It's been a GREAT day!! My camera came, and I let it charge for about 90 seconds, so I could put the battery in and see if I could "figure out" how to take a picture!! (Does that sound EXACTLY like what one of my kids would say? Uh, YES...) Honestly, I am one of those "read the book from front to back" kinda girl, whereas Shane just takes out all of the pieces and "figures it out". (Always with a few left over, however...) Anyway, I have a LOT to say about my day, but I just had to hurry up and get the picture posted of Garrett, so he would not think I prefer either of my children. OK, stop reading RIGHT now, and scroll down to see my handsome son, and then you can read the rest... Have you looked? Good!! He is holding the 4 1/2 lb princess known as Lilli. I will post more pictures of both kids now that I have my MeMaw camera!! I plan on showing you more about chickens here and there too!! Also, Garrett wanted me to crop the picture so it would be a closer shot of him. I didn't for a couple of reasons. The first and most important reason, is that I don't know HOW to do that. The SECOND reason, is that I wanted you to see how pretty the sky was at this time of night. The moon was completely up (it is full tonight), but the sun had not committed to being completely set, and the colors were grand. Just thought you'd like to see what it looks like in this edge of the country!! I will write more later!! Love to all!! Jerri
P.S. Shanan, are you happy? I got Garrett's picture up as soon as I got home!! love you!
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
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