Look at this! It is a post, and it is before midnight!! I am thinking that I probably should have stayed in bed this week, STILL!! Hopefully that feeling will pass soon!!
Of course, I get "off" when I don't get home in the FOURTEEN hours since I left it, and this week, that will happen EVERY SINGLE night!!! For the middle 3 days, I had things I had to stay for at school, so I didn't have time "midday" (after 3, to darken my door). You'll also remember my lovely "mishaps" on Tuesday. I think I have more to add to the list, but then again, I think you would call them blessings!
First of all, the reason that I am typing right now, is because I am at Mom's, waiting for Shane to get off of UPS, get some 7-Up and soup, and come here. Then, he'll take Gra home. She complained about her stomach hurting the whole way to school. I assured her she was fine, she probably had to use the bathroom, you know the drill... WELL, she didn't get through morning assembly before she started throwing up! I also have this feeling that Shane will not be nearly as accommodating as me, but we'll see!!
You remember my Tuesday (football game, arm, Jennie Stuart), and you know about my today so far. WELL, I haven't told you about my yesterday!! I was going to write last night, and I just didn't have the spirit to! I turned in pretty early for me! ANYWAY, Gra and I were going to meet the boys at church, because Garrett went on to football practice, even though he couldn't do to much but run... SOOOO, they take FOREVER to get there, but I finally see Garrett. He says "Hey" and goes to find himself a seat. NO biggie. I keep waiting to find Shane to make eye contact with, and he never comes in the door. I keep waiting and waiting, and finally ask Garrett where his dad is. I mouthed this across a few tables, as Bill had already started talking. NOW, THIS is how I know that Garrett is a MAN in training. He acted JUST LIKE ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He takes his GOOD hand, balls it into a fist, and acts like he hits his bad hand. So I ask him "He HIT someone?" He said, "No, the car." I then say, "He hit the CAR?" He then says, "NO, he hit another car, he thinks ours is TOTALLED!" WTH? "WHAT?!?!?! Was this information that you may have needed to SHARE with your mother? Were you EVER going to tell me? Were you WAITING for me to ask if you'd had a wreck before feeling the need to even MENTION it to me? AND............. HOW did you get to church and WHERE is your father?" I am pretty sure that all of you mothers reading this right now know how that conversation went down exactly.
It seems that Shane called another dad that had just left practice to get him to run Garrett to church. He told him to be sure and tell me when he got there... My phone was on vibrate in my purse, and he also called Ted and Bill, but their phones were obviously silent too! I then leave and go over to where the wreck had occurred. It was on the street where the high school is where they practice. This woman pulled right out in front of them. I mean, she was stopped, looked both ways, and then proceeded. It seems that she called her husband/boyfriend whoever he was, and had him bring a carseat to put IN the car before the police arrived. A little too late, wouldn't you think? Everyone was fine, I just don't know about the car. Shane thinks that the insurance will total it out. I followed him home at running speed with our flashers on, with both front tires tilted in, and singing a high pitched tune. I get him to our road, turn and come back to church, to get the kids...
That's 3, right? We should be covered now, right?
Well, I just finished filling out some forms that I have to pass out when I get back to school, so I am going to put them into groups, so they'll be easier to handle! I hope all of you have a GREAT day, and I think tonight, I need to have Calgon take me away! love to all!! Jerri
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
unbelievable!!! I"ll never act like I"m busy again...that's crazy!!! So glad he was ok!!! kristi
dang..no blogging all weekend??? just wondering where you were??kj
Jerri, i do love reading about your eventful life so much..you're awesome!
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