Wednesday, September 24, 2008


It has been quite a day. Graceson was well rested, so she woke up and was so pleasant. That ALWAYS makes for a better day for EVERYONE in the house and those around her!! :) (Gotta love her though...)
Today at school was an o.k. day for me, but it was certainly a stress filled one. You could cut the stress in the air. Tomorrow is the big "walk through" from all the powers that be. Yes, as long as you are doing what you are supposed to be doing, there is nothing to worry about. It still makes you nervous though, and I don't care how good you are. When someone is "critiquing you" they can always find things if they are looking for them. Does this make you better? Sure, if you embrace it and change it. Is it ever something you look FORWARD to? Not at ALL... SO... think of us tomorrow. I am pretty sure, that if you could cut the stress in the air today, tomorrow you'll be able to taste it!! Hopefully by Friday, the level will start to recede!!
THEN... I walk into church tonight, and it was SOOOOO "freeing", for lack of a better word. Tonight was the last night of revival, and it was certainly spirit filled. It was as if the Lord was saying, "I'll hold on to the stress for ya. If you need it back when you leave, it will be waiting outside". The evangelist focused more on the youth tonight, and one of our youth recited an AMAZING poem that she had written. It was EXXXXXCELLLLENTTTTT!!! GO ANTY!!
I think our message on Sunday that was delivered by our youth pastor, helped to prepare me for today's. He said, "I am going to help you figure out what kind of Christian you are. Are you a "get" Christian or a "got" Christian?" If your buddy says to you that he just got a new boat, it is supposed to be the perfect weather, and he wants you to go to the lake with him on Sunday, do you say, "I can't go, I've GOT to go to church, OR do you say, "I can't go, I "GET" to go to church." OMG!!! What a revelation THAT was... I would have answered the "got" but I AM going to do better, since it has been brought to my attention!!
You'll remember that a few days ago, we got the midnight hour call, that said that the bobcat driver had hit the end wall of one of the chicken houses. Well today, our flock supervisor told Shane that they were probably not going to pay for it, because they are worried that people are saying things happen, so that they can get their stuff repaired on the company's dime. HELLO? Their number is still on the caller ID at midnight!! WHAT?!?! I think they may have lost their mind a little. The flock supervisor said to one of the repair managers, "Shane may or may not be able to get through to the manager, and he may get a little loud, but they'd sure rather talk to him, than to Jerri". WHAT?!?! What is he trying to say? Have I ever yelled at him? Should I be offended?!!?!? Should I feel privileged that he thinks I won't let people walk all over us? I'm not too sure, but I am getting a script going on in my head... just in CASE I have to talk to the big dogs...
Mom got home today!! She is brown as a biscuit, and if she wants them published on the WWW, I will post some of her pictures of her fishing adventure!! Welcome home, Haze!!
Have a GREAT night and thanks for sharing a day in the life of the chicken farmer's wife!! Love to all!! Jerri

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

busy, busy, busy

Kristi asked where have I been? The better questions is, "Where do I START?" It has been a busy last several days, so I am going to give you a quickie run down, and then go to bed!! I guess the first thing I did Friday night was have a couples get together for a friend of mine who is having a baby in a month. Her name is Bev, and she INSISTED that we were to do NOTHING for her because this is her THIRD, but her ONLY boy!! OK Bev, I submit, whatever you say!!! HAHA I told her I was having everyone over for Shane's birthday, but VOILA, it was a couple's thing for HER!!! I think she was VERY surprised and I LOVE that she didn't know!! (Now, Shane really was having a birthday on Monday, but that had nothing to do with the dinner, other than to get her there!! We did play a game where I bought these little teeny babies in the cake section of Walmart. I then froze them all in water in small dixie cups.

The rules were simple, you wanted to be the first one to give birth to your baby, but you couldn't run it under hot water OR bite the ice off of it. It had to thaw. You wouldn't BELIEVE how aggressive the men were at trying to deliver their babies. QUITE a hoot!! This is what I made for the winner...
Now let's move on to Saturday. This weekend, the rest of the flock went out. Here are a few photos of the birds at 49 days old. They will weigh in right at 5 lbs. or a little over. If you'll look back at some of my previous posts, you'll see their growth from the day we get them, until the day they come and catch them back. One of the pictures, I thought was SOOO cute, because Shane was trying to take a picture of the bird while holding it. It made me think of all of the teenage girls, that had rather hold out the camera to take a picture of themselves and a buddy, that to simply have someone else take it!! I have succeeded in documenting the stages of our chicks to adulthood, so I guess my blog is complete!! I need to think about whether or not to keep on writing, since you now know all that goes into (well not ALL) the chicken's life cycle after hatching!!

By the way, we got a called at almost midnight from the catch crew manager. He was calling to let us know that one of the crew members was new and learning how to drive the forklift with the crates full of grown birds. It seems he should have had a bit more training before he went live on air. The man (I think his name was Vin?) was calling to let us know that he had ripped the end out of one of the houses. GREAT, just one more thing!!

Sunday revival started and we had a youth workers meeting. I am responsible for getting the food taken care of when we have these. I ended up feeding around 50ish people spaghetti. I was in need of a nap, but Garrett had to get back for a CORE meeting, and then revival started that night.

Monday, was Shane's birthday!! Happy birthday my little hottie!! I won't tell you how old he is, but I will let you know he's only 364 days away from the big 4-0!! We got home late that night too, because Graceson had softball, and of course Garrett had football.

Tonight, they both had games so it was my turn to go to the football game and Shane's turn to take Gra. We won, by the way, both kids!! After getting home, I had some embroidering to do. I put an initial on a dress for the girl that does my hair. She is getting her baby's one year old picture in it barefoot. Is that precious or what? I added that to, just so you could get a visual!! NOW, I'm beat!!

Cary... if you are reading this, scroll down, pause the music, and see if the you tube video will come up of the Browning Springs game, where the refs were in the other teams' pockets. It took FOREVER to upload it, and it is only about the last however many minutes. I have to do the whole thing in stages, and I didn't feel like doing it ALL today, but will try to do the rest for you later. I believe this is the very last though. I haven't watched it yet, but I am sure that the crowd is unruly as well, so beware!! Have a great night, and thanks for sharing a day in the life of the chicken farmer's wife!! love to all!! Jerri

Thursday, September 18, 2008

CALGON>>> TAKE me AWAY!!!!!!!

