Monday, September 1, 2008

KY Joe-I'm a dork... no news here!!

OK, I need your opinion on something... and when you hear what it is... you will know that I am a dork, but if you know me, that won't surprise you, just amuse you!!
I have to have 15 hours of CEU's to keep my speech license for the state of KY. For several years, I went to Louisville or Lexington to get those our to the speech convention. In case I get audited, I have to keep proof that I have them for 3 years, but after that, I can dispose of it. WELL, I was going through some things the other day to pitch... and I came across something...
This particular year, "Survivor" was the theme of the conference and it was about the 3rd season of the show. At the time, I was following it CLOSELY, because Shane had submitted a video, and I just KNEW he would get on!! One of the speakers was.... wait for it... wait for it... KY JOE!! You know, if you watch it, the older guy, he was a teacher from KY. He was SOOO nice, and a great speaker, and ended up being voted off #5, as he insisted that if it was between he and Elisabeth (she is on "The View) now, to vote himself off. She was then number 4, but I digress. SOOOO, back to today, I am cleaning out some things, and I find this booklet from conference, and GUESS WHAT I HAVE... I have his AUTOGRAPH where he signed it on my agenda/booklet from the conference. Here is the question, so please leave a comment and tell me what you think... Do you think it would bring anything on Ebay? I can't decide if I should give it a whirl, or just pitch it, because I have no idea if there are freaks out there that followed it, and would pay for this autograph, or not, and honestly, how could I ever prove it was his?
Well, I am off to bed. I just HAD to write this before I forgot, and then never thought of it again! Have a great night!! Chow for now!! Jerri


Unknown said...

That is GREAT!!! I don't know if it would bring you anything but it is worth a whirl. Sorry it took so long to post-school and my master's class is just about to put me under. Keep praying for me. Life seems to be just to stressful these days. Take care,

Slow Fade

Mooses and go carts - OH MY

Our GREAT day @ the H2O Park!!

Patti's pix

Graceson at horse camp - June '08

My football fella, holding the 4 1/2 lb princess, Lilli

My football fella, holding the 4 1/2 lb princess, Lilli

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