fashioned minded or weak of heart, as you won't be able to stand what you are about to see! heehee! That is me, in the fashioned minded old state trooper t-shirt, dusk mask on, hair back in a pony tail, as I had just pulled off my do rag. Graceson took that picture, she is a little photographer!! You won't want to miss those LOVELY black boots that are peaking up from the bottom of the photo. As you can see, chicken farming is not for the weak, nor for the glamorous... Take a look at those red things that you see hanging from the ceiling. Those are feed pans, and the birds have to fly up when they are hungry. I'M KIDDING!! All of the lines are raised so that we can clean. When we set up, they'll all be on the floor, and you'll see those in a minute. Garrett and I put 49, FIFTY pound bags of salt into that hopper that is behind me.

To the right, you'll see the GREAT view that I had!! These are my chickadees!! They are sitting in the bucket in front of the tractor, as we are going from this house, to the next one to lower lines and to fill feed pans. Notice the "do rag" that Garrett is wearing. As I've told you before, that is a mandatory "fashion accessory" that we don on the farm. Bandannas are QUITE the handy item, and I'll tell you why in a minute...

To the right here, you'll see the lines down on the floor, and those feed pans filled with their food. Garrett and I put about 800-1000 lbs of grain in those pans. After the first 7 days, it is automatic, but the first 7... ooo wee!! I took a picture toward that end, because you can see the bay door open. There is an identical side behind that goes to another bay door. They are equal to 2 football fields end to end, under roof. Needless to say, by the end of the day yesterday, I was walking like a lowercase 'r'!! But... we're ready for babies to come tomorrow!! We'll get 27,000 tomorrow, and then we'll get the other 82,000 on Monday. This is just a small taste, of what I've been doing since we returned home. I don't know if it makes you never want to leave, or never come back!! Of course, each afternoon, I've been going to town to take Garrett to football practice. From that, I think I have learned that I don't like taking him. It seems to me, that the coaches are simply making them run until they throw up, although everyone tells me there is a method to the madness. I just hate to see them sick, they're 12! I want to run and pet them, get them some gatorade and fix them a pallet, but alas... Shane's uncle told me one time at Christmas when Garrett was very small, that I was the equipment manager. That meant my job was to keep the uniform clean, and my mouth shut... I can wash with the best of them, but as for the latter... you decide about that!! I was very pleased today though, that the "black flag" was flying, meaning the heat index was too hot for them to practice. It was 105.

OK, do rags... a MUST for the chicken farmer, but POSSIBLY something that you may need, and have never thought of it!! 20 uses for the bandanna... DO RAG-wear around your neck(you know, like a cowboy-I'm not sure why they do that)-head band-sweat band(you know, around your forehead like in Flashdance)-face mask(in case you want to rob a bank) tied around your head to clean house (you know, like an Aunt Jemima bonnet)-wrist band(perhaps in your colors if you are in a gang)-around your ankle(s) (OH COME ON, you lived through the 80's too!)-a sling (you may need to stabilize your arm in a pinch)-if you are skin and bones, perhaps a halter top, like in "survivor" after they've been on the island for 30 days, and their stomachs are eating themselves-tourniquet (you never know when you need to stop bleeding of a limb)-bandage-snot rag(hankie is probably a better word here)-sweat rag (lots of things get in your eyes, including sweat)-ice pack-hobie sack (yes, we have packed things in them, just not attached to a stick)-belt (this requires a thinner friend)-a fashion accessory for you canine friend-blind fold- and a dust mask(you'd wear it like you were robbing a bank if you didn't have your REAL one)! So, you may want to go out today and buy some bandannas. We already have them in all colors and patterns!! Thanks for sharing a day in the life of a chicken farmer's wife! love to all! Jerri

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I hear Gra coughing...

Before I write anything that is not important, I just want to give a great big yell out to my favorite aunt in the whole wide world, that signed in the guest book!! I LOVE it when I little red pin is added to the map, and I would love it if you went and signed in RIGHT NOW, if you haven't already. A dear friend of mine, who I also entrust my first born with everyday to go to school with, just learned about the blog tonight. Paige, if you are reading right now, don't go any further until you sign it, k? Also, I know that I am a dork, but for those of you who know me, you are not surprised by that revelation. For those of you that are reading and DON'T know me, I am guessing that you know that too, but for whatever reason, I decided to add a little video clip below that applies to our lives!! If you feel so led to, please feel free to watch the video below!!

OK, today was my first inservice day, and I came home sort of tired, sort of ill, from just knowing that it was right around the corner that I'd be having to get up at 5 a.m. everyday. I also have been fighting a headache all day. Well, tonight at 9, I decided that I couldn't fight it anymore, so I took some Excedrin. NOT SMART, I know, but my head refused to let up! SOOO, I get in the bed, my heart racing, my head starting to ease up, my feet at complete ATTENTION (pointed more towards my nose than the sky with the braces I am having to wear on them) and Graceson starts coughing. I can hear her over the humidifier and I am downstairs, so I just decide to get up, and fire up the laptop. You don't realize how slow it is, so I figure by the time I am done and this is posted, her coughing spell will have subsided!! Today was the magic day that her pediatrician said if she wasn't better, then he wanted me to bring her in for an x-ray to make certain that she does not have pneumonia. She says she is "feeling" better, so I decide not to take her. I hope I made the right mama decision. I have 4 days before it is the weekend again, so I am praying diligently that this cough leaves her ASAP!! I am not sure who told me that water temperature+air temp has nothing to do with your health and wellness, but I am going to have to disagree. I am no Dr. Seuss or Dr. Ruth, but I do know that my whole family is sick (except for me), coughing up what could be a lung if they aren't careful, and the water temperature in the Dells was no higher than 67. Now THAT, my friends, is COLD!! If you'll think about your body temp being over 98, I just felt like we were ALL a special kind of stupid for being IN the water all day in Wisconsin, but it was so fun, that I know we all think it was worth it!! Next year, I will hopefully find a destination that is a little more south of CANADA!!