Look at this! It is a post, and it is before midnight!! I am thinking that I probably should have stayed in bed this week, STILL!! Hopefully that feeling will pass soon!!
Of course, I get "off" when I don't get home in the FOURTEEN hours since I left it, and this week, that will happen EVERY SINGLE night!!! For the middle 3 days, I had things I had to stay for at school, so I didn't have time "midday" (after 3, to darken my door). You'll also remember my lovely "mishaps" on Tuesday. I think I have more to add to the list, but then again, I think you would call them blessings!
First of all, the reason that I am typing right now, is because I am at Mom's, waiting for Shane to get off of UPS, get some 7-Up and soup, and come here. Then, he'll take Gra home. She complained about her stomach hurting the whole way to school. I assured her she was fine, she probably had to use the bathroom, you know the drill... WELL, she didn't get through morning assembly before she started throwing up! I also have this feeling that Shane will not be nearly as accommodating as me, but we'll see!!
You remember my Tuesday (football game, arm, Jennie Stuart), and you know about my today so far. WELL, I haven't told you about my yesterday!! I was going to write last night, and I just didn't have the spirit to! I turned in pretty early for me! ANYWAY, Gra and I were going to meet the boys at church, because Garrett went on to football practice, even though he couldn't do to much but run... SOOOO, they take FOREVER to get there, but I finally see Garrett. He says "Hey" and goes to find himself a seat. NO biggie. I keep waiting to find Shane to make eye contact with, and he never comes in the door. I keep waiting and waiting, and finally ask Garrett where his dad is. I mouthed this across a few tables, as Bill had already started talking. NOW, THIS is how I know that Garrett is a MAN in training. He acted JUST LIKE ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He takes his GOOD hand, balls it into a fist, and acts like he hits his bad hand. So I ask him "He HIT someone?" He said, "No, the car." I then say, "He hit the CAR?" He then says, "NO, he hit another car, he thinks ours is TOTALLED!" WTH? "WHAT?!?!?! Was this information that you may have needed to SHARE with your mother? Were you EVER going to tell me? Were you WAITING for me to ask if you'd had a wreck before feeling the need to even MENTION it to me? AND............. HOW did you get to church and WHERE is your father?" I am pretty sure that all of you mothers reading this right now know how that conversation went down exactly.

It seems that Shane called another dad that had just left practice to get him to run Garrett to church. He told him to be sure and tell me when he got there... My phone was on vibrate in my purse, and he also called Ted and Bill, but their phones were obviously silent too! I then leave and go over to where the wreck had occurred. It was on the street where the high school is where they practice. This woman pulled right out in front of them. I mean, she was stopped, looked both ways, and then proceeded. It seems that she called her husband/boyfriend whoever he was, and had him bring a carseat to put IN the car before the police arrived. A little too late, wouldn't you think? Everyone was fine, I just don't know about the car. Shane thinks that the insurance will total it out. I followed him home at running speed with our flashers on, with both front tires tilted in, and singing a high pitched tune. I get him to our road, turn and come back to church, to get the kids...
That's 3, right? We should be covered now, right?
Well, I just finished filling out some forms that I have to pass out when I get back to school, so I am going to put them into groups, so they'll be easier to handle! I hope all of you have a GREAT day, and I think tonight, I need to have Calgon take me away! love to all!! Jerri

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

4 mishaps and a blessing

OK, are any of you that are reading this old enough to remember the commercial, "If I don't get my American Ace coffee, then I'm going back to bed!"? OK, I think I missed out on the coffee this morning, and I probably should have just crawled back under the sheets. Let me start with my morning. I awakened in a GREAT mood, and excited about what I was going to wear to school. I had proudly planned to wear my "Colonels hoodie", because today was the big Homecoming and game day for the middle school. We played Hopkinsville Middle School, and as everyone knows, they are our big rivals. I am in my closet ready to put on my sweatshirt, but I hadn't gotten it down yet. I have 2 rows of closet shelves, and one is about waist high, and the other one is much higher. All of my winter clothes are on the top, and summer on the bottom, you get the idea. Knowing I needed something from the top, I simply grabbed the sleeve of the sweatshirt with intentions of it sliding happily off of the hanger, and me skipping along on my merry way. INSTEAD, I tug and tug until... KAPOW... the hoodie flies off of the hanger, the hanger spins, hits the wall, and then boomerangs into the bridge of my nose. This was a mishap...

So... after school FINALLY arrives, and I go to my mom's to change the fish bowl's water. (by the way, she caught a SHARK today, so if she sends photos, I will gladly post...) After I get everything done, it is time to take Gra to piano lessons. I get into the car and realize that I had forgotten the phone, and it was at Gram's. I go ahead and take Gra to piano, drop her off and head back to get my phone. When I "re"arrive at her house, I search the kitchen over and cannot find the phone. I decide to pick up the land line and call it for help. Guess wherer it was... IN THE POCKET OF MY HOODIE!! Mishap #2
So while there, I realize I need to take the Herbie Curbie to the road for garbage pick up. You see, I wouldn't have to take it, except that it was over half full of leaves, straw, and other debris from the swimming pool where the wind storm had filled the pool, and we tried and remove the worst of it. I was on the cell phone, and I had a small bag from inside. The lid was open, I held on to the small bag of trash, and I throw my keys into the herbie curbie bucket 'o fun. Have you ever SMELLED the stuff that comes out of a skimmer basket? NOW, imagine it in a typically unpleasant place, and think of getting to almost stand on your head, to reach the bottom of it, which is where they fell to. Mishap #3
Tonight at the football game, I got to hold sweet, baby Ella Kate. She was all decked out in her Tigers attire, all the way down to her orange and black hairbow, so essentially, I was holding the enemy, but it was SOOOO worth it!! She is PRECIOUS!! While holding her, a little boy in front of the wooden bleachers decides to start throwing rocks, well, one hit my ankle and came VERY close to EK's head. Obviously, if his mom was watching, she wasn't making him stop, so the teacher in me came out, and I fussed and fussed at him. Either mom agreed, thought I was crazy, or wasn't watching, because she never appeared, and he stopped throwing rocks! I sort of jumped/scooted when that happened, and guess what happened to me? Obviously, I have not been going to WOG long enough to have buns of steel, because my back side was well receiving of the splinter that I STILL have there. True story... I have never had a splinter in my butt before, and quite frankly, I am afraid it is going to have to live there, because I have no idea how I am going to get it out!! It typically takes me 2 hands to get out most splinters, and that is when they are somewhere on my FRONT side, so how I will hold a mirror, twist around, see, and then get it out, I have not figured out. Mishap #4
AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST>>> the BLESSING!! As you know, big game... town rivals... Homecoming crowd... you get the picture. We spanked them 30-ZERO by the way!! Right now, I want to shout out to my bud Theresa for coming to the game. I was a little nervous, so I am sure I wasn't great company, but at this time, I at least didn't have the splinter in my butt, which sort of affects your mood as well, but I digress... Garrett was playing both defense and offense. While on defense, there were these 2 boys that were double teaming him, that I would be willing to bet DROVE themselves to the game. (now remember, Garrett is in 7th grade). No kidding, this one kid was every bit as tall as Shane, and probably the width of both of us. He knocked him around pretty good. You've seen it on the NFL, the falls where the guys do a backward roll up over their helmets? THAT kind of hit. One time, either Garrett had knocked down, or been knocked down, but as he was pushing himself up with his fingers, a kid tackled him again. When he got up, I immediately knew he was hurt. He finished the play, until the next break, or time, or something, and the referee was over there. Not too long, and the coaches were too. Sooo, the 1/2 time horn blows, and I can see Garrett with the coach and then I see the coach looking up in the stands. We were in the top row, and I stand up. He motions me down. I go down there, and he insists he'll be fine, he wants to go back in. Butch, one of the coaches tapes his hand up, and he plays the ENTIRE REST of the GAME. By the end of the game, when the tape came off, the hand puffed out like bread rising. I made the call, and we headed to Convenient Care. I am thankful that we did, but the BLESSING is that it is not broken!! He said that he has a severe sprain (it is already blue palm side), and it has to be immobile for 3 days, no practicing for the rest of the week, no writing until Friday, at which time he can start moving it again. In the picture above, you can see his little hospital bracelet still on his arm. He rated his pain an "8" on the pain scale of 0-10, so I am pretty sure that I gave birth to one of the toughest 12 year olds I know. Another blessing that I saw tonight was when I came on the sidelines. The coach was calling me over, and when I went, boys circled all around us, the sweetest kid (and he was an older classman, big guy) told everyone "Ya'll need to get back, he needs to talk to his mama". I LOVE that boy, and I don't have any idea which one it even was!!
Soooo, if you have nothing to do, run on over, and you can help with this splinter... Otherwise, have a GREAT night, and thanks for sharing a day in the life... Blessings to all!! Jerri

