It has been quite a day. Graceson was well rested, so she woke up and was so pleasant. That ALWAYS makes for a better day for EVERYONE in the house and those around her!! :) (Gotta love her though...)
Today at school was an o.k. day for me, but it was certainly a stress filled one. You could cut the stress in the air. Tomorrow is the big "walk through" from all the powers that be. Yes, as long as you are doing what you are supposed to be doing, there is nothing to worry about. It still makes you nervous though, and I don't care how good you are. When someone is "critiquing you" they can always find things if they are looking for them. Does this make you better? Sure, if you embrace it and change it. Is it ever something you look FORWARD to? Not at ALL... SO... think of us tomorrow. I am pretty sure, that if you could cut the stress in the air today, tomorrow you'll be able to taste it!! Hopefully by Friday, the level will start to recede!!
THEN... I walk into church tonight, and it was SOOOOO "freeing", for lack of a better word. Tonight was the last night of revival, and it was certainly spirit filled. It was as if the Lord was saying, "I'll hold on to the stress for ya. If you need it back when you leave, it will be waiting outside". The evangelist focused more on the youth tonight, and one of our youth recited an AMAZING poem that she had written. It was EXXXXXCELLLLENTTTTT!!! GO ANTY!!
I think our message on Sunday that was delivered by our youth pastor, helped to prepare me for today's. He said, "I am going to help you figure out what kind of Christian you are. Are you a "get" Christian or a "got" Christian?" If your buddy says to you that he just got a new boat, it is supposed to be the perfect weather, and he wants you to go to the lake with him on Sunday, do you say, "I can't go, I've GOT to go to church, OR do you say, "I can't go, I "GET" to go to church." OMG!!! What a revelation THAT was... I would have answered the "got" but I AM going to do better, since it has been brought to my attention!!
You'll remember that a few days ago, we got the midnight hour call, that said that the bobcat driver had hit the end wall of one of the chicken houses. Well today, our flock supervisor told Shane that they were probably not going to pay for it, because they are worried that people are saying things happen, so that they can get their stuff repaired on the company's dime. HELLO? Their number is still on the caller ID at midnight!! WHAT?!?! I think they may have lost their mind a little. The flock supervisor said to one of the repair managers, "Shane may or may not be able to get through to the manager, and he may get a little loud, but they'd sure rather talk to him, than to Jerri". WHAT?!?! What is he trying to say? Have I ever yelled at him? Should I be offended?!!?!? Should I feel privileged that he thinks I won't let people walk all over us? I'm not too sure, but I am getting a script going on in my head... just in CASE I have to talk to the big dogs...
Mom got home today!! She is brown as a biscuit, and if she wants them published on the WWW, I will post some of her pictures of her fishing adventure!! Welcome home, Haze!!
Have a GREAT night and thanks for sharing a day in the life of the chicken farmer's wife!! Love to all!! Jerri
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
I love the get and got thing...I'll remember that one!!! I remember inspection days from my teaching days...yuck...kristi
Hey girl where are you? Miss the laughs I get from your blog. Our big day of inspection is Wed. Wish us luck. See you Wednesday night. Blessings, rhea
where are you??? I'm waiting for a post...I made fried chicken tonight for dinner and thought of you (: kj
aww thanx Jerri! i got a shout-out!
Already miss ya! I haven't read your blog in over a week, but I would rather see ya in person than read about ya!!! I have a lot to catch up on. Love ya! Shanan
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