So that you don't say that you read this for an hour and learned nothing from it, I thought I'd tell y'all that you know someone famous. In case you don't know who I am talking about, I will let you know. It's me!!!!! OK, really, I am only famous in my own mind, but isn't that enough? I mean, in my own mind, I think I'm an anorexic in remission, even though I'd forget my own name before I'd ever forget to eat! (and I am being serious here, although I am in no way trying to offend anyone that may have dealt with this condition-I am just the extreme other end of that spectrum) But I digress... SOOOOO, last year the queen came to KY to watch the derby. While here, the governor's chefs decided to fix her local fare that had all been grown within the state. Do you know where this is going? YEP!! You guessed it!! They fixed her Perdue chicken!! Well, how in the WORLD could we think it came from OUR farm? I will tell you! Each flock is on a "kill" schedule, so that all of them are not in processing at the same time. So farms a and b may go in on Mon/Tues, and c and d go in on Wed/Thurs, etc... They served her Perdue chicken that had gone to processing the previous weekend, and they chose meat that was APF (which means animal protein free). GUESS WHO had APF birds, go in for that weekend kill?!?!?! YEP!! If you want my autograph or Shane's, it will cost ya, because you may someday want to sell it on Ebay, but it can be arranged!! :o)

I think my sweet baby girl has stopped coughing, so hopefully I can fall asleep now. Today at the inservice we had to write a poem and she scripted how she wanted it written, so I will share my goofy one tomorrow. (It was about chickens. See how it consumes my thoughts?) This weekend we are getting new babies, so I am going to try and take a picture every few days, to show you how things progress here on the chicken farm. I gained SUCH a new respect for what Shane does for our family the week he and Garrett were gone to camp. I'll do it again next year for him so that he'll get to go, because I know he wouldn't hesitate to do it for me, but I think it may be like childbirth, it takes you a little time to forget!! :) Love to all and thanks for sharing a day in the life of the chicken farmer's wife!! JA

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Everything bigger in TX? I disagree!

I'd like to give props to Cary, Shanan and the girls for signing in to the guest book!! Thanks so much!! I think they are on here as much as me, and I am on theirs equally!! Shanan singlehandedly "encouraged" this blog way of communication, so we can either thank her or not, but I do love seeing the girls and glimpses into all of their lives so far away from me. Obviously a lot of our friends here don't know much about "blogging" so we are all learning together. While in WI, I told a friend of ours to get on here to see our pictures from the waterpark. Well, he did, and then saw my links on the left of the page. Not being "blog savvy", he clicked the "CF husband" link that I have. (this is a blog that I have been following for MONTHS of a man who is married to a woman with cystic fibrosis, and her wait for a lung transplant, only to find out she is going to have a baby, and all of the miracles they have encountered. -how I found this, I am not sure) He clicked on this link, thinking that "cf husband" meant "chicken farmer". This not only didn't work out for him, he couldn't find the link between these people, and me. Well, there's not one, other than I read about them. He then wanted to see the "second page" of my blog, and clicked on "the Fowler Family", only to take him to Texas, and see lots of pictures of my nieces, and Cary and Shanan. He called me to see why I had so many pictures of this other family on mine, and asked me how I was related to the Sweeney's, who he knew from here. Bless his heart, hopefully I have now "schooled" him in blogging, and anxiously await for him, as well as everyone who reads this, to start one so that I can check it daily!! :o)

OK, my family in TX may disagree here, but I am going to have to go out on a limb here, and say that I think that things here in the country grow every bit as big as things in Texas. Now whatever would make me think this? Well, today I decided to go out to the pool, and try to pull a few weeds and clean out the skimmer. There were a few weeds taller than Graceson, and it has only been since last Saturday that I pulled them. NEXT, upon examination of the contents of the skimmer, there were 3, yes THREE grasshoppers in the basket, that were 4 inches long. Have you EVER seen a grasshopper that was 4"? That is only 2 inches shy of a typical Subway sandwich (unless of course, you are Shane and choose the foot long), but you get the idea!! I could never have used them for fishing, as they would have been ENTIRELY to big for most of our fish's mouths!! I really don't know why I felt the need to share that with you all, but thought I would!! I actually cringe each time I take the lid off of the skimmer, because you NEVER know what is going to be in there. MOST days, it is water bugs and lots of spiders, but we have had our share of snakes, frogs, moles, mice, lizards, etc. OHHHHHHHHHH!! Also, I have proof of my previous theory, as I learned something from my boys just this week. It seems that either Garrett or Shane one, got a BAT out of the skimmer a few weeks ago, and I am just learning of it. Does anyone see a pattern here? There sonar is DEFINITELY not error proof, so I will continue to "duck" them when we are in towards night fall and they are swooping down for their evening drink. Just what I need, is to be hit in the face by one of those beasts!!

I am going to share our Garmin story and then head to bed. Tomorrow is an inservice day, and I am just not looking forward to it at all. It tells me that summer is ending and I HATE that!! Oh well, I need to be thankful that I am working, instead of ill about my summer time ending!! So, back to Garmin. My mom has the GPS system, and we borrowed it for our trip. We thought it'd be a good idea, since we've never been to Wisconsin Dells, and figured it could always get us to our destination. If you make a wrong turn, it recalculates your route, and "fixes" the directions to get you to where you are going, no matter how many wrong turns you make. If you just can't get yourself out of the pickle you're in, it will tell you to make a u-turn as soon as safely possible. We have learned that Garmin doesn't necessarily know about road construction. That makes sense NOW, but it didn't when we were relying on her to get us to Illinois. Something else it does, is it will tell you what time you should arrive based on how fast you are going. So, when you make a wrong turn, and she refigures your route, it will often add minutes.

If you will remember a post from a few days ago, I am the rule follower and Shane is the "figure it out on the way" type of guy. Well, on our way home, for whatever reason, he would listen to NOTHING but Garmin. See, I have been to my Aunt Beetle's MANY times, and I always go ONE way, and it includes 3 interstates. We were within ONE mile of the first interstate and Garmin told us to turn left. I told Shane to go on ahead, and he insisted otherwise. Oh, we ended up on the interstate, and it may have saved us about 2/10's of a mile, but it added about 10 minutes to the trip, or so it seemed. We get a little farther and it tells us to exit. This was HOURS before I normally get onto the next interstate, and I didn't feel good about it, but Shane, by jiggy, was doing what this mechanical woman's voice, was telling him to do. We DID get home, but I was so car sick at one point in the journey, I could hardly stand it. We were on every pig path, and chip and seal road between Effingham, IL, and Evansville. The FBI calls it a clue when there are not even lines on the roads, that you are in the country, but Shane refused to do anything different than what Garmin said. I have learned a lesson from this experience however. I will put her (she sort of sounds like the robot maid on the Jetsons) on mute next time. I will turn the screen so that only I can see her, and then *I* will tell him what "she" is telling us to do. I think that may save BOTH of us some stress!!

Well, I better get in the bed to rest for tomorrow!! Have a great night!! Thanks for sharing a day in the life of a chicken farmer's wife!! love to all!! JA

Vacation Tips...

Here is a picture to make you smile!!
This is Lilli this afternoon in her bed! She has certainly made things easier for the kids! You can see her surrounded by all of her toys, but she is as bad as either of my kids were. If you put everything in her bed, she will start, almost immediately, by taking things out, one at a time, until she has them all out. We have done this 4 or 5 times a day every day this summer!
If you've read Cary, my brother-in-law's, comments about my Moe post, he keeps mentioning "Lester". When Shane and I got married, my wedding present from him was a yorkie puppy that was a little bigger than Lilli. For whatever reason, we agreed that he "looked" like a Lester, and it was settled. The following year, when Shane bought himself a puppy, it only seemed reasonable to settle upon another unique name. His AKC name was "KY Moeducks" Fowler, but we called him "Moe" for short. We did that so that when they were out at the same time, we could holler "MoLester"... Get it? I know, we were young and dumb, but thought we were clever!