Monday, September 15, 2008

Errrr... Richard Simmons?

I had no idea what I was going to post about tonight, and then it occurred to me like a vision!! Today was my third day of WOG (women of God) strength training. Now, I'm not sure that it is making me strong, but it is CERTAINLY making me sore!! Nikki throws in something new each time, so it is NEVER boring!! Back breaking, maybe, but NEVER boring!! Today, I felt a little like Billy Blanks, because we were doing a little kick boxing, or if you were to watch my technique, you may call it, "One legged flamingo having a seizure" moves. So somehow, Heather, another girl that comes each Mon/Fri and I got to talking about Richard Simmons, and would you believe that he was on Letterman tonight? I am still up, because I am waiting for my wash to get done. Garrett only gets to bring his jersey home the night before games, and I assure you, it is funk nasty. I am not sure where the coach keeps it when he strips it off of them after the game, but I feel certain it is in the armpit of a camel. GAG... And the pants and pads... OH don't get me started!! Can you not have hygiene AND play football???? So whenever Garrett gets the chance, he always wants to bring it home for a good Oxy Clean soaking, and a little Tide and Downy thrown in... but I digress.
Heather and I talk about Richard, and I confess that he and I used to share the same hair style. Yes, I had a permed 'fro in the SECOND GRADE!!! What was my mom THINKING? SURELY a 7 year old does not have enough discretion to make the decision to perm or not to perm. FYI, I have no intention to ever post those pix by the way!!
Today we added a few weight machines in the mix too and the Bow Flex was one of them!! I have seen the commercials for Bow Flex, and I am pretty sure in 6 weeks, at only 20 minutes 3x per week, I should weigh about 115, and have the body of goddess, according to the woman that is showing her results. Of course, the commercial didn't MENTION that she started OUT at 116 lbs, and she is a trainer for a living...
Tonight my S-I-L posted on her blog how she is a runner. Let me go on record by saying, "I am NOT". I tried it, I HATED it, I didn't feel invigorated, or liberated, I only felt as though I needed to throw up. It made me sneeze, it made my eyes water and nose run, and it was about as much fun as rolling in hay when you have hay fever. Unless a big dog, or a bad bad man is chasing me, I see no cause to run. EVER. PERIOD. It wouldn't matter if I ran with a runner, ran alone, or was running toward a big cheeseburger, the result would be the same... NO THANKS!!
Well, I need to go hang up the jersey and see if I can wash some of those retched pads! Tomorrow is the CCMS vs HMS game!! Gra won both softball games tonight, FYI!! Have a super night and thanks for sharing a day in the life of the chicken farmer's wife! love to all!! JA

