Tomorrow I will post a picture of what it looks like to be 10. Yep, 10 years ago to day, I was doing a little "nesting". She was a scheduled C-Section, so I was busy trying to get everything done that needed to be done, before she arrived. I was at school 10 years ago tomorrow morning, at 4 a.m. I am thinking that I beat the cafeteria ladies. I had to be at the hospital at 6, so I wanted to get all my stuff in order there too. Now... fast forward 10 years... She wants "glasses". Not the "I can't read, so I need glasses" glasses, but the, "These are a fashion statement, they are cute with dark rims, glasses". Yes, I got her a pair at Claire's. (they're actually FROM Garrett)
While out birthday shopping today, guess what revelation I had... I thought... Would I work out BETTER and not get as sore if I had workout clothes? I pondered this thought for a minute, and then realized that it hurt to bad to think and walk, so I just tried to keep going... Maybe I'll think about it again later. I was really VERY blessed today, as close up parking spots seem to become available RIGHT as I was coming up to them. I mean, the ones RIGHT NEXT to the handicapped ones. (which I will tell you, from the people I saw today scooting out of their cars and JOGGING into Target, *I* am the girl that needed their tag so *I* could park there!!) Honestly, if you had seen me from behind, you would think I was Mr. Wiggins from the Carol Burnett show. I shuffled, as not to get TOO crazy, and MOVE and make myself feel worse than I already did. A couple of times today, I found myself thinking how I was over it, and then I'd move, and remember that I am still a slug. I have mastered the art of standing to pee now, though, so if I continue to scream when I go to sit down, I am just going to have to stop sitting forever! I have always heard, "They say the 3rd day, is always the worst after surgery or workouts". I don't know who "they are", but I do know that "they" are RIGHT!!! Geez! Something MUST be broken to hurt this bad!!!!
Deanna, another girl that was at the "work out session from you know where", called me tonight to give me a "motivational speech" about being sure to attend Friday. I mean, girl laid it on THICK, had me convinced to come out of my witness protection program to be there. THEN, she tells me "But I won't be there, I have something to do". WHAT? I will tell you that if any of you ever watched "The Biggest Loser", that Jillian has NOTHING on Nikki.
I'm tired, but doing everything I can to keep from going to bed, because my bed is high on a good night, when my thighs aren't sore. I am just not too sure, unless I bring the pot that I use for canning and turn it upside down beside my bed to climb on, how I am going to get up into it!! I hope you have a great night and thanks for sharing a day in the life of the chicken farmer's wife! love to all!! Jerri
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
See.......exactly why I don't work out. I *might* be sore on the 3rd day. he he. Congrats to you for being so diligent and hard working! And thanks so much for stopping by. Hope to see you again soon.
I wouldn't know about the third day because I refuse to ever start the "first day". Too funny, Your posts are awesome, kj
dear shrimp,
call me when you get this. seriously. doesnt matter what time cuz haha my parents are in lexington & they're not the boss of me-today. PARTY AT MY HOUSE!-not really. dont call the police jerri.
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