I know that I am no travel planner, but I have come up with a dozen or so helpful hints for your next vacation. You may want to book mark this, because when it is time for you to travel, whether it is a week, month, or year, you will think back, and want to know what all I told you not to forget!!
1- ALWAYS bring baby wipes. There are many uses. Don't ask questions... just BRING a LOT
2-Just because your GPS tells you to turn here, it may not ALWAYS be the best choice! (that is a story for when I have more time)
3-If you are smart enough to take something electrical, take all of the necessary accessories (i.e., if you bring the laptop, don't forget the cord!!)
4-Take every medicine that anyone in your household has taken in the last year. This ranges from Imodium to aspirin to Alka Seltzer Cold Plus!! (ask me how I know)
5-No matter what juice you pack to drink on the trip, they will always pick Coke
6- Speedos should be OUTLAWED. They are vulgar, regardless of the wearer.
7-There should be a weight limit for string bikinis (remember, we went to a waterpark). You know, you can't drink unless you are 21? You can't wear strings if you weigh over 130 lbs. NO EXCEPTIONS
8-Hotel beds MUST be jumped ON and BETWEEN. Come on, you don't let them do it at home. It's the least you can do!
9-Don't tell kids how much something costs unless you don't mind that everyone they know, knows.
10-NEVER travel without a portable dvd player and movies, if the child is less than 39.
11-Wash as many clothes as you can while you are away, you will be SO happy when you get home!
12-Last but not least, no matter HOW much fun you had, there's no bed like home!!
Have a great night!! Thanks for sharing a day in the life of the chicken farmer's wife! Jerri

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Farewell to our faithful companion

We got home last night and found our dog Moe, on his last leg. He died a couple of hours after we arrived. It is very sad to all of us, because we have had him longer than either of the kids. Garrett and Gra, neither one, know life without him.

Shane got him from a breeder in McMinnville, in 1994. He started out as a great hunting dog and ended up as a great pet. He was a Chesapeake Bay Retriever, and Shane really did do a good job training him to "retrieve" the kill. He had to sit on his left side, because the bullets, or shells, or casings, or WHATEVER they are, would fly out of the right side of the gun. He would jump into the pond for hours at a time, getting the "bumper" or anything else that someone had thrown in for him.

He stayed at home with "the fam" each time Shane left for the police academy, dog schools, state trooper academy, etc., and never wandered. When younger, he would follow the kids anywhere on the farm they would go, and I honestly felt like they were safer when he was with them. He looked like a lioness, with his coloring and broad head.

His favorite thing on the farm, was when we'd go fishing. Just a couple of weeks ago, Garrett and I went to the front pond. If he saw a poll in your hand, he would struggle to get up and going, and follow you there. He would pace between the 2 of us, waiting for us to catch a fish. He would almost tremble when he saw us reeling in something. Shane has a STRICT rule, that you can do whatever you want with most fish you catch, but if it is a bass, you have to throw it back! (whatever) Well, Shane wasn't up there with us... and Moe DID walk all the way THERE, and we can't HELP what we catch, so he did enjoy some bounty there anyway!!

All of the pictures I have of him are from time prior to digital, so I really don't know how to post one, but will see what I can figure out some time later!! If you don't have a dog, I HIGHLY recommend that you get one. They are lots of trouble, expensive, and sometimes destructive, but the memories you have of and with them will far outweigh the above. He will be missed by all of us, but especially Shane. Goodbye old friend!!

I'll write more later when I am less sad!! Thanks for reading!! Jerri

Thursday, July 24, 2008

more cheese please!

I thought I would add a few more pictures to show everyone!! In my blog a couple of days ago, I mentioned all of the wind farms that we saw. I tried to take a picture of them (at 70+MPH) so you could get an idea of what I was talking about. They are HUGE, and they truly were as far as the eye could see!! I am fairly certain, once built, that wind WOULD be easier to farm than chickens!! The top 2 pictures are taken at a cheese shop where we stopped. Since Wisconsin IS famous for cheese, we weren't ABOUT to leave without having some. You wouldn't BELIEVE the selections that they had. There was one counter, that had rows of 1 yr. old cheddar, 2 year old, all the way to TWELVE years old!! I was sort of scared to try that, as I am SURE that it cannot be better than NEW cheddar, but what do *I* know? There is also a picture of the fam in front of the alligator at Noah's Ark waterpark. That is the one that we went to with the 49 slides, but we didn't get that photo that day, because we were too wiped out by the end of the day. This place is a LOT like Gatlinburg, without as many people and without the Dixie Stampede. I think it has almost everything else that Gatlinburg has though!!

Before I go any farther, I'd like to shout out to Tony for signing in the guest book!! I can't believe he thought that my stories would be short, as he knows, as well as everyone else who knows me, that I can make any short story LONG!!! Also, Theresa called me while we while we were here to find out some very important info, so if you see her, check out her eyebrows, and see if they look GREAT!!! :) (it was great talkin' to ya!!)

In my last blog, I mentioned my friends whose kids were in Vanderbilt. I talked to both April and Scott yesterday, and BOTH of them were able to go home yesterday!! THAT is such a blessing!! From Saturday, starting out as they may need to think about dialysis or kidney transplants to getting to go home mid week, is miraculous!! Glad you're in your own beds!!

Finally, the last picture is of my favorite aunt in the whole world. She is a fabulous chef, and that is what she is working on in the photo. It looks as if Uncle Bob is helping her in the photo, but he just was perpetrating. She has many talents, but I would say that cooking is her best! (she'll probably not like the posted photo, but she really doesn't keep up with my blog, so she may or may not ever SEE it!!)

Well, I must go! We've had another GREAT day, but I am afraid that I can smell reality sneaking up on us!! We still have a LOT ahead of us when we return home to get ready for our next flock! Grammy is keeping Lilli for us, and Gra makes sure that she is loving her everyday. Who knows!! Maybe she'll want to invite her over for the weekends now!!!!!!!HAHAHAHA
Thanks for sharing a day in the life of the chicken farmer's wife!! Love to all!! Jerri

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Another great day!!

Well, it's 11:45, and I finally got today's pictures uploaded!! My feet are on ice, and my eyes are closing, but I wanted everyone to see today's fun!! Before I continue, I just wanted to let everyone reading know that I spoke with Tony earlier, and he said the the Harper children will hopefully get home this weekend. I will call Scott or April tomorrow and post about that tomorrow night. Please continue praying though, as it must be awful, having both of your kids so sick and being away from home!!