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Today has been a great and BUSY day!! We just got back from Clarksville. We went to the movies there to watch "Journey to the Center of the Earth". It was 3D, and we ALL loved it, but even *I* got dizzy a few times during it... Of course, our local theater didn't have anything that I'd let the kids watch, so that's why we went south!!
GUESS WHAT?!?! I actually went BACK to WOG!! In case you didn't read my previous post(s), that stands for Women of God strength training. It is every Monday and Friday, and after Monday, I thought I was going to DIE!! This time was SOOOO much better! She told us that this coming Monday she is going to start us on the machines, so I am a little "skeered"!!
Today I mowed for many, many hours!! I mowed every WEEK during the summer, but now that I am back in school, I just can't get myself motivated to commit to doing it on my regular schedule, because there are 400 other things I need to be doing. Well, I PAID for putting it off! I was SOOOO nasty from all of the things that flew in the air from it being so dry, and the grass/weeds being so high. Several years ago, I dug up some tiger lilies from the old house that were my grandmothers, (she's been deceased 12 years next month) and I replanted them around our propane tank. Well, they have now spread, and are HUGE! They haven't bloomed for over a month now, so I thought it was time to go ahead and take them down. Well, if you have these flowers, you know that the stems of them dry out while standing there and get rock hard. I didn't think anything about it until I started cutting down the foliage. As I did, it would hit the tank and start pummeling me. I thought I was just going to have to duck for cover, as it started hitting me like stray bullets. Dumb me never THOUGHT about mowing in the opposite direction of the tank, or pulling those bullets OUT of the plant before I ran them over!!
OK, I have SUCH a funny mowing story that this made me remember while I was ducking and dodging today. I'll share and then go to bed!!
This has been probably 6 years ago or so, but is a true story! I feel certain if someone had been filming me, we would have won the grand prize on America's Funniest Home Videos!! I was mowing and the kids were in the back on the trampolene. For whatever reason, I decided that I was going to mow the yard diagonally. Now, keep in mind, that NOONE, except for the deer and the antelope, would EVER see the directionality of my yard, but I figured, "If people in town do it because it looks better, then I will too!" So, I am mowing the yard, and at one turn, I notice that there is a rather large deer in the field beside our house. Now, to get to this field, you had to through an old fence row, and then a row of trees. Obviously, the dogs spotted it around the same time, and took off in that direction. At that moment, I was so happy to be living in the country, no one to bother us, the dogs to have a place to run, you get the idea...The dogs that went were Moe (our dog that died in July, and Rocky). Now Moe was a dog that was the "Alpha" dog on the farm. No one would mess with him, he was scared of no animal, and just a great, majestic looking dog. Rocky was a pure bred boxer. Shane got him out of a puppy mill/meth lab that was being run out of a local hotel room. When he made the bust, there were 10 puppies and 1 momma and male dog in the small hotel bathroom (and I assure you, it wasn't the Hilton). I LOVED Rocky from the moment we saw him (we got on the list to adopt as soon as they got to the pound, and had first dibs), but I am pretty sure, with the intelligence that he showed us, that his mom may have also been his sister... SOOOOO, the dogs are gone, I'm happy to be in the country, my kids are playing safely in the back yard (I zipped the guard up around the tramp so they couldn't fall off), and all is well. (Now remember, that I am going diagonally, and I am in the middle part of the yard by now, so I am staying in the same direction for a while). I see Rocky coming back from the field, and he is in a DEAD RUN.. I look around, and shortly behind him, I see the DEER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT? Rocky runs around the front of the house, and around the garage. When the deer hit the pavement of our driveway, he slipped, regained his footing and took off. I was sure that the deer would get to the back, get frightened by the kids jumping on the tramp, and take off toward the goat pen, which is the field behind our house. NOOOOOOOO!! I am still on the same line I was on (remember, long and diagonal) and Rocky is rounding the other side of the house, with the deer on his heels! Rocky keeps looking back and keeps running. He runs around the house again, and then I guess in his little pea brain head, gets an idea. We have a large wrap around front porch, and he jumps up on it and cuts back across it. Be darned if that deer didn't do the same!!! I am not believing this, and just WISHING someone else would see it, so that they'd believe it when I told it. Around this time, Rocky sees ME. I guess he thinks that I can do something for him. You can almost SEE him get the thought, and he takes off running toward the mower!! I am screaming at him to go away, and waving my arms, and I guess he just starts thinking I am screaming "Run to Mamma" because he just runs faster. In my head, I am thinking that deer KILL people when they hit their cars, and I am not packing my gun, so unless he just lays down in front of the mower for me to mow him down, I have nothing to help either of us with... SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO..... *I* whip the mower around (it is one of those open ones, where you turn it with the handles, and it has a zero turn radius, which just means you can turn it pretty fast and accurately, and I head off in the opposite direction). Now picture this... I am on my mower going as fast as it will go, followed by a mentally challenged dog, followed by a big honkin' deer. I am screaming things, and none of them are nice. At this point, I was as scared as I can ever remember being, and I am wondering what I am going to do when I run out of yard and have to turn. THEN>>>> it happens. Moe gets back from the field, he sees the odd wagon train, he starts running toward us, the deer sees him, and darts off. (This is just one of the examples of the things that Moe did that made us/me love him so) I honestly gave him credit that day for saving both Rocky's and my life. So, as you can see, mowing is truly an adventure at my house, and I learned that you just never know what will happen here in the country. Someday I will share the copperhead in the house story!!
For now, I must go and brush my teeth and read my Sunday School lesson, even though I'm in youth!! have a GREAT night, and thanks for sharing a day in the life of the chicken farmer's wife! love and blessings to all!! Jerri

Friday, September 12, 2008

will I go?

As I was looking through some blogs, I came across this one and thought I'd share the contest with you. She is giving away a photo printer, so I posted the address in case you may be interested!! The link is below:
Here is my question to YOU... do you think I'll go to WOG workout tomorrow or not? I'm icing my feet RIGHT now, by the way... We'll see!! love to all!! Jerri
P.S., I have tried 1 of the chicken recipes, so far so good!! I will reserve my judgement until I fix them all though!!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

What a 10 year old looks like!!

OK, so I saw this outfit and I LOVED IT!!! It actually has matching tights with big honkin' flowers on it too. I was VERY afraid that she wouldn't like it or wear it, but she did LOVE it!! The first picture is of her looking sweet, and the next is of the "glasses" that she has been wanting. No, she doesn't have a prescription, or NEED them, but that is BESIDES the point, because she thinks they're cute! Today at school, Shane brought Lilli for her birthday. Lilli visited with the class while we had brownies and ice cream. Tonight Garrett had a football game in Hopkins Co., the county over. From what I gathered, the umpires calls SERIOUSLY favor that county. One of our guys had to be taken off the field on a stretcher, by AMBULANCE, and the other team had to be TOLD to take a knee, while our boys, were on theirs praying. What is THAT? Garrett played both defense AND offense tonight, and Shane said that he did outstanding. He said that they were double teaming him and the boys were HUGE. I think what miffs me about the whole thing, is that the boys will get it all taken out on THEM tomorrow, when I can assure you they didn't WANT to lose, and they can' t help the calls or the coaching, know what I mean? Shane said that that's the way Hopkins Co. officials were when he played too, so he says that's nothing new. You just hate it for the boys and what it's teaching them. They grabbed face masks, hit from behind, you know, dirty stuff... I guess this is a life lesson, you just hate it for them!!

OK, I know you are all wondering about my big ole sore self. Well, it still is!! Arnold Schwarzenegger has been contacted, and by tomorrow afternoon by work out time, "I will be erased". In case you don't know, the movie "Eraser" has him in it, and he takes care of making sure people are safe, by erasing signs that they ever existed... They won't even NOT know I'm there!!

Well, I have a little embroidering to do, I just wanted to leave you with an email that I got today! Have a great night!! Maybe tomorrow is my DAY to feel human!! love to all!! Jerri

"It was one of the hottest days of the dry season. We had not seen rain in almost a month. The crops were dying. Cows had stopped giving milk. The creeks and streams were long gone back into the earth. It was a dry season that would bankrupt several farmers before it was through. Every day, my husband and his brothers would go about the arduous process of trying to get water to the fields. Lately this process had involved taking a truck to the local water rendering plant and filling it up with water. But severe rationing had cut everyone off. If we Didn't see some rain soon...we would lose everything. It was on this day that I learned the true lesson of sharing and witnessed the only miracle I have seen with my own eyes. I was in the kitchen making lunch for my husband and his brothers when I saw my Six-year-old son, Billy, walking toward the woods. He wasn't walking with the usual carefree abandon of a youth but with a serious purpose. I could only see his back. He was obviously walking with a great effort ... trying to be as still as possible. Minutes after he disappeared into the woods, he came running out again, toward the house. I went back to making sandwiches; thinking that whatever task he had been doing was completed. Moments later, however, he was once again walking in that slow purposeful stride toward the woods. This activity went on for an hour: walking carefully to the woods, running back to the house. Finally I couldn't take it any longer and I crept out of the house and followed him on his journey (being very careful not to be he was obviously doing important work and didn't need his Mommy checking up on him). He was cupping both hands in front of him as he walked, being very careful not to spill the water he held in them ... maybe two or three tablespoons were held in his tiny hands. I sneaked close as he went into the woods. Branches and thorns slapped his little face, but he did not try to avoid them. He had a much higher purpose. As I leaned in to spy on him, I saw the most amazing site. Several large deer loomed in front of him. Billy walked right up to them. I almost screamed for him to get away. A huge buck with elaborate antlers was dangerously close. But the buck did not threaten him...he didn't even move as Billy knelt down. And I saw a tiny fawn lying on the ground; obviously suffering from dehydration and heat exhaustion, lift its head with great effort to lap up the water cupped in my beautiful boy's hand. When the water was gone, Billy jumped up to run back to the house and I hid behind a tree. I followed him back to the house to a spigot to which we had shut off the water. Billy opened it all the way up and a small trickle began to creep out. He knelt there, letting the drip, drip slowly fill up his makeshift "cup," as the sun beat down on his little back. And it came clear to me: The trouble he had gotten into for playing with the hose the week before. The lecture he had received about the importance of not wasting water. The reason he didn't ask me to help him. It took almost twenty minutes for the drops to fill his hands. When he stood up and began the trek back, I was there in front of him. His little eyes just filled with tears. "I'm not wasting," was all he said. As he began his walk, I joined him...with a small pot of water from the kitchen. I let him tend to the fawn. I stayed away. It was his job. I stood on the edge of the woods watching the most beautiful heart I have ever known working so hard to save another life. As the tears that rolled down my face began to hit the ground, other drops...and more drops...and more suddenly joined them. I looked up at the sky. It was as if God, himself, was weeping with pride. Some will probably say that this was all just a huge coincidence. Those miracles don't really exist. That it was bound to rain sometime. And I can't argue with that... I'm not going to try. All I can say is that the rain that came that day saved our farm...just like the actions of one little boy saved another. I don't know if anyone will read this...but I had to send it out. To honor the memory of my beautiful Billy, who was taken from me much too soon... But not before showing me the true face of God, in a little, sunburned body.


Have you ever been just sitting there and all of a sudden you feel like doing something nice for someone you care for?

He speaks to you through the Holy Spirit Have you ever been down and out and nobody seems to be around for you to Talk to?


He wants you to speak to Him. Have you ever been thinking about somebody that you haven't seen in a long time and then next thing you know you see them or receive a phone call from them?


There's no such thing as coincidence. Have you ever received something wonderful that you didn't even ask for, like money in the mail, a debt that had mysteriously been cleared, or a coupon to a department store where you had just seen something you wanted, but couldn't afford.


He knows the desires of your heart. . Have you ever been in a situation and you had no clue how it is going to get better, but now you look back on it?

THAT'S GOD! He passes us through tribulation to see a brighter day.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The 3rd day is the worst day... they didn't lie

Tomorrow I will post a picture of what it looks like to be 10. Yep, 10 years ago to day, I was doing a little "nesting". She was a scheduled C-Section, so I was busy trying to get everything done that needed to be done, before she arrived. I was at school 10 years ago tomorrow morning, at 4 a.m. I am thinking that I beat the cafeteria ladies. I had to be at the hospital at 6, so I wanted to get all my stuff in order there too. Now... fast forward 10 years... She wants "glasses". Not the "I can't read, so I need glasses" glasses, but the, "These are a fashion statement, they are cute with dark rims, glasses". Yes, I got her a pair at Claire's. (they're actually FROM Garrett)
While out birthday shopping today, guess what revelation I had... I thought... Would I work out BETTER and not get as sore if I had workout clothes? I pondered this thought for a minute, and then realized that it hurt to bad to think and walk, so I just tried to keep going... Maybe I'll think about it again later. I was really VERY blessed today, as close up parking spots seem to become available RIGHT as I was coming up to them. I mean, the ones RIGHT NEXT to the handicapped ones. (which I will tell you, from the people I saw today scooting out of their cars and JOGGING into Target, *I* am the girl that needed their tag so *I* could park there!!) Honestly, if you had seen me from behind, you would think I was Mr. Wiggins from the Carol Burnett show. I shuffled, as not to get TOO crazy, and MOVE and make myself feel worse than I already did. A couple of times today, I found myself thinking how I was over it, and then I'd move, and remember that I am still a slug. I have mastered the art of standing to pee now, though, so if I continue to scream when I go to sit down, I am just going to have to stop sitting forever! I have always heard, "They say the 3rd day, is always the worst after surgery or workouts". I don't know who "they are", but I do know that "they" are RIGHT!!! Geez! Something MUST be broken to hurt this bad!!!!
Deanna, another girl that was at the "work out session from you know where", called me tonight to give me a "motivational speech" about being sure to attend Friday. I mean, girl laid it on THICK, had me convinced to come out of my witness protection program to be there. THEN, she tells me "But I won't be there, I have something to do". WHAT? I will tell you that if any of you ever watched "The Biggest Loser", that Jillian has NOTHING on Nikki.
I'm tired, but doing everything I can to keep from going to bed, because my bed is high on a good night, when my thighs aren't sore. I am just not too sure, unless I bring the pot that I use for canning and turn it upside down beside my bed to climb on, how I am going to get up into it!! I hope you have a great night and thanks for sharing a day in the life of the chicken farmer's wife! love to all!! Jerri

