What a GREAT day we have had today!! I only have a minute to write, because I am afraid that my battery will run out, and I forgot my cord at the house. Also, I don't think I know how to change words into fun colors, as I don't have a mouse here either... Other than THAT... I am posting on the request of my S-I-L, to see how our trip has been!!
Well, our day began last night!! Shane ended up going to bed around 3 pm, and I stayed up washing, packing, running to Wal-Mart and other errands. He got up around 9ish. He had some stuff to do for the chicken houses, and I was going to sleep in the car. We got off around 11. He assures me that I slept good, (I guess from the sounds I was making), but I insist that I didn't. I am sure that he will admit that every so often he would hit a bump, the interstate would be rough and cause tire noise, and I'd immediately ask if he was o.k., if he was sleepy, if I needed to drive, etc... If I was THAT sound, then I wouldn't have asked so quickly (I think>>>)
Around 5 am, he was beat, so he asked me to drive. I started driving and then he napped. While everyone in the car was resting, except for me of course, I noticed some unusual sites. It seems that there were several wind farms around here. I must wonder if "wind" is easier to raise than chickens!! HAHAHA Honestly, they were quite lovely, and if it is daylight when we drive back by them, I will take a picture!! A few hours later, we stopped for breakfast at IHOP, and he drove the last hour. We took a quick poll upon arrival, and decided that we would head to the water park.
It was a fairly overcast day in the beginning. I think that was a blessing, because it kept the lines down. It got sunnier as the day progressed, but the lines were really not too bad. I've posted pictures from today, and I have determined that I live with a school of fish!! Although Shane and I were BEAT from the beginning, we did our best to keep up with the kiddos. Gra made step for step, every one that Garrett made. She had no fear today. Garrett didn't either of course, but that is pretty typical for him. One of the pictures that I posted was of them on the "cliffhanger". It looked like a giant "U", and they would fall straight down one side of the slide, slide up the opposite side, and continue back and forth until they stopped in the middle. It was TERRIFYING to watch people do, but it was WORSE to see your BABIES on it!!! You'll see Garrett is at the top, because he is heavier, so she won't be slung out of it, and you can barely see her head at the bottom of the raft. Another of their favorites today, was a swing/sling that they swung out on from a high ledge. They rode it down, like a zip line, and then dropped into 11 feet of water. I think there are also a few pictures from the wave pool, and then of the place where we ate supper.
For supper, we ate at a place across the street from our hotel called "Crabby's". There is a picture you can see of Shane that I am calling "Look mom, no hands!!!" He was eating sushi at that particular moment, but it was an all you can eat buffet. Let me assure you, this man did NOT waste my money, and after the 4th trip, our waiter stopped coming around!! I also included a picture of the pirate that was near where we were seated. Everyone so often, these mechanical people would start singing or saying something. A little girl came in and sat behind us, and I heard her say, "Don't look now Carrie, but there is a PIRATE on the ceiling." Another little boy at the table beside us, was so scared of it, that he ate under his table on the floor, and used his chair as the table. I am pretty sure I wouldn't have let my kids sit on the floor, but that's just me!!!
I will have to say that when you are around people all day in bathing suits, you see MANY things!! Some of them should have really given more thought to their outfits. Some, should have given even MORE thought to their body art!! We saw a tattoo today on a woman's back that was the silhouette of a woman, all colored in, in black. She had a gun up to her head, and then on the back side of the head (I guess where she had shot, she had BIRDS flying away from it!!!) I would have tried to have gotten a picture, but she seemed like the kinda girl that may have shot me!! :)
Well, I am whooped, and I can't type another word. We are really having a GREAT time, (that is until the kids get together in the hotel room, and decide that they only like each other during the day!!) Wish you all were here, it's been a blast!! Who would have ever thought that having 49 water slides all in one park could be so much fun!!!! It's been a GREAT day in the life of a chicken farmer's wife!!! love to all!! Jerri (our pictures are at the bottom, right about the guest book)
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
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