I have learned JUST how influential marketing tricks are!! We drove past a pizza place yesterday with a moose splattered all over a car, so guess where we decided to eat today!! You guessed it!! The Moose Jaw!! It was very neat, and the kids loved it. The atmosphere was excellent, and the pizza was VERY tasty!!

We went school shopping and today I did something that we have never done before. Instead of just buying the kids clothes, I decided to give them the amount of money that I would have spent, and let THEM buy the clothes. I was SOOOOO proud of them!! There were times that they may complain that their things weren't this brand or that, so I told them that this year, we were going to try something different. They could choose WHATEVER brand they wanted, but when their money was gone, their shopping. We went to Tanger, and went in every store they wanted. They both did a SUPER job, making wise choices, and I was SOOOO proud. It made ALL the difference, giving them the choice. It took forEVER, but it was SOOOO worth it!! I recommend this to EVERYONE to try at least once. (at least after they get old enough to start griping about brands!!) I would also like to add how appreciative that have both been about this trip. Now, don't get me wrong, they have had their shares of fussing, but they have been very thankful for all that we have done, and have made points to tell us so!! They are getting so BIG!!

After a long day, we decided to go go carting!! I assure you, that was a HIT!!! Graceson, unfortunately, wasn't tall enough to drive herself, and the only kids that were on the kiddie track looked about 5!! She rode with us, and they at least had steering wheels on her side too, so she "felt" like she was driving at least!! :)

To end a perfect day (after candy shopping at a store called "Goody goody gumdrops", we went and had ice cream at "Coldstone Creamery". I had "Dough"n't you want cookies, and HIGHLY recommend it!! WE all had various treats and all thought they were the best!! We came back to the room, the kids hit the pool, and now I hear snores all around!! The last picture on the slideshow, you will see Graceson, rolled up in her towel, lying in a corner. I am not quite sure why she chose that spot, but it is certainly precious!! I tried to move the slide show closer to this post, but I have found that when I use a lap top, I am as awkward using the thumb mouse, as a man with no legs on a pogo stick!! Hopefully, when I get home, I can figure out how to use more features, when I have a normal mouse back!!

Last but not least... I want to "holla" out to Kristi and Mom!! They both signed the guest book, and they were actually people that I knew read about us from time to time!! Thanks so much girls!! By the way Kristi, I think the smartest thing you have probably ever done, is cut down the tree!! Better safe... love you both for signing in!!

Have a GREAT night!! Tomorrow we are going to my favorite aunt's house, so I will get her picture so that you can meet "Beetle" too!! We are a LOT alike, and it was been suggested that SHE is actually my birth mother, and I was switched with her child, that actually came 4 years later, but that has not been proven yet... Sara, you and Ty have a GREAT date night tomorrow night!! Shanan, pass that test so we can go "cruisin'"!!

Thanks for sharing a day in the life of a chicken farmer's wife!! I hope everyone can go on a fun vacation soon!! Love to all!! Jerri

Monday, July 21, 2008

The perfect day...

What a GREAT day we have had today!! I only have a minute to write, because I am afraid that my battery will run out, and I forgot my cord at the house. Also, I don't think I know how to change words into fun colors, as I don't have a mouse here either... Other than THAT... I am posting on the request of my S-I-L, to see how our trip has been!!

Well, our day began last night!! Shane ended up going to bed around 3 pm, and I stayed up washing, packing, running to Wal-Mart and other errands. He got up around 9ish. He had some stuff to do for the chicken houses, and I was going to sleep in the car. We got off around 11. He assures me that I slept good, (I guess from the sounds I was making), but I insist that I didn't. I am sure that he will admit that every so often he would hit a bump, the interstate would be rough and cause tire noise, and I'd immediately ask if he was o.k., if he was sleepy, if I needed to drive, etc... If I was THAT sound, then I wouldn't have asked so quickly (I think>>>)

Around 5 am, he was beat, so he asked me to drive. I started driving and then he napped. While everyone in the car was resting, except for me of course, I noticed some unusual sites. It seems that there were several wind farms around here. I must wonder if "wind" is easier to raise than chickens!! HAHAHA Honestly, they were quite lovely, and if it is daylight when we drive back by them, I will take a picture!! A few hours later, we stopped for breakfast at IHOP, and he drove the last hour. We took a quick poll upon arrival, and decided that we would head to the water park.

It was a fairly overcast day in the beginning. I think that was a blessing, because it kept the lines down. It got sunnier as the day progressed, but the lines were really not too bad. I've posted pictures from today, and I have determined that I live with a school of fish!! Although Shane and I were BEAT from the beginning, we did our best to keep up with the kiddos. Gra made step for step, every one that Garrett made. She had no fear today. Garrett didn't either of course, but that is pretty typical for him. One of the pictures that I posted was of them on the "cliffhanger". It looked like a giant "U", and they would fall straight down one side of the slide, slide up the opposite side, and continue back and forth until they stopped in the middle. It was TERRIFYING to watch people do, but it was WORSE to see your BABIES on it!!! You'll see Garrett is at the top, because he is heavier, so she won't be slung out of it, and you can barely see her head at the bottom of the raft. Another of their favorites today, was a swing/sling that they swung out on from a high ledge. They rode it down, like a zip line, and then dropped into 11 feet of water. I think there are also a few pictures from the wave pool, and then of the place where we ate supper.

For supper, we ate at a place across the street from our hotel called "Crabby's". There is a picture you can see of Shane that I am calling "Look mom, no hands!!!" He was eating sushi at that particular moment, but it was an all you can eat buffet. Let me assure you, this man did NOT waste my money, and after the 4th trip, our waiter stopped coming around!! I also included a picture of the pirate that was near where we were seated. Everyone so often, these mechanical people would start singing or saying something. A little girl came in and sat behind us, and I heard her say, "Don't look now Carrie, but there is a PIRATE on the ceiling." Another little boy at the table beside us, was so scared of it, that he ate under his table on the floor, and used his chair as the table. I am pretty sure I wouldn't have let my kids sit on the floor, but that's just me!!!

