Before I write anything that is not important, I just want to give a great big yell out to my favorite aunt in the whole wide world, that signed in the guest book!! I LOVE it when I little red pin is added to the map, and I would love it if you went and signed in RIGHT NOW, if you haven't already. A dear friend of mine, who I also entrust my first born with everyday to go to school with, just learned about the blog tonight. Paige, if you are reading right now, don't go any further until you sign it, k? Also, I know that I am a dork, but for those of you who know me, you are not surprised by that revelation. For those of you that are reading and DON'T know me, I am guessing that you know that too, but for whatever reason, I decided to add a little video clip below that applies to our lives!! If you feel so led to, please feel free to watch the video below!!
OK, today was my first inservice day, and I came home sort of tired, sort of ill, from just knowing that it was right around the corner that I'd be having to get up at 5 a.m. everyday. I also have been fighting a headache all day. Well, tonight at 9, I decided that I couldn't fight it anymore, so I took some Excedrin. NOT SMART, I know, but my head refused to let up! SOOO, I get in the bed, my heart racing, my head starting to ease up, my feet at complete ATTENTION (pointed more towards my nose than the sky with the braces I am having to wear on them) and Graceson starts coughing. I can hear her over the humidifier and I am downstairs, so I just decide to get up, and fire up the laptop. You don't realize how slow it is, so I figure by the time I am done and this is posted, her coughing spell will have subsided!! Today was the magic day that her pediatrician said if she wasn't better, then he wanted me to bring her in for an x-ray to make certain that she does not have pneumonia. She says she is "feeling" better, so I decide not to take her. I hope I made the right mama decision. I have 4 days before it is the weekend again, so I am praying diligently that this cough leaves her ASAP!! I am not sure who told me that water temperature+air temp has nothing to do with your health and wellness, but I am going to have to disagree. I am no Dr. Seuss or Dr. Ruth, but I do know that my whole family is sick (except for me), coughing up what could be a lung if they aren't careful, and the water temperature in the Dells was no higher than 67. Now THAT, my friends, is COLD!! If you'll think about your body temp being over 98, I just felt like we were ALL a special kind of stupid for being IN the water all day in Wisconsin, but it was so fun, that I know we all think it was worth it!! Next year, I will hopefully find a destination that is a little more south of CANADA!!
So that you don't say that you read this for an hour and learned nothing from it, I thought I'd tell y'all that you know someone famous. In case you don't know who I am talking about, I will let you know. It's me!!!!! OK, really, I am only famous in my own mind, but isn't that enough? I mean, in my own mind, I think I'm an anorexic in remission, even though I'd forget my own name before I'd ever forget to eat! (and I am being serious here, although I am in no way trying to offend anyone that may have dealt with this condition-I am just the extreme other end of that spectrum) But I digress... SOOOOO, last year the queen came to KY to watch the derby. While here, the governor's chefs decided to fix her local fare that had all been grown within the state. Do you know where this is going? YEP!! You guessed it!! They fixed her Perdue chicken!! Well, how in the WORLD could we think it came from OUR farm? I will tell you! Each flock is on a "kill" schedule, so that all of them are not in processing at the same time. So farms a and b may go in on Mon/Tues, and c and d go in on Wed/Thurs, etc... They served her Perdue chicken that had gone to processing the previous weekend, and they chose meat that was APF (which means animal protein free). GUESS WHO had APF birds, go in for that weekend kill?!?!?! YEP!! If you want my autograph or Shane's, it will cost ya, because you may someday want to sell it on Ebay, but it can be arranged!! :o)
I think my sweet baby girl has stopped coughing, so hopefully I can fall asleep now. Today at the inservice we had to write a poem and she scripted how she wanted it written, so I will share my goofy one tomorrow. (It was about chickens. See how it consumes my thoughts?) This weekend we are getting new babies, so I am going to try and take a picture every few days, to show you how things progress here on the chicken farm. I gained SUCH a new respect for what Shane does for our family the week he and Garrett were gone to camp. I'll do it again next year for him so that he'll get to go, because I know he wouldn't hesitate to do it for me, but I think it may be like childbirth, it takes you a little time to forget!! :) Love to all and thanks for sharing a day in the life of the chicken farmer's wife!! JA
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
ok, so I have an awful cold right now too...none of my kids have it yet, but I'm sooooo snotty. yuck!! I'm losing my voice...atleast I can still type, ha.kj
Man, you're good!! I love the 309 stuff...I hadn't even thought of that...that's why you're still helping kids and I haven't taught in brain doesn't work on an adult level anymore...too much caffeine and Barney over the years, ha, kj
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