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Witness protection

Did you guys think I was going to be sore today? WELL>>> this morning, when the alarm went off, I was amazingly SURPRISED!! I wasn't hurting! I was going through my head what I'd wear (it was picture day, so I had to fix the hair too...) and was ready to begin my day. I was good! NO problems!! THEN I MOVED!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!! Exactly WHO threw me in front of the train in the middle of the night?!?! Remember how bad the "how low can you go" potty was yesterday? I didn't go ONE time today at school, for fear the janitor would have to come and get me off of it because I couldn't rely on my legs to stand from that position. No kidding! Now Garrett, the sweet boy that he is... would occasionally, poke my thigh and say, "that hurt?" OH, his time will come. He'll have a football bruise, and I am ON it!!
Now you KNOW, I love me some Shane, and I THOUGHT he loved me too, but I am not sure if tonight he was trying to comfort my aches or kill me. Graceson had another game tonight (yes, we won again) and we were driving separately, since I hadn't been home since morning and Gra had piano lessons for the FIRST time this school year with our FAVORITE piano teacher, Mrs. Claire. Shane asked me to run through the drive thru and get him a few double cheeses before I came home. When I got home, he had run me a bath in the big tub. He was so thoughtful, that he even put some of this Beauty Control bath oil in it that Anissa had given me one Christmas. I didn't have a lot left, but you are only supposed to use a few capfuls at a time. It smells minty, and it is supposed to "be an antioxidant and remove your body's toxins". MAN, isn't he sweet? WELL, I am not sure if he used the REST OF THE BOTTLE, or what, but guess what happened when Jerri's naked foot hit the floor of the bathtub? Well, the RIGHT half of my body went East, guess which way my left side went! Nikki told me to stretch today, but I wasn't ready for that. Then, you have my friend Anteneshia, who was at the work out yesterday, making sure that I am coming again on Friday... HELLO? THIS is the reason I need the witness protection program. Between Shane and the exercise, I am going to end up dead!!
Now, raise your hand if you remember the flattening iron hitting the toilet water!! Well, I decided that it had long enough to dry out, and besides, today was picture day! I NEEDED it! I plugged it up. It sounded like the low roar of a fluorescent light, so I felt like it was the last second of moisture that remained in it. A little later, Graceson hollers from my bedroom that she smells something that smells on fire. WHAT? I RUN (OK, I didn't run. I hurt too bad) I walked to my bathroom, and it wasn't on fire, but it MELTED the ends of the heated plates, and the the 2 plates would no longer meet in the middle. I will assure you that there is no beauty in a straightener that won't touch. It was kind of like putting your hair in a heating vent in the floor. It did NOTHING!!! Off to Sally's for me!!
SO, I am going to read just a second and go to bed! No school tomorrow!!! OH YEAH!!! I think I would love Sundays SOOOO much more if Monday didn't follow, ya know? Tomorrow we don't have to go, so I am TICKLED!! I have embroidering and birthday shopping to do! Gra's birthday is Thursday, I think it is TIME that I got her some gifts, what do you think?! I hope I can move!! Well, love to all, and if you can't find me, it's because the feds have changed my name to Buford, and I am moving into my double wide in the everglades! Have a great night! Thanks for sharing a day in the life of the chicken farmer's wife! Jerri

Monday, September 8, 2008

Anyone have a catheter?

Hello all. I cannot begin to tell you how completely AWFUL it is to be blogging right now... As long as I don't move anything but my fingers, it is not too bad, but if I have to lean over, or answer the phone, or pick up the dog... OMG!!!
Today after school, I went to my very first "Women of God" workout... WHAT was I thinking? I mean, my body fat and I have become GREAT friends, so why should it want to leave? It was from 4-6 this evening at our church, and the head Hitler in charge let us out at 5:30, probably for fear that I may fall before I got into my van, and then I'd have to live their on the floor until spring.
You know how they say the 3rd day is the worst day? If it is, then please have someone sing "It is well" at the visitation, ok? I'm already thinking about how I am going to get the kids up from my bed in the morning, since I normally wake them up, because I feel SURE that Garrett will have to HELP ME!!
Graceson had a game tonight, (which she won, by the way, GO GRA) so Shane came by and got her from football practice, so I could "finish". I HAD to change before I headed to the ballpark, for fear that someone would think that I had snuck a baby goat into the park from my smell of the sweatiness in my t-shirt and shorts. I also thought that it would be a good idea, to go ahead and "tinkle" so I wouldn't have to at the game. I couldn't BELIEVE that when I went to, someone had lowered the commode seat a whole THREE INCHES!!! After I got that far, and my thighs were trembling, I just had to fall the rest of the way. (I forgot to tell you that we STARTED the work out with walking lunges after we stretched...) Just in case those or the squats weren't bad enough, we did this prisoner-of-war torture technique, where you get on the edge of a bench then get your legs out from it where you are suspended, just being held up by your arms, and then you "dip" down, and have to push yourself back up to safety, but you are facing outward, so it is sort of backwards! On my way home, when I was having to turn the steering wheel on some of our 90 degree curves, I almost submitted, and just let the wheel fly!
When I finally arrived at the ballpark, I sat on about the 4th row up on the bleachers to keep the scoreboard. BAD IDEA!!! I thought I was going to have to stay there, trapped, because my legs couldn't step down, until the seasons changed. THEN, tonight when I was getting ready to shower, I noticed the beautiful dirt ring necklace that I wore to the ballpark from all my major sweating. I wonder how many people noticed my new jewelry and never mentioned it?!?!
Just in case I didn't feel bad enough, I started wearing my retainers again last night, as my teeth are moving again, and WHAAPPOOWW!!! The ONLY part of my body that isn't hating my guts at this second is my eyebrows, but that is subject to change... NOW you know why I need a catheter. It just hurts too much to move. Nikki, the instructor/trainer/meanie DID call me and check on me and was very encouraging, even though I must doubt that she believed all that she said, but she was SO kind to call me, even though I may have occasionally shouted out that I hated her!! I am thinking that I will change my cell phone number by Friday, because when she sees that I am not there, she'll understand that I just called in dead!! Have a GREAT night, and thanks for sharing a torturing day in the life of the chicken farmer's wife!! I am pretty sure being out of shape is more comfortable than trying to fix it!! love to all!! Jerri

Sunday, September 7, 2008

boys and girls... SEPARATE!!

Yesterday, the boys and the girls went their separate ways. Our friend, Tony H, had a couple of extra tickets to the UK game. I am pretty sure when he asked if Shane and Garrett wanted to go, Shane didn't have to think about it even for a moment before answering "YES!" Well, we had to be a little strategic, to make sure that both of us weren't gone for too long, since we have chickens in the houses. I was out like a light when they rolled in last night, but they both told me that they had a great time!! Thanks Tony!! The first picture is before they head out, with Tony and Garrett. Doesn't that stadium just LOOK fun? The other picture is of my boys in the stands. They came home with a 6 pack of ALE 8 (actually, it started OUT as a 6 pack that they were bringing home for me, and when they got here, there were 3 left...) I think, from the story I was told when they had just came in last night, and I was still half asleep, that Shane got hooked on these when he was at trooper academy in Frankfort, and it is a drink that is found in that area. (we don't have it here) It is sort of like a fruity ginger ale. I thought it was good, but... don't tell Shane... It didn't have the wow effect on me that it does on him...