I will have to say that when you are around people all day in bathing suits, you see MANY things!! Some of them should have really given more thought to their outfits. Some, should have given even MORE thought to their body art!! We saw a tattoo today on a woman's back that was the silhouette of a woman, all colored in, in black. She had a gun up to her head, and then on the back side of the head (I guess where she had shot, she had BIRDS flying away from it!!!) I would have tried to have gotten a picture, but she seemed like the kinda girl that may have shot me!! :)

Well, I am whooped, and I can't type another word. We are really having a GREAT time, (that is until the kids get together in the hotel room, and decide that they only like each other during the day!!) Wish you all were here, it's been a blast!! Who would have ever thought that having 49 water slides all in one park could be so much fun!!!! It's been a GREAT day in the life of a chicken farmer's wife!!! love to all!! Jerri (our pictures are at the bottom, right about the guest book)

Sunday, July 20, 2008

GET THIS!!! My MOM said to me today, "I went to your "blog" or whatever it is, and I see that you haven't written anything in a couple of days... How 'bout THAT (and I only missed yesterday, by the way)? My MOM has been reading this!!! SOOOO, a great big shout out goes to Hazel (she even mentioned that she LIKES reading it...) Also, while getting prepared to jot down a few things for this passage, I noticed that my good friend, Leslie signed the guestbook!! You're my FIRST!!! LOVE you for that!! Don't be skeered (yes, KY for SCARED), stop reading, go below RIGHT NOW, sign the guest book and come back and finish reading!! Please?!! Good!! It was really a fun surprise to see Leslie had been here. You see, I work with her, and we are officially "team" members now. I'm sure she won't be back after school starts, because she'll hear about what I'm writing before it ever makes the screen!!!

A note for all of you that are prayer warriors out there, my friends, Scott and April have both their babies at Vanderbilt right now. Please say a prayer for AK and Grant. They both have a bacterial infection of the kidneys. According to the email, a full recovery is expected with treatment, but I know it must be tough to have both your babies (1&4) in the hospital (they are in a the next room from each other, so I am sure they are both running back and forth all the time). He explained is was like e coli, that had settled in their kidneys, so just remember them!!

WELLLLLLLLLLLL, in case you didn't know, the Fowler household has been busily preparing for our trip to Wisconsin Dells tomorrow!!! Graceson and I had to go into town to go to Wal-Mart and take Lilli to the sitters. (Grammy) (see above, same as Hazel). SO, Shane hollers out to me on the way out the door, "You need to run the van through a car wash before you come home." OK, if there is someone out there that knows the answer, please feel free to share the wisdom of men with me. Evidently, he saw on a show or something, how a clean vehicle gets better gas mileage. OK, I am pretty sure that june bug and dragon fly, whose guts were all over the windshield, was cutting down on the aerodynamic edge of the van, and now with them being removed, that will surely add an extra 10 mpg, right? I did it, he'll be SOOO pleased when he gets up, but I just thought you'd enjoy that as much as I did!! Frankly, you would have thought that Gra and I were going to the carnival as excited as she was!! Oh the little things that entertain us all!! I will say that at one point, when the big brushes were spinning one way, and the water was spinning another, I hit the brakes, thinking we were moving. Of course, upon checking we were still in "park"!!

We had LOTS of things to get done prior to leaving. Shane wanted to get 2 houses "crusted" so we would only have 2 to go when we get home. I will tell you when you have chicken houses, you really must have a mental plan for everything for it all to flow!! Yesterday I was up several hours before him, and I was in the house scooping the litter. I had my headphones on, and may have been jamming a LITTLE. The key, when crusting, is to watch where you have been, more so, than where you are going. You have to be careful and not get anything caught in the machine that the tractor is pulling. You are traveling at a breakneck speed of approximately 1 mph (maybe we should get it washed and improve it's speed HAHA), so you could actually jump down, line dance a little, and get back up on it, before it travelled 10 feet. I was SANGIN" (that's a bit more of a bellow than singing) to "Can't Fight the Moonlight". In case you don't know what that song is, it is the theme song to "Coyote Ugly". (A little side note, every time I see that movie, it makes me want to be a coyote ugly dancer if speech ever doesn't work out...) Shane comes in to check on me and startles me a little. He asked if I was enjoying the song. It took me back several months when I MAY have been doing the same thing in my kitchen. I was cooking supper, and having a LARGE time dancing to whatever was on the TV at the time. I personally feel that you should be able to feel free to dance in whatever fashion that you choose in the privacy of your own home. I WAS alone, and I WAS cooking for my family. Shane, my favorite man, says to me, "So, when did Carlton Banks teach you to dance?" Even though that was REALLY funny, I had to let him think I was offended, because *I* can dance, (remember, if speech doesn't work out... see above...) In case you don't know Carlton, he's on "Fresh Prince of Bel-Aire". He's a black guy on the show, that dances VERY "white". So, if you ever get the chance, you may want to catch that on Nick at Nite or something, we love that show!! Also, I added the song that he always danced to at the bottom of my playlist, in case your memory needs refreshing!! :)

I called and wished my friend, Conley, "Happy 2nd Anniversary of her 1st decade". Can you guess how old that is? (It's the same as Garrett by the way). She will get to see her sweet cousins today, which also happen to be my favorite nieces!!!

Well, I have lots to do before I sleep, literally, so I will sign off for today!! I don't know if I can write from WI, but will try!! Have a GREAT Lord's day!! (By the way, did everyone see that Nicole and Keith named their daugher, "Sunday"? HELLO? The Addams Family is NOT where you should get name advice !) Thanks for sharing a day in the life of a chicken farmer's wife!! love to all!! Jerri

Friday, July 18, 2008

Bittersweet day...

Today has been exactly as the title suggests...bittersweet. Today at school, we learned that one of our 5th graders (going into 6th) was killed in Murphreesboro, TN, while visiting her grandmother. When something like this happens, it just makes you want to run to your babies, squeeze them until they can't breathe, and then never let them go, so that you can protect them from the world. Unfortunately, we can't. Oh, we can hug them tight, we can love them until it hurts, but we can't always protect them. As I laughed tonight with Garrett about something (Graceson is spending the night at Jenna's), I starting thinking about Lakeisha, and how her mom would never hear her laugh again. I teared up and had to leave for a second, not wanting to make Garrett sad. I laughed out loud, several times today, not even thinking, at that time, what this mom is going through right now. I just ask that if you are reading this, to stop for a moment and say a prayer for this family. Pray not only for that momma, but also for all of her siblings, her grandmother where she was staying, her friends, that will have trouble understanding as 5th graders how something like this could happen, and finally, for the man that hit her. You know that he didn't set out that day thinking that his life would be eternally changed by the time that he got home...

