I guess the best way to start a blog is to start blogging!! I tried to add a slide show of Graceson from horse camp, but I just added my favorite picture from there, because I didn't know how to! I will learn!! My boys got back from Student Life Camp yesterday. I was SOOOOO glad to get them home! I was "in charge" of the "chicken ranch" for the week. To let you know JUST how happy I was to have them home, I'll review my week!! I couldn't keep the pumps running efficiently, so after calling Shane in Ohio, and having a meltdown, he instructed me to get the Co. Water Dept. down. I did and that was fixed!! THEN, I had a motor go out in House 2, thus indicating a trip to get a new feed motor, then one of Shane's electrician friends to come and fix it!! FINALLY, FRIDAY... they'll be here, nothing to worry about now, RIGHT? When I drove up first thing to give it a last look over, water is ROLLING out from under the door. I open it, and stepped into water, that was above my ankles. A filter had exploded. NICE.. I bypassed that line, and started dragging out off of the tools that are likely ruined... the drill... the blower...etc. I had to get to town, I had an appt. at the podiatrist. God knew what He was doing when this appointment was set up for the day they came home. If I had gone while they were gone, the chickens would have been worse off than they HAD been all week. I got shots in each heel, and braces on my feet, and he told me that I may be able to walk again starting Sunday. That's TOMORROW, so I am THRILLED!! I am moving now without actual tears, so I know that is a good sign!!! THAT is just a TASTE in the life of "A Wing & A Prayer". In case you were wondering why I chose that name, it is because that is the name of our farm. Before we were able to sign the contracts to be chicken farmers, we had to come up with a name. Well, thanks for reading! I hope to hear from everyone soon!!
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
I'm so excited! This is great! You have joined my "blogging" club!!! (hahaha! Peer pressure!) You and Shaney Boy need a great big vacation because Chicken Farming sure doesn't sound like fun to me. But I am glad that you do what you do because where would I get all those chicken nuggets (my gourmet meal) from if you didn't?! I admire you all! Hug and kiss your kids. I miss and love you all.
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