SOOO, while the boys were off at the football game in Lexington, the girls were in Paducah. We left a LOT earlier though! One of the ministries for our youth is called "Material Girls". They get together, and craft and sew. Sometimes for themselves, sometimes for others. Yesterday was a for themselves trip. Graceson got to go, because they needed me to drive the van, and the boys and both sets of grandparents were out of town. Each girl got a placemat, a sewing machine, ribbon and some fu fu trim, and they made themselves a purse!! She did very well, and had a GREAT time! She certainly thought she was grown, hanging out with the youth. When we were finished there, we headed to the mall for lunch, and then they had time to go around shopping a little, before meeting back to head to Hobby Lobby. They all seemed to find "SOMETHING" they needed at HL!! I am afraid that Gra now thinks that every time the big girls get together, she gets to also, but she'll be there soon enough! Youth starts at 6th grade... The last picture is of the purse that they made. I really thought they all did a good job!! I don't know how impressed they are with themselves, but in person, it is REALLY cute! I suggested she make them for teacher gifts for Christmas and we could put their names on them. She didn't think that was the greatest of ideas... Wonder why? As you can see, Conley has her eyes covered in the picture above. Is she shy? Does she not want to be on the blog? Does she not want this picture to come back to haunt her when she is famous? Maybe her purse is lopsided? Who knows!! HAHA These are just a couple of the 7th grade girls that were so nice to Gra while she was there with me. I know when they were out "shopping" without me, they got in one of those picture booths, the comes out in a film strip with 4 photos on it... OH to be young!!

I must finish up and get some laundry in the washer and finish up some things I have to get turned in first thing tomorrow morning! By the way, I got a prize Friday night at Monte Carlo for having the very fewest points. I mean... I think I was about the only one that didn't break 1000. OH WELL, go ME!! I got a prize anyway, and it was chocolate!! Have a GREAT night and I hope you have had a restful Lord's day!! Thanks for sharing a day in the life of the chicken farmer's wife! love to all!! Jerri

Friday, September 5, 2008

The FBI calls it a clue...

The FBI calls it a clue that you need to go BACK to BED, when you have to dig your expensive flattening iron out of the toilet, and it is not even 6 a.m. Yes, to answer your question, it WAS plugged in, it was hot, when I got it out, it sounded like bacon frying, and yes, I was afraid of getting electrocuted, but what were my options? But NO, I need to get up and start my day!! Great... school was fine except that I went on a field trip to the Indian Pow Wow. Had I forgotten about the sign I had received that morning? Well, if we had just gone, and JUST had our kids, it MAY have been bearable, but instead, every elementary school in the district, practically, was there. Now, I am as far from OCD as the east is from the west, but I found that ALL I did today, was count to TEN because that is the number of children I had in my group! At one point 3 of my boys went with the other group from their class. No problem, right? Well, I had told them that they needed to stay close enough to me, that I could touch them if I wanted to. When I could only count to SEVEN and not TEN... OH RAIN MAN!!! My last field trip comment, is that if you have ever gone on a field trip as an adult and loved it, then you were only responsible for your OWN child... I need a nap!!

The above picture is of Graceson and Halle Rhea at HR's birthday party. It was a carnival theme and HR's aunt was there to paint faces. Isn't that AWESOME? Gra didn't want to wash her face, but I made her!! The picture below is at a sleepover, where the girls were doing a routine to Taylor's Swift's "You should've said no!" It was quite the show!!

Well, have a GREAT night, I am off to make a chicken broccoli braid and then to play Monte Carlo at our SS teacher's house! Thanks for sharing a day in the life of the chicken farmer's wife! love to all! Jerri

You know it's going to be a good day when...

You know it's going to be a good day when you start your day off by dropping your straightening iron in the commode!! Yeah, it was on... Stay tuned and let's hope it gets better! Have a fantastic day!! Jerri

Thursday, September 4, 2008

It's raining!!!

It is RAINING!!! That is certainly "blog worthy" as it is certainly a blessing!! My yard is about the color of a football, but by tomorrow, it will be at my armpit I am guessing!! Graceson had a game tonight, so I was very glad that they finished playing it before the rain really started. They won!! She walked both times that she got on base, but you would have thought she hit it out of the field!! I will say that once she GETS on base, she is on third before you know it! I am guessing it is because she is so aerodynamic, tiny, and close to the ground! When her team shirt came in (we are the Red Sox), it was a size "YL". She about popped a gasket. There was another little girl whose shirt was a little tight, so her mom and I talked, and after the game, we grabbed the girls and hid them in the corner of the dug out so they could switch shirts. Well, as modest as Gra is, you would have thought I had asked her to walk naked across America, and I thought I was going to have to PHYSICALLY take the shirt off of her. She hesitated like you do when you don't REALLY want to get in the pool because you are afraid it is cold, so you wait, and then get ready to jump in, and then stop and wait again... only to get your courage up, and stop, yet AGAIN! The other little girl was like "OK, here ya go" but I am afraid that I am going to cause Gra to have to have therapy, and no one saw her little naked back but ME!!!
Garrett had f-ball practice, but they didn't practice, they had study hall, because 80% of the players were having "grades" trouble. They had to go to study hall as a team. I guess I am not so team minded, because I am kind of feeling like if you go to the trouble to actually STUDY during the week, and the occasional weekend, and MAKE good grades, then when your TEAM is failing, THEY should go to SH ALONE, because you ALONE made your efforts all along. Obviously, my husband and Garrett's coach disagree with me. Shane says they'll get theirs next week, when they have to run during practice while the kids with grades get to practice. AGAIN, WHAT? Why not just DO that? Oh well, I know, I know. That's why women aren't football coaches I guess...
The "other princess" that resides here HATES the rain. If it wouldn't make you think I was a weirdo, I would take a picture of Lilli, when she goes out to potty in the rain, or when the grass is wet. She goes a bit "Matrix" on me. That is where she is balancing her whole little body (all 4 1/2 lbs. of it) on her to front feet, and her back legs are hovering above the ground, for fear she may get a little wet. Why is it that everyone that is 4 ft or smaller that lives here such divas?
Well, have a great night!! love to all, and thanks for sharing a day in the life of the chicken farmer's wife!! God Bless!! Jerri
P.S. By the way... how 'bout that Palin's speech last night? I was a bit impressed!!!
P.S.S. I signed up last night for a fantasy football league... any suggestions? I have NO idea what I am doing!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

New colors-whatcha think?

