Today has been exactly as the title suggests...bittersweet. Today at school, we learned that one of our 5th graders (going into 6th) was killed in Murphreesboro, TN, while visiting her grandmother. When something like this happens, it just makes you want to run to your babies, squeeze them until they can't breathe, and then never let them go, so that you can protect them from the world. Unfortunately, we can't. Oh, we can hug them tight, we can love them until it hurts, but we can't always protect them. As I laughed tonight with Garrett about something (Graceson is spending the night at Jenna's), I starting thinking about Lakeisha, and how her mom would never hear her laugh again. I teared up and had to leave for a second, not wanting to make Garrett sad. I laughed out loud, several times today, not even thinking, at that time, what this mom is going through right now. I just ask that if you are reading this, to stop for a moment and say a prayer for this family. Pray not only for that momma, but also for all of her siblings, her grandmother where she was staying, her friends, that will have trouble understanding as 5th graders how something like this could happen, and finally, for the man that hit her. You know that he didn't set out that day thinking that his life would be eternally changed by the time that he got home...
Aside from my crying spells here and yon through the day, it turned out to be a great day. I went back to the foot doctor, and he made molds for my shoes. I also learned today, that people seem to feel obligated to make conversation with those around them when they are sharing the same problem, or at least the same doctor. I must chalk it up to "having one of those faces" because a woman heard me talking to a girl and heard me say that I hoped I was to be seen next, as I had a meeting at 1 at school. When the office had emptied to just the 2 of us, she said, "So, since you work in the school system, can you tell me why bus drivers are allowed to take their buses home?" What? I'm just pleased to get home at the end of the day, and to have found where I parked the car. I can HONESTLY say that I have never given a SECOND's worth of time to that topic. She proceeded to tell me how many times she has seen people shopping in Wal-Mart in their bus, etc. When I suggested maybe they were getting a LOT of stuff, she was not amused. There is a particularly vivid memory I have while I was in Wal-Mart, when a random man in line started talking to me. Now, don't get me wrong, I certainly try to be kind to strangers, but this was a little MUCH if you know what I mean. He told me, "I see you got them Wal-Mart checks". (I had various colors of happy faces all over the checks at the time) This particular gentleman also reminded me of Larry, Darrell, and Darrell from The Bob Newhart Show. I just sort of smiled, and tried to step a little bit closer to the belt. He then continued and said, "Are them checks JUST for Wal-Mart, or do you use them at Kroger too?" I said, "Sir?" He said, "You know... them FALLIN' prices... they have smileys all over 'em" I told him thanks and to go ahead and get ahead of me, I had forgotten something, and RAN to the other end of the check out counters!! People just seem to seek me out, knowing that I will talk to them! (Imagine that!)
For the orthotics that were made for me today, the nurse had me stand on a VERY hot piece of plastic. (there was some sort of pad between the pad and my foot) She set it up how she liked, and then told me to stay there she'd be back in a moment. Well, when I could no longer stand it, and felt as though I was getting the mold made from lava, I hollered from my closed exam room "EXCUSE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can I get off of this pad? My feet are BLISTERING!!!!!!!!!!" She proceeded to shout back "OH YES!! I FORGOT YOU!!!" Thanks, Nurse Ratchet... I'll build up an hour a day, wearing these, until it is all the time!!
I ended up being late for the meeting, but it was a good meeting nonetheless. I do dread starting school again, but not because of the people or the kids, just the getting back into routine, and not having the option of fixing your hair or not, putting on make-up or not, staying in pj's until 10 or not, grocery shopping at 10, or 12, or NOT!!! We will again make the adjustment, it's just making it!!
Well, I am spent. After the meeting, I came home and got on the tractor for a little bit waiting for supper that was in the oven. It was minute steak and gravy, NOT to be confused with blackberry mush!!!! Shane and Ted did a GREAT job on the sidewalks!!! Have a great day, and thanks for sharing a day in the life of a chicken farmer's wife!! love to all! Jerri
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
I'm so sorry about the 5th grade child. I taught 5th grade until I had kids and I really did love it when I was doing it...but I don't miss teaching a bit since I have kids now...I do love the staying in your pj thing too. have a great vacation, kristi
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