Well, it's 11:45, and I finally got today's pictures uploaded!! My feet are on ice, and my eyes are closing, but I wanted everyone to see today's fun!! Before I continue, I just wanted to let everyone reading know that I spoke with Tony earlier, and he said the the Harper children will hopefully get home this weekend. I will call Scott or April tomorrow and post about that tomorrow night. Please continue praying though, as it must be awful, having both of your kids so sick and being away from home!!
I have learned JUST how influential marketing tricks are!! We drove past a pizza place yesterday with a moose splattered all over a car, so guess where we decided to eat today!! You guessed it!! The Moose Jaw!! It was very neat, and the kids loved it. The atmosphere was excellent, and the pizza was VERY tasty!!
We went school shopping and today I did something that we have never done before. Instead of just buying the kids clothes, I decided to give them the amount of money that I would have spent, and let THEM buy the clothes. I was SOOOOO proud of them!! There were times that they may complain that their things weren't this brand or that, so I told them that this year, we were going to try something different. They could choose WHATEVER brand they wanted, but when their money was gone, their shopping. We went to Tanger, and went in every store they wanted. They both did a SUPER job, making wise choices, and I was SOOOO proud. It made ALL the difference, giving them the choice. It took forEVER, but it was SOOOO worth it!! I recommend this to EVERYONE to try at least once. (at least after they get old enough to start griping about brands!!) I would also like to add how appreciative that have both been about this trip. Now, don't get me wrong, they have had their shares of fussing, but they have been very thankful for all that we have done, and have made points to tell us so!! They are getting so BIG!!
After a long day, we decided to go go carting!! I assure you, that was a HIT!!! Graceson, unfortunately, wasn't tall enough to drive herself, and the only kids that were on the kiddie track looked about 5!! She rode with us, and they at least had steering wheels on her side too, so she "felt" like she was driving at least!! :)
To end a perfect day (after candy shopping at a store called "Goody goody gumdrops", we went and had ice cream at "Coldstone Creamery". I had "Dough"n't you want cookies, and HIGHLY recommend it!! WE all had various treats and all thought they were the best!! We came back to the room, the kids hit the pool, and now I hear snores all around!! The last picture on the slideshow, you will see Graceson, rolled up in her towel, lying in a corner. I am not quite sure why she chose that spot, but it is certainly precious!! I tried to move the slide show closer to this post, but I have found that when I use a lap top, I am as awkward using the thumb mouse, as a man with no legs on a pogo stick!! Hopefully, when I get home, I can figure out how to use more features, when I have a normal mouse back!!
Last but not least... I want to "holla" out to Kristi and Mom!! They both signed the guest book, and they were actually people that I knew read about us from time to time!! Thanks so much girls!! By the way Kristi, I think the smartest thing you have probably ever done, is cut down the tree!! Better safe... love you both for signing in!!
Have a GREAT night!! Tomorrow we are going to my favorite aunt's house, so I will get her picture so that you can meet "Beetle" too!! We are a LOT alike, and it was been suggested that SHE is actually my birth mother, and I was switched with her child, that actually came 4 years later, but that has not been proven yet... Sara, you and Ty have a GREAT date night tomorrow night!! Shanan, pass that test so we can go "cruisin'"!!
Thanks for sharing a day in the life of a chicken farmer's wife!! I hope everyone can go on a fun vacation soon!! Love to all!! Jerri
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
Thanks for the "shout out". Kelly got through court today and will travel soon...Praise God!! Glad you had a great trip..looks awesome!! Ps. my kids aren't old enough to complain about clothes yet...I know it will be here soon though. kj
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