Aside from my crying spells here and yon through the day, it turned out to be a great day. I went back to the foot doctor, and he made molds for my shoes. I also learned today, that people seem to feel obligated to make conversation with those around them when they are sharing the same problem, or at least the same doctor. I must chalk it up to "having one of those faces" because a woman heard me talking to a girl and heard me say that I hoped I was to be seen next, as I had a meeting at 1 at school. When the office had emptied to just the 2 of us, she said, "So, since you work in the school system, can you tell me why bus drivers are allowed to take their buses home?" What? I'm just pleased to get home at the end of the day, and to have found where I parked the car. I can HONESTLY say that I have never given a SECOND's worth of time to that topic. She proceeded to tell me how many times she has seen people shopping in Wal-Mart in their bus, etc. When I suggested maybe they were getting a LOT of stuff, she was not amused. There is a particularly vivid memory I have while I was in Wal-Mart, when a random man in line started talking to me. Now, don't get me wrong, I certainly try to be kind to strangers, but this was a little MUCH if you know what I mean. He told me, "I see you got them Wal-Mart checks". (I had various colors of happy faces all over the checks at the time) This particular gentleman also reminded me of Larry, Darrell, and Darrell from The Bob Newhart Show. I just sort of smiled, and tried to step a little bit closer to the belt. He then continued and said, "Are them checks JUST for Wal-Mart, or do you use them at Kroger too?" I said, "Sir?" He said, "You know... them FALLIN' prices... they have smileys all over 'em" I told him thanks and to go ahead and get ahead of me, I had forgotten something, and RAN to the other end of the check out counters!! People just seem to seek me out, knowing that I will talk to them! (Imagine that!)

For the orthotics that were made for me today, the nurse had me stand on a VERY hot piece of plastic. (there was some sort of pad between the pad and my foot) She set it up how she liked, and then told me to stay there she'd be back in a moment. Well, when I could no longer stand it, and felt as though I was getting the mold made from lava, I hollered from my closed exam room "EXCUSE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can I get off of this pad? My feet are BLISTERING!!!!!!!!!!" She proceeded to shout back "OH YES!! I FORGOT YOU!!!" Thanks, Nurse Ratchet... I'll build up an hour a day, wearing these, until it is all the time!!

I ended up being late for the meeting, but it was a good meeting nonetheless. I do dread starting school again, but not because of the people or the kids, just the getting back into routine, and not having the option of fixing your hair or not, putting on make-up or not, staying in pj's until 10 or not, grocery shopping at 10, or 12, or NOT!!! We will again make the adjustment, it's just making it!!

Well, I am spent. After the meeting, I came home and got on the tractor for a little bit waiting for supper that was in the oven. It was minute steak and gravy, NOT to be confused with blackberry mush!!!! Shane and Ted did a GREAT job on the sidewalks!!! Have a great day, and thanks for sharing a day in the life of a chicken farmer's wife!! love to all! Jerri

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Hillary Dance...

OK, I know that you have ALL done this before, but today, the kids and I had a GREAT chuckle over it!! I think it is funnier when it is "someone else" that when it is actually your OWN faux pas. Today, the kids and I are on our way to town for Gra to get a haircut and Garrett to go to football. Garrett is OFFICIALLY big enough to sit in the front seat, although if it were up to ME, since the airbag warning says "12 and under are safer in the backseat", I'd keep him there, even though he DOES weigh more than many adults... but I digress...

We are jamming on the way to town, and a song comes on the radio. One of the kids told me to turn it up, and we are all singing up a storm. The song that is on the radio is "Every Day" by Rascal Flatts. (I added a snippet of it to the playlist so you can hear what SHE was hearing) In Gra's big voice, from her little body, she is belting out "Hillary dance, Hillary dance, Hillary dance, you see, my love!!!" I ask her was she making up her own words and using this tune. She said that she was just singing along with the singer. At this time, we are ALL rolling, INCLUDING GRA. The song, in case you don't know it, is "Every day, every day. Every day, you save, my life". So, the NEXT time you are listening to the radio, and this song comes on, I challenge you NOT to think of "Hillary Dance"!!

Garrett had a MUCH better practice today. I posted a picture of him hitting a dummy. I know NOTHING about what he does during practice, but I do try to watch it all, so that when he questions if I saw "blah blah blah" the I can always assure him I have!!!

I am really starting to enjoy blogging. I REALLY like reading everyone elses!!! I was on the tractor today, shovelling poo, thinking about what my topic might be tonight (now how many of YOU can say that's what YOU were doing when you were in deep thought -no pun intended!!). I did check my email today,after shovelling, and discovered something. If my "real job" (an SLP) doesn't ever work out, I have SOOOO many options. According to my HUNDREDS of emails, someone is looking for me for a class reunion. There is a great need for academic college counsellors in Crofton. I have almost 1 million dollars saved for me in various gift cards of $100 denominations each. I am about to drop 100 lbs. by drinking a miracle concoction of acai fruit, and it is waiting for me to try for free!! I have been recommended to become a CSI/forensics specialist in my area, and they are BEGGING me to become a secret shopper. There are LOTS of hot, Christian singles looking for me, and I can start today, typing from home, and making $1500 per week. NOW... is it just me, or am I in demand? WHAT? SURELY all of you get these spams too, and I must wonder how they get to me/us? I didn't sign up at the Hot Christian Network . com, and they didn't spam me from those times I googled their site.... (that was a joke, in case you can't judge the inflection of my voice that you can't hear) I'm 100% sure that I have never seen that adjective describe that noun...

SOOOOO, as summer is QUICKLY screeching to a halt, I guess I only need to go as far as my spam folder to find out what I can do to become a millionaire and then be able to blog all day if I wanted!!! I am also equally as certain, that if I COULD make $1500 typing from home, those people wouldn't be seeking me out, I'd be the one searching for THEM!!!

Tomorrow I hope to post pictures of something VERY boring to you, but THRILLING to me!! My WONDERFUL main squeeze, the chicken farmer, has been forming up SIDEWALKS FOR US!! YIPPEE!! That makes me as happy as those $1,000,000 in gifts I have waiting on me somewhere!!! I'll try to get a picture of him too, sporting the "do rag" that is a fashion NECESSITY, here on the chicken ranch...

Have a great evening, and thanks for sharing a day in the life of a chicken farmer's wife!! love to all!! Jerri

Hair today-gone tomorrow!!

Garrett at practice

Graceson before her haircut

Garrett after his cut. We had to make him! I
didn't have the camera for a before shot...

Gra's after shot!!

A great day!!!

I could not type one more word today until I showered. You KNOW you are stanking (that is worse that stinking with an "I") when you can smell yourself!! I had a full day today and didn't REALLY do too much at all!! A friend of mine and I were going to take pictures for her husband's business. I'll tell you all about that in a minute. I get up, get ready and am on my way out, when Shane, tells me that his friend Jonathan has given him a great big box of BLACKBERRIES (thanks Jonathan)!!! He asked if I'd mind throwing them on the stove for him, before I left. Sure, no problem, that won't take but a second. "Since your fixing that, can you tell me how to make biscuits to go with it too?" Of course, I hate to tell him no, so 30 minutes after I fixed the dough and got the berries ready, I was on my way out. The family had something they call "blackberry mush". I'd tell you that it is a local fare, but I'd be more accurate to say that it is some that Shane had as a youngster, and brought his love for it to our marriage. It is actually something like a blackberry gravy (no sausage or milk involved), just blackberries cooked down with butter and sugar, thickened, and then poured atop homemade biscuits with butter. If you could see the size of my rear end, you'd know that I am no stranger to gravy. Whether it is chocolate gravy or sausage gravy, we have it, and we LOVE it!! Anyway, on to my day... and before I say one more thing, you will be pleased to know that the pool pump is OFF, and I went BRAVELY into the garage to do it, I have decided I am made of gun powder and lead, and no little bat can scare ME!!! (Either that, or none were in the garage tonight...)

