The FBI calls it a clue that you need to go BACK to BED, when you have to dig your expensive flattening iron out of the toilet, and it is not even 6 a.m. Yes, to answer your question, it WAS plugged in, it was hot, when I got it out, it sounded like bacon frying, and yes, I was afraid of getting electrocuted, but what were my options? But NO, I need to get up and start my day!! Great... school was fine except that I went on a field trip to the Indian Pow Wow. Had I forgotten about the sign I had received that morning? Well, if we had just gone, and JUST had our kids, it MAY have been bearable, but instead, every elementary school in the district, practically, was there. Now, I am as far from
OCD as the east is from the west, but I found that ALL I did today, was count to TEN because that is the number of children I had in my group! At one point 3 of my boys went with the other group from their class. No problem, right? Well, I had told them that they needed to stay close enough to me, that I could touch them if I wanted to. When I could only count to SEVEN and not TEN... OH RAIN MAN!!! My last field trip comment, is that if you have ever gone on a field trip as an adult and loved it, then you were only responsible for your OWN child... I need a nap!!
The above picture is of
Graceson and
Halle Rhea at
HR's birthday party. It was a carnival theme and
HR's aunt was there to paint faces. Isn't that AWESOME?
Gra didn't want to wash her face, but I made her!! The picture below is at a sleepover, where the girls were doing a routine to Taylor's Swift's "You
should've said no!" It was quite the show!!

Well, have a GREAT night, I am off to make a chicken broccoli braid and then to play Monte Carlo at our SS teacher's house! Thanks for sharing a day in the life of the chicken farmer's wife! love to all! Jerri
I hear you on the field trip!! Many schools in the district took 5th graders to Frankfort for the DAY last year and are planning it again this year. Not Sinking Fork-I can't imagine. The Trail of Tears was LONG enough. Thanks for everything tonight-so sorry we didn't make it. Thanks for being a TRUE friend and trying to work it all out for us. I'll see you in the morning--Sara
Ok, your and Shanan's blogs look so great...I'm really going to have to get on the ball and get mine styled...Don't miss field trip days....Tomorrows the big day, Kelly will be home, yeah, kristi
Love it!!! Field trips aren't they the best. :) I can't believe the flat iron landed in the pot. I would have just left it. I would have gotten killed getting it out for sure. See you tommorrow in our Lord's house.
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