So... after school FINALLY arrives, and I go to my mom's to change the fish bowl's water. (by the way, she caught a SHARK today, so if she sends photos, I will gladly post...) After I get everything done, it is time to take Gra to piano lessons. I get into the car and realize that I had forgotten the phone, and it was at Gram's. I go ahead and take Gra to piano, drop her off and head back to get my phone. When I "re"arrive at her house, I search the kitchen over and cannot find the phone. I decide to pick up the land line and call it for help. Guess wherer it was... IN THE POCKET OF MY HOODIE!! Mishap #2
So while there, I realize I need to take the Herbie Curbie to the road for garbage pick up. You see, I wouldn't have to take it, except that it was over half full of leaves, straw, and other debris from the swimming pool where the wind storm had filled the pool, and we tried and remove the worst of it. I was on the cell phone, and I had a small bag from inside. The lid was open, I held on to the small bag of trash, and I throw my keys into the herbie curbie bucket 'o fun. Have you ever SMELLED the stuff that comes out of a skimmer basket? NOW, imagine it in a typically unpleasant place, and think of getting to almost stand on your head, to reach the bottom of it, which is where they fell to. Mishap #3
Tonight at the football game, I got to hold sweet, baby Ella Kate. She was all decked out in her Tigers attire, all the way down to her orange and black hairbow, so essentially, I was holding the enemy, but it was SOOOO worth it!! She is PRECIOUS!!

While holding her, a little boy in front of the wooden bleachers decides to start throwing rocks, well, one hit my ankle and came VERY close to EK's head. Obviously, if his mom was watching, she wasn't making him stop, so the teacher in me came out, and I fussed and fussed at him. Either mom agreed, thought I was crazy, or wasn't watching, because she never appeared, and he stopped throwing rocks! I sort of jumped/scooted when that happened, and guess what happened to me? Obviously, I have not been going to WOG long enough to have buns of steel, because my back side was well receiving of the splinter that I STILL have there. True story... I have never had a splinter in my butt before, and quite frankly, I am afraid it is going to have to live there, because I have no idea how I am going to get it out!! It typically takes me 2 hands to get out most splinters, and that is when they are somewhere on my FRONT side, so how I will hold a mirror, twist around, see, and then get it out, I have not figured out. Mishap #4
AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST>>> the BLESSING!! As you know, big game... town rivals... Homecoming crowd... you get the picture. We spanked them 30-ZERO by the way!! Right now, I want to shout out to my bud Theresa for coming to the game. I was a little nervous, so I am sure I wasn't great company, but at this time, I at least didn't have the splinter in my butt, which sort of affects your mood as well, but I digress... Garrett was playing both defense and offense. While on defense, there were these 2 boys that were double teaming him, that I would be willing to bet DROVE themselves to the game. (now remember, Garrett is in 7th grade). No kidding, this one kid was every bit as tall as Shane, and probably the width of both of us. He knocked him around pretty good. You've seen it on the NFL, the falls where the guys do a backward roll up over their helmets? THAT kind of hit. One time, either Garrett had knocked down, or been knocked down, but as he was pushing himself up with his fingers, a kid tackled him again. When he got up, I immediately knew he was hurt. He finished the play, until the next break, or time, or something, and the referee was over there. Not too long, and the coaches were too. Sooo, the 1/2 time horn blows, and I can see Garrett with the coach and then I see the coach looking up in the stands. We were in the top row, and I stand up. He motions me down. I go down there, and he insists he'll be fine, he wants to go back in. Butch, one of the coaches tapes his hand up, and he plays the ENTIRE REST of the GAME. By the end of the game, when the tape came off, the hand puffed out like bread rising. I made the call, and we headed to Convenient Care. I am thankful that we did, but the BLESSING is that it is not broken!! He said that he has a severe sprain (it is already blue palm side), and it has to be immobile for 3 days, no practicing for the rest of the week, no writing until Friday, at which time he can start moving it again. In the picture above, you can see his little hospital bracelet still on his arm. He rated his pain an "8" on the pain scale of 0-10, so I am pretty sure that I gave birth to one of the toughest 12 year olds I know. Another blessing that I saw tonight was when I came on the sidelines. The coach was calling me over, and when I went, boys circled all around us, the sweetest kid (and he was an older classman, big guy) told everyone "Ya'll need to get back, he needs to talk to his mama". I LOVE that boy, and I don't have any idea which one it even was!!
Soooo, if you have nothing to do, run on over, and you can help with this splinter... Otherwise, have a GREAT night, and thanks for sharing a day in the life... Blessings to all!! Jerri
Poor Garrett...He is so tuff! Obviously, he IS a Fowler!! I am sorry about your booty splinter but I think that would be a job that your husband might like to take care of! :) Have a great night! love ya! Shan
P.S. Maybe for Christmas I can find you some of that coffee to go along with your NEW phone!!!
Oh, my, what an opportunity I am missing. If only I was there to get at that splinter. I'm sure you recall (vividly, no doubt) how painlessly I remove post C-section imbedded stitches. I forgot the cable to my camera so I can't forward my shark pictures but I was such the fisherman!! I having a great time and I really appreciate how you and Shane are maintaining the home front for me. You guys have had much worse weather that here in Florida and we're here in hurricane season. I sure am glad ole Ike veered off from us. Tell Gra to wait on Bubby while he is laid up. He IS such a toughie. Kiss my babies for me. Love, MOM in sunny Florida. Wish you were here.
ok, so the hubby needs to be pulling that splinter out...Only a place a hubby needs to be lookin at...good luck, kj
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