SOOOO, back to Theresa. She is a very good friend of mine, and her husband, Johnny, has an appraisal/realtor/rental business. (If you need any of those things, I can hook you up with them). Anyway, Theresa helps him out by getting pictures for him. He has stacks of houses, either bought or sold, or comps for appraisals, that he needs photos of, to match the address of, to go in his book.

I have had this discussion with a lot of my friends, but now I will have it with you. I believe that you have many friends, and they meet many needs. I feel like I have a tender heart, and I cry fairly easily, so if you ever want sympathy, I'm that girl. Now, Theresa plays tennis, she'd NEVER call me to play tennis, but she'd call our friend Beth. Now, Beth can do yard work like a champion, and although I called her to help me with my pool rock, I'd NEVER call Theresa. See what I mean? Well, I feel like that one of my reasons and seasons for Theresa is back/country road knowledge. Who would have ever thought that this was a gift or could meet a need? Now, don't worry, because what I am about to say, I know Theresa will read, so I am not talking about her behind her back, and we may have had this discussion in the 7 hours that we spent together today. I'm not sure if I have this "feel" for back roads because I've lived here my entire life, or from my retired trooper dh stories, or what, but alas, I do. SOOOO, she had a STACK of addresses that we needed to get pictures of and we were OFF!!

We went in their old jeep, with the top off, to get good clear pictures, and a tan to boot. Well, my redness would indicate that I should've used a little SPF, but that is done. We went to MANY places that I am pretty sure that you couldn't get to from here!! At one point, I thought we were in Ober, Gatlinburg, with the view, and I never knew it existed!! The most exciting part of today's adventures was T's driving. OH MY!! Now, I know how she drives in her suburban, but put her in a stick shift, grinding til finding, out in the country, with nothing between you and the country but a few bars, and SHOOOOOEEEEEE!! It's all good, just make sure you're prayed up!! :o) (you KNOW I LOVE YOU T!!!) Our last trip we remembered the handy dandy toilet paper, but today we forgot, so we had to stop at my friend, Nina Kay's, who lives out in the country that we were patrolling at the time!! Thanks NK!!!

Today really wasn't too eventful, but last time, there were moments we were a bit skeered. (yes, that is KY speak for VERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRY NERVOUS). We were in the middle of nowhere, and the only way to get a picture of this house, was to pull into the driveway, and drive up closer. Have you ever seen the '70's flick, called "Deliverance"? I am pretty sure if we had turned off the vehicle, we would have heard sounds of a banjo... Can you say Meth lab? The FBI calls it a clue, when there is a rifle leaning up against the rocking chair on the porch, that you BETTER get out of dodge, and just draw a picture of what you'd like that trailer to look like (nothing against trailers here). Then once, we get to a house, I take the picture, and she doesn't like it, it's too blurry. I take it again, and the jeep mirror is in it. THIRD time, and the man comes running out at us and I start screaming and she peals out!! All in all, it was a GREAT day of catching up and hanging out, and we got a few glimpses of how beautiful our county is as well as solving all of the world's problems in the time we had!! I'll also tell you something else!! My feet didn't hurt at ALL today!! Now, whether it was because I was off of them all day, or because they are better, I'll take it!!!! Friday I go to get molds for my shoes, and I almost feel like I could cancel, but the "read the book" side of my brain says not to!!

Graceson worked very hard today in the chickens, because she is wanting to earn money for our trip to Wisconsin Dells. She doesn't understand why Bubby has so much more than her, even though he goes up 10x more that she does per week!! Garrett also wanted me to be sure and mention his haircut when I posted his picture, but after I looked at it, you can't really see it in the picture because it is too dark!! He got it cut REALLY short (I'm talking buzz here), for football. Maybe my next picture will be better!!

Well, I have to go to bed!! I can hear Shane snoring, and I had to get tired enough to go to sleep over the sound!! Have a great rest of the week, and thanks for reading about a day in the life of the chicken farmer's wife!! love to all!! Jerri

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

5 Stages-Where are you?

I wanted to share this while it was on my mind. Tonight in church, our youth pastor shared the 5 stages that we find our lives in, and he challenged us to find out where we were, and work on it. I plan on working on some things I need to change in the stage I am in, and encourage you to do the same!! Are you in 1 of these 5 places? Rescue, Relief, Requirement, Refusal, or Renewal
Rescue- when you need salvation. You haven't accepted Christ. If you are here, I'd love to talk to you about it.
Relief- this is forgiveness. You were given it by God, but are you willing to forgive everyone else? EVERYONE
Requirement - trust. Do you TRUST in God, or rely on yourself?
Refusal - This is about will. You know what God wants you to do, but are you refusing to do it?
Renewal - This is turning back to God. You've burnout, and aren't where you should be. Tonight Bill said to stop doing it FOR God, and allow GOD to do it THROUGH you...
I find that when I pray, I tend to pray and while doing so, tell God how I think it should be done. You know, "God, please heal so and so and take away their _____ and whatever else I think needs to happen" I need to be better about praying for His will, than for my wishes..., so I think my struggle would be in the requirement area, right now.
I just thought I'd like to share that tonight and give you a little something to think about!! A day in the life, of the chicken farmer's wife!! Love to all!! Jerri

My camera came!!!

It's been a GREAT day!! My camera came, and I let it charge for about 90 seconds, so I could put the battery in and see if I could "figure out" how to take a picture!! (Does that sound EXACTLY like what one of my kids would say? Uh, YES...) Honestly, I am one of those "read the book from front to back" kinda girl, whereas Shane just takes out all of the pieces and "figures it out". (Always with a few left over, however...) Anyway, I have a LOT to say about my day, but I just had to hurry up and get the picture posted of Garrett, so he would not think I prefer either of my children. OK, stop reading RIGHT now, and scroll down to see my handsome son, and then you can read the rest... Have you looked? Good!! He is holding the 4 1/2 lb princess known as Lilli. I will post more pictures of both kids now that I have my MeMaw camera!! I plan on showing you more about chickens here and there too!! Also, Garrett wanted me to crop the picture so it would be a closer shot of him. I didn't for a couple of reasons. The first and most important reason, is that I don't know HOW to do that. The SECOND reason, is that I wanted you to see how pretty the sky was at this time of night. The moon was completely up (it is full tonight), but the sun had not committed to being completely set, and the colors were grand. Just thought you'd like to see what it looks like in this edge of the country!! I will write more later!! Love to all!! Jerri
P.S. Shanan, are you happy? I got Garrett's picture up as soon as I got home!! love you!