No big post tonight, because I am going to go to BED!! I have a couple of things I MUST do first, one of which is to say ola to everyone, and then a couple more things... Gra lost a tooth today! She practically "worried" it out of her mouth as much as she was messing with it!! Tonight in youth, or youth pastor did a "fear factor" sort of activity, and picked a youth and an adult to go up to the front. He then busted out the smoothie maker, and dumped into it a jar of pickled hotdogs, a cup cake and pepsi. Blended it up, and then the first one to drink their cup full was the winner. Of course, they needed spoons too! It was hard to watch! Shane would be one that could do that, Garrett and I could NOT!! Of course, Shane is my guy that I just KNEW could make it to and through "Survivor" and win us a million dollars, and then of course, I would quit work to go on all of his tours and interviews. I thought our video was AWESOME, but I guess not great enough for the judges!! We went into the bottoms on the farm, and he had on a flannel shirt with a hidden bite sleeve underneath it. At the time, we had a police dog that was the K-9 unit for HPD, and I was off camera with the dog. Shane says, "I have been surviving here out in the woods, and haven't had any troubles, except for snakes, ticks, and an occasional wild dog". At that point, I give Chucky the command to attack, and you see him flying from the side and attacking him. It was GREAT, but obviously our plan to make million(s) didn't work out THAT way!! By the way, it was all I could DO to get him OFF of Shane. He didn't have his collar on, because we wanted him to look "wild", so the guy who was taping wouldn't help me, because the dog was scary, and I couldn't pull him off, so I had to get his leash around his neck WHILE he was growling and tearing up that hidden sleeve. SKEEEERY, I tell you, but I thought SOOOO worth it, with the dancing sugar plums of dollars skimming around in my noggin imagining our great win!! NOT!!! But I digress...
What do you think of the new colors on the blog? Too much? Not enough? Get a clue and go white? Tell me what you think!!
Well, I'm off to bed now! Have a great night and thanks for sharing a day in the life... God bless! Jerri

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

A quickie post...

No pictures tonight, just a few words and then BEDDY BYE!! Both kids had games tonight. If you remember from a previous post, Garrett was worried about their success because of all of the players that quite, including their awesome running back. Their score... FORTY FOUR to SIX!! Yep! You read it right! I was trying to make it stand out in number form, and didn't know how, so thought I'd type out the words!! 44 to 6!! Tonight was Gra's first fall softball game. They won too! 6 to 4, and it took every bit of the 80 minutes that they have to get the game played. One inning she played second, one she played third. I think that both of those positions freaked her out a bit! She has only played outfield up til now, and it certainly made her nervous! (Not to mention her mother!) Also... I learned tonight that their batting helmets are also supposed to have those guards in front of them, that sort of make them look like football players! Evidently, by this age, we are worried about their teeth, because of the accuracy, or lack thereof, of the pitchers! What a great mother I am... I had no IDEA I was supposed to have this, so she DIDN'T, and had to borrow one of her friends. Let's just hope it was a good friend that was lice free!! (that is always a concern when you work with elementary friends...)

On a different note... my mom is leaving for what seems like YEARS to go south for the winter (not really) and she is going during prime hurricane season. Yes, Gustav missed where she is going, but Hannah and Ike, or Ivan, or Ishmael, or WHATEVER his name is, are lining up to be next. When those bad news bears hit warm gulf waters (the water is measuring in at low to mid 90's) it is not fun!! SOOOO, pray these little tornadic ocean episodes dissipate before hitting the U.S.!!
Have a great night and thanks for sharing a day in the life of the chicken farmer's wife! God bless you all!! Jerri

Monday, September 1, 2008

Pot Pie and Pearl

OK, those 2 things really aren't related, but they are the pictures tonight!! My mom decided that she was going to enter a recipe at the very end. Not only did she want ME to take a picture of it, but she wanted me to also type up the recipe for it!! (I think she thought she had it in the bag, because I would also be able to EAT it right then, without having to do it myself!) Well... don't worry (I'm really only talking to the 4 that fix chicken... :o) ) I already told her that she couldn't win. Why? Well, today IS the last day, but that's not why... I *think* I remember saying it couldn't be a recipe that I already had, and I do have that. It really is DELISH!!! It has a pastry topping that is cheesy and buttery. In the pix, you'll also notice she was showing off a bit by using a chicken cut out too!! If you look really closely, you can see to roosters facing each other in the very center of the topping. Anyway, it was YUMMY!!!!!!!!! Thanks for supper mom!!

The next picture is of my only living grandparent. I call her "Granny Pearl". My mom is taking her to my uncle's on Wednesday, so she is at my mom's for a few days.
Graceson starts softball tomorrow night, and her games will be on Tuesdays for sure, so Shane and I are going to have to take turns going to football and softball games. I hate to miss either of their games, but I don't know how else to do it!! Garrett has another game tomorrow night, but they had about 8 players to quit last week, because the coach made them run for missing practice. One of the quitters was the star running back. Why would he mind running? Anyway, Garrett thinks he'll be back, but... probably not in time for TOMORROW'S game, and he's worried about how they'll do... I'll keep you posted.

I want to give a "holler out" to my peeps that signed into the guest book!! That would be my friends, Anteneshia, and Anissa! I am SOOO glad that you both signed in... FINALLY!! Anteneshia, if you'll remember, fixed me up with a "My Space" page, and Anissa tells me that she reads the blog often, but NOW I have proof!! hee hee! It is a lovely picture of both of you and I REALLY love it that you signed! If you are reading this and haven't signed yet, do it RIGHT NOW!!
If you decide you want/need the chicken pot pie recipe, you'll have to call me, because I don't have the energy to type it up for here!! Have a great night and thanks for sharing a day in the life of the chicken farmer's wife! love to all!! Jerri

KY Joe-I'm a dork... no news here!!

OK, I need your opinion on something... and when you hear what it is... you will know that I am a dork, but if you know me, that won't surprise you, just amuse you!!
I have to have 15 hours of CEU's to keep my speech license for the state of KY. For several years, I went to Louisville or Lexington to get those our to the speech convention. In case I get audited, I have to keep proof that I have them for 3 years, but after that, I can dispose of it. WELL, I was going through some things the other day to pitch... and I came across something...
This particular year, "Survivor" was the theme of the conference and it was about the 3rd season of the show. At the time, I was following it CLOSELY, because Shane had submitted a video, and I just KNEW he would get on!! One of the speakers was.... wait for it... wait for it... KY JOE!! You know, if you watch it, the older guy, he was a teacher from KY. He was SOOO nice, and a great speaker, and ended up being voted off #5, as he insisted that if it was between he and Elisabeth (she is on "The View) now, to vote himself off. She was then number 4, but I digress. SOOOO, back to today, I am cleaning out some things, and I find this booklet from conference, and GUESS WHAT I HAVE... I have his AUTOGRAPH where he signed it on my agenda/booklet from the conference. Here is the question, so please leave a comment and tell me what you think... Do you think it would bring anything on Ebay? I can't decide if I should give it a whirl, or just pitch it, because I have no idea if there are freaks out there that followed it, and would pay for this autograph, or not, and honestly, how could I ever prove it was his?
Well, I am off to bed. I just HAD to write this before I forgot, and then never thought of it again! Have a great night!! Chow for now!! Jerri

Slow Fade

Mooses and go carts - OH MY

Our GREAT day @ the H2O Park!!

Patti's pix

Graceson at horse camp - June '08

My football fella, holding the 4 1/2 lb princess, Lilli

My football fella, holding the 4 1/2 lb princess, Lilli

Please let me know you're here!!