I could not type one more word today until I showered. You KNOW you are stanking (that is worse that stinking with an "I") when you can smell yourself!! I had a full day today and didn't REALLY do too much at all!! A friend of mine and I were going to take pictures for her husband's business. I'll tell you all about that in a minute. I get up, get ready and am on my way out, when Shane, tells me that his friend Jonathan has given him a great big box of BLACKBERRIES (thanks Jonathan)!!! He asked if I'd mind throwing them on the stove for him, before I left. Sure, no problem, that won't take but a second. "Since your fixing that, can you tell me how to make biscuits to go with it too?" Of course, I hate to tell him no, so 30 minutes after I fixed the dough and got the berries ready, I was on my way out. The family had something they call "blackberry mush". I'd tell you that it is a local fare, but I'd be more accurate to say that it is some that Shane had as a youngster, and brought his love for it to our marriage. It is actually something like a blackberry gravy (no sausage or milk involved), just blackberries cooked down with butter and sugar, thickened, and then poured atop homemade biscuits with butter. If you could see the size of my rear end, you'd know that I am no stranger to gravy. Whether it is chocolate gravy or sausage gravy, we have it, and we LOVE it!! Anyway, on to my day... and before I say one more thing, you will be pleased to know that the pool pump is OFF, and I went BRAVELY into the garage to do it, I have decided I am made of gun powder and lead, and no little bat can scare ME!!! (Either that, or none were in the garage tonight...)
SOOOO, back to Theresa. She is a very good friend of mine, and her husband, Johnny, has an appraisal/realtor/rental business. (If you need any of those things, I can hook you up with them). Anyway, Theresa helps him out by getting pictures for him. He has stacks of houses, either bought or sold, or comps for appraisals, that he needs photos of, to match the address of, to go in his book.
I have had this discussion with a lot of my friends, but now I will have it with you. I believe that you have many friends, and they meet many needs. I feel like I have a tender heart, and I cry fairly easily, so if you ever want sympathy, I'm that girl. Now, Theresa plays tennis, she'd NEVER call me to play tennis, but she'd call our friend Beth. Now, Beth can do yard work like a champion, and although I called her to help me with my pool rock, I'd NEVER call Theresa. See what I mean? Well, I feel like that one of my reasons and seasons for Theresa is back/country road knowledge. Who would have ever thought that this was a gift or could meet a need? Now, don't worry, because what I am about to say, I know Theresa will read, so I am not talking about her behind her back, and we may have had this discussion in the 7 hours that we spent together today. I'm not sure if I have this "feel" for back roads because I've lived here my entire life, or from my retired trooper dh stories, or what, but alas, I do. SOOOO, she had a STACK of addresses that we needed to get pictures of and we were OFF!!
We went in their old jeep, with the top off, to get good clear pictures, and a tan to boot. Well, my redness would indicate that I should've used a little SPF, but that is done. We went to MANY places that I am pretty sure that you couldn't get to from here!! At one point, I thought we were in Ober, Gatlinburg, with the view, and I never knew it existed!! The most exciting part of today's adventures was T's driving. OH MY!! Now, I know how she drives in her suburban, but put her in a stick shift, grinding til finding, out in the country, with nothing between you and the country but a few bars, and SHOOOOOEEEEEE!! It's all good, just make sure you're prayed up!! :o) (you KNOW I LOVE YOU T!!!) Our last trip we remembered the handy dandy toilet paper, but today we forgot, so we had to stop at my friend, Nina Kay's, who lives out in the country that we were patrolling at the time!! Thanks NK!!!
Today really wasn't too eventful, but last time, there were moments we were a bit skeered. (yes, that is KY speak for VERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRY NERVOUS). We were in the middle of nowhere, and the only way to get a picture of this house, was to pull into the driveway, and drive up closer. Have you ever seen the '70's flick, called "Deliverance"? I am pretty sure if we had turned off the vehicle, we would have heard sounds of a banjo... Can you say Meth lab? The FBI calls it a clue, when there is a rifle leaning up against the rocking chair on the porch, that you BETTER get out of dodge, and just draw a picture of what you'd like that trailer to look like (nothing against trailers here). Then once, we get to a house, I take the picture, and she doesn't like it, it's too blurry. I take it again, and the jeep mirror is in it. THIRD time, and the man comes running out at us and I start screaming and she peals out!! All in all, it was a GREAT day of catching up and hanging out, and we got a few glimpses of how beautiful our county is as well as solving all of the world's problems in the time we had!! I'll also tell you something else!! My feet didn't hurt at ALL today!! Now, whether it was because I was off of them all day, or because they are better, I'll take it!!!! Friday I go to get molds for my shoes, and I almost feel like I could cancel, but the "read the book" side of my brain says not to!!
Graceson worked very hard today in the chickens, because she is wanting to earn money for our trip to Wisconsin Dells. She doesn't understand why Bubby has so much more than her, even though he goes up 10x more that she does per week!! Garrett also wanted me to be sure and mention his haircut when I posted his picture, but after I looked at it, you can't really see it in the picture because it is too dark!! He got it cut REALLY short (I'm talking buzz here), for football. Maybe my next picture will be better!!
Well, I have to go to bed!! I can hear Shane snoring, and I had to get tired enough to go to sleep over the sound!! Have a great rest of the week, and thanks for reading about a day in the life of the chicken farmer's wife!! love to all!! Jerri
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
Jerri - I love the blog! I love that you share your life so much. I'll keep a check on you.
I am glad that you married the brother that wants his wife to cook blackberry mush b/c cary would be a bit out of luck! I would burn it like I burn the hamburger helper! We are in Stephenville today at Cary's office and we both are crackin' up at your story. Girl, you do have the gift of gab!!! Love ya-
Shan, Cary, and girls
I am sooo proud that me AND my driving made your blog!!!! I AM FAMOUS--if only for today!
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