This is what I have learned... I may or may not get a comment or 2 from my 2-3 friends that I know follow this blog pretty regularly... When I DON'T post, I get MORE comments. I think I have found the happy medium!! Wait a few weeks between posts!! :) Actually, it has been very difficult to post these last 2 weeks, I seem to have been covered up with one thing or another. I haven't even gotten on the blogs I typically follow, so I have GOT to get back in the groove, because I feel so disconnected from them!!
I really don't know where to start, so I'll try to skim through the last 2 weeks, and add details later. In a 2 week period of time, Gra got the stomach bug TWICE. Yes, you read that correctly... How does that happen? The second time, when they called me to come to the back hall because she was throwing up, I was most certain that they meant to call someone else. I mean, YES, I have been there for over a decade, and Gra has been there for 6 years, but I thought someone STILL must have been confused, because you just CAN'T get the stomach bug TWO different times, in that short of a time. W-R-O-N-G!!!!!!!!!! Bless her little heart. She is back to normal, but she had a time for a while!
Shane's grandfather passed away last Sunday. I lost my grandfather when I was about 6 from my mom's side, and I lost my Paw, who's farm we now live on, when Gra was 6 mo. old. Shane is 39, so that is just incredible to me that he's had him as long as he has...
Shanan came in with the girls. They were in for a week. It was great to see them, and it is remarkable how much those babies change each time I see them. We had dinner over at Sara's the Friday that she got in, and it was so much fun!! (Michelle, if you're reading this, you are such a hoot! and Sara, thanks for the invite!!) The girls rode back to TX with my boys, so I am sure that was a walk, I mean RIDE to remember. I think it went fine EXCEPT that it took them 16+ hours. Now, PART of it was that there was a wreck and they were stuck in traffic, but the OTHER part of it was they were lost... HELLO? They had Garmin IN the car, but yet... they didn't PLUG HIