Sunday, July 20, 2008

GET THIS!!! My MOM said to me today, "I went to your "blog" or whatever it is, and I see that you haven't written anything in a couple of days... How 'bout THAT (and I only missed yesterday, by the way)? My MOM has been reading this!!! SOOOO, a great big shout out goes to Hazel (she even mentioned that she LIKES reading it...) Also, while getting prepared to jot down a few things for this passage, I noticed that my good friend, Leslie signed the guestbook!! You're my FIRST!!! LOVE you for that!! Don't be skeered (yes, KY for SCARED), stop reading, go below RIGHT NOW, sign the guest book and come back and finish reading!! Please?!! Good!! It was really a fun surprise to see Leslie had been here. You see, I work with her, and we are officially "team" members now. I'm sure she won't be back after school starts, because she'll hear about what I'm writing before it ever makes the screen!!!

A note for all of you that are prayer warriors out there, my friends, Scott and April have both their babies at Vanderbilt right now. Please say a prayer for AK and Grant. They both have a bacterial infection of the kidneys. According to the email, a full recovery is expected with treatment, but I know it must be tough to have both your babies (1&4) in the hospital (they are in a the next room from each other, so I am sure they are both running back and forth all the time). He explained is was like e coli, that had settled in their kidneys, so just remember them!!

WELLLLLLLLLLLL, in case you didn't know, the Fowler household has been busily preparing for our trip to Wisconsin Dells tomorrow!!! Graceson and I had to go into town to go to Wal-Mart and take Lilli to the sitters. (Grammy) (see above, same as Hazel). SO, Shane hollers out to me on the way out the door, "You need to run the van through a car wash before you come home." OK, if there is someone out there that knows the answer, please feel free to share the wisdom of men with me. Evidently, he saw on a show or something, how a clean vehicle gets better gas mileage. OK, I am pretty sure that june bug and dragon fly, whose guts were all over the windshield, was cutting down on the aerodynamic edge of the van, and now with them being removed, that will surely add an extra 10 mpg, right? I did it, he'll be SOOO pleased when he gets up, but I just thought you'd enjoy that as much as I did!! Frankly, you would have thought that Gra and I were going to the carnival as excited as she was!! Oh the little things that entertain us all!! I will say that at one point, when the big brushes were spinning one way, and the water was spinning another, I hit the brakes, thinking we were moving. Of course, upon checking we were still in "park"!!

We had LOTS of things to get done prior to leaving. Shane wanted to get 2 houses "crusted" so we would only have 2 to go when we get home. I will tell you when you have chicken houses, you really must have a mental plan for everything for it all to flow!! Yesterday I was up several hours before him, and I was in the house scooping the litter. I had my headphones on, and may have been jamming a LITTLE. The key, when crusting, is to watch where you have been, more so, than where you are going. You have to be careful and not get anything caught in the machine that the tractor is pulling. You are traveling at a breakneck speed of approximately 1 mph (maybe we should get it washed and improve it's speed HAHA), so you could actually jump down, line dance a little, and get back up on it, before it travelled 10 feet. I was SANGIN" (that's a bit more of a bellow than singing) to "Can't Fight the Moonlight". In case you don't know what that song is, it is the theme song to "Coyote Ugly". (A little side note, every time I see that movie, it makes me want to be a coyote ugly dancer if speech ever doesn't work out...) Shane comes in to check on me and startles me a little. He asked if I was enjoying the song. It took me back several months when I MAY have been doing the same thing in my kitchen. I was cooking supper, and having a LARGE time dancing to whatever was on the TV at the time. I personally feel that you should be able to feel free to dance in whatever fashion that you choose in the privacy of your own home. I WAS alone, and I WAS cooking for my family. Shane, my favorite man, says to me, "So, when did Carlton Banks teach you to dance?" Even though that was REALLY funny, I had to let him think I was offended, because *I* can dance, (remember, if speech doesn't work out... see above...) In case you don't know Carlton, he's on "Fresh Prince of Bel-Aire". He's a black guy on the show, that dances VERY "white". So, if you ever get the chance, you may want to catch that on Nick at Nite or something, we love that show!! Also, I added the song that he always danced to at the bottom of my playlist, in case your memory needs refreshing!! :)

I called and wished my friend, Conley, "Happy 2nd Anniversary of her 1st decade". Can you guess how old that is? (It's the same as Garrett by the way). She will get to see her sweet cousins today, which also happen to be my favorite nieces!!!

Well, I have lots to do before I sleep, literally, so I will sign off for today!! I don't know if I can write from WI, but will try!! Have a GREAT Lord's day!! (By the way, did everyone see that Nicole and Keith named their daugher, "Sunday"? HELLO? The Addams Family is NOT where you should get name advice !) Thanks for sharing a day in the life of a chicken farmer's wife!! love to all!! Jerri


Shanan said...

Hope you are having fun in Wisconsin. We want to know if you slid down all 49 waterslides!!! Wish you were here hanging in Texas with us too.
Sara and Shan

Slow Fade

Mooses and go carts - OH MY

Our GREAT day @ the H2O Park!!

Patti's pix

Graceson at horse camp - June '08

My football fella, holding the 4 1/2 lb princess, Lilli

My football fella, holding the 4 1/2 lb princess, Lilli

Please let me know you're here!!