Kristi asked where have I been? The better questions is, "Where do I START?" It has been a busy last several days, so I am going to give you a quickie run down, and then go to bed!! I guess the first thing I did Friday night was have a couples get together for a friend of mine who is having a baby in a month. Her name is Bev, and she INSISTED that we were to do NOTHING for her because this is her THIRD, but her ONLY boy!! OK Bev, I submit, whatever you say!!! HAHA I told her I was having everyone over for Shane's birthday, but VOILA, it was a couple's thing for HER!!! I think she was VERY surprised and I LOVE that she didn't know!! (Now, Shane really was having a birthday on Monday, but that had nothing to do with the dinner, other than to get her there!! We did play a game where I bought these little teeny babies in the cake section of Walmart. I then froze them all in water in small dixie cups.
The rules were simple, you wanted to be the first one to give birth to your baby, but you couldn't run it under hot water OR bite the ice off of it. It had to thaw. You wouldn't BELIEVE how aggressive the men were at trying to deliver their babies. QUITE a hoot!! This is what I made for the winner...
Now let's move on to Saturday. This weekend, the rest of the flock went out. Here are a few photos of the birds at 49 days old. They will weigh in right at 5 lbs. or a little over. If you'll look back at some of my previous posts, you'll see their growth from the day we get them, until the day they come and catch them back. One of the pictures, I thought was SOOO cute, because Shane was trying to take a picture of the bird while holding it. It made me think of all of the teenage girls, that had rather hold out the camera to take a picture of themselves and a buddy, that to simply have someone else take it!! I have succeeded in documenting the stages of our chicks to adulthood, so I guess my blog is complete!! I need to think about whether or not to keep on writing, since you now know all that goes into (well not ALL) the chicken's life cycle after hatching!!
Sunday revival started and we had a youth workers meeting. I am responsible for getting the food taken care of when we have these. I ended up feeding around 50ish people spaghetti. I was in need of a nap, but Garrett had to get back for a CORE meeting, and then revival started that night.
Monday, was Shane's birthday!! Happy birthday my little hottie!! I won't tell you how old he is, but I will let you know he's only 364 days away from the big 4-0!! We got home late that night too, because Graceson had softball, and of course Garrett had football.
Tonight, they both had games so it was my turn to go to the football game and Shane's turn to take Gra. We won, by the way, both kids!! After getting home, I had some embroidering to do. I put an initial on a dress for the girl that does my hair. She is getting her baby's one year old picture in it barefoot. Is that precious or what? I added that to, just so you could get a visual!! NOW, I'm beat!!
Cary... if you are reading this, scroll down, pause the music, and see if the you tube video will come up of the Browning Springs game, where the refs were in the other teams' pockets. It took FOREVER to upload it, and it is only about the last however many minutes. I have to do the whole thing in stages, and I didn't feel like doing it ALL today, but will try to do the rest for you later. I believe this is the very last though. I haven't watched it yet, but I am sure that the crowd is unruly as well, so beware!! Have a great night, and thanks for sharing a day in the life of the chicken farmer's wife!! love to all!! Jerri
Glad to hear from you again. I know I have been busy and next weeks looks to be worse. UGGG!!! That dress is so adorable. I didn't know you could do that. WOW!!! See you at church, rhea
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