Holy Canoli Batman!!

This is what I learned today... Big does not necessarily equal tough! What am I talking about? I will explain. I went into the garage tonight to turn off the pool pump. Is this scary? NO Have I done it a million times? YES Did something happen tonight? OH YEAH>>> I was chased in the house by a bat. A bat? Yep, bat! Do I mean, a man swinging a bat? NOPE, I mean, the little flying mammal, that looks like a mouse, with wings... I have an aunt who SWEARS that she'd rather have a bat in her hair than a tick on her. NEGATIVE, I can now conclusively say, "Bring on the tick!!"

When I went outside, the light in the garage was on. Nothing new, Shane had gone up to the chicken houses, (they are catching 2 houses tonight). I am on my way down the stairs, and there in the corner of the garage, hanging upside down at the very top of the ceiling is a bat, I assume nesting for the night, or whatever they do. No problem, isn't it cute? I mean, how handy, since he had probably already eaten 1000 mosquitoes, and is so much more productive than a bird! Well, it seems that he brought his people with him, or whatever a bat family is called. There flying around the garage at lightning speed is his partner (we'll call him Robin). So, the one guy is at the top of the garage, is bothering no one, and his presence is not so bothersome. Robin however, is swooping and circling the top of the garage, near the fluorescent lights. I have always heard that a bat's radar is marvy, and they NEVER hit things because of that sonar (I think that is the word instead of radar). I now have proof that this information is FALSE!! ROBIN flies DIRECTLY into the wall, I mean KERSPLAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH MY!! Of course, I wasn't going to TOUCH him, but I knew that he had just committed suicide, and I wanted to see what a bat looked like up close. He had hit the wall, and then slid down it and came to rest behind a bicycle.

Since I had to turn the pump off anyway (remember the pool?) and he was right in the area, I went over. When I did, Robin RUNS AT ME!!! He didn't fly, he didn't screech, and since we know the term "blind as a bat", I can assume that he didn't know he was, but at the time, I wasn't thinking as much!!!!!!!!!! I screamed, almost killed myself getting back to the steps (remember my feet?) and never did turn the pump off. I've got a pattern for bat boxes if anyone needs it. At one time, I thought it'd be great to make some. I've changed my mind...

If you remember, Garrett had an appt. today for his sports' physical!! He is stepping in at 5 ft. 1"! Long gone are the days when he was 19 1/2 " long!!! Dr. Khan cleared him for anything he wanted to play. He had practice from 4-6, and from what I hear, it was a bad day. The heat, lack of practice since last football season, etc., made for a sick boy. He was better after he got home, but I am pretty sure he'll be sore tomorrow!! I'll be posting a current picture just as soon as I get MeMaw's camera!! I checked the UPS site, and it says its delivery is on schedule!!

Well, you have a great night! I MUST go to bed, I just wanted to share a day in the life of a chicken farmer's wife!! Love to all!!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Tomorrow is the day!!!

It is 11:00 here and all is silent. Lilli is lying beside me (the 4 1/2 lb. princess) and the rest of the family is in the bed! We swam today, and the sun just wore the natives out!!! There is not a tv on in the house!!! Tomorrow is the big day... FOOTBALL PRACTICE begins!!! It actually started today, but Garrett could not go because he didn't have a current physical. His appointment is for tomorrow at 9:15, and then he should be good to go!! I've had this appt for weeks, and it was the first one available, so I am guessing that all sports have to have physicals, before they'll allow participation. It will be a week of practice and then VACATION!!!! It's good to have all of my family back home!!

I won my bid on Ebay for a new camera, so I am hoping to have lots of pictures to share!! I got a small one that will fit in my purse, so I feel like if it is handy, I will use it more!! Shane's grandmother, MeMaw, died the Wednesday before my birthday that following Sunday in May. She had fixed a birthday card for me, and enclosed some money the day before she died. I had decided that I was just going to keep the money, since it was her last gift. It wasn't until this past week that it occurred to me that MeMaw would have NEVER wanted me to KEEP the money. She had MUCH rather me use it to buy a camera, and take pictures of Garrett, who is "getting so handsome", or Graceson, who is "getting prettier every time I see her". Thanks MeMaw!! I will take pictures of these babies with the gift you didn't know that you got me. We miss you every day...

I'm hoping tomorrow to get my "feet back". I thought they hurt before, but I was wrong. I think the older I get, the more I appreciate body parts if that makes any sense!!! I have also learned, that if these braces that I am wearing will work, I would consider wearing them to PROM!!!!

Well, I've got a few things to do before I hit the hay!! I'm not one of those moms that can't sleep if I know that dishes are in the sink or anything, but I still have some things that MUST be done!! Have a great week!! Jerri

Saturday, July 12, 2008


I guess the best way to start a blog is to start blogging!! I tried to add a slide show of Graceson from horse camp, but I just added my favorite picture from there, because I didn't know how to! I will learn!! My boys got back from Student Life Camp yesterday. I was SOOOOO glad to get them home! I was "in charge" of the "chicken ranch" for the week. To let you know JUST how happy I was to have them home, I'll review my week!! I couldn't keep the pumps running efficiently, so after calling Shane in Ohio, and having a meltdown, he instructed me to get the Co. Water Dept. down. I did and that was fixed!! THEN, I had a motor go out in House 2, thus indicating a trip to get a new feed motor, then one of Shane's electrician friends to come and fix it!! FINALLY, FRIDAY... they'll be here, nothing to worry about now, RIGHT? When I drove up first thing to give it a last look over, water is ROLLING out from under the door. I open it, and stepped into water, that was above my ankles. A filter had exploded. NICE.. I bypassed that line, and started dragging out off of the tools that are likely ruined... the drill... the blower...etc. I had to get to town, I had an appt. at the podiatrist. God knew what He was doing when this appointment was set up for the day they came home. If I had gone while they were gone, the chickens would have been worse off than they HAD been all week. I got shots in each heel, and braces on my feet, and he told me that I may be able to walk again starting Sunday. That's TOMORROW, so I am THRILLED!! I am moving now without actual tears, so I know that is a good sign!!! THAT is just a TASTE in the life of "A Wing & A Prayer". In case you were wondering why I chose that name, it is because that is the name of our farm. Before we were able to sign the contracts to be chicken farmers, we had to come up with a name. Well, thanks for reading! I hope to hear from everyone soon!!

Slow Fade

Mooses and go carts - OH MY

Our GREAT day @ the H2O Park!!

Patti's pix

Graceson at horse camp - June '08

My football fella, holding the 4 1/2 lb princess, Lilli

My football fella, holding the 4 1/2 lb princess, Lilli

Please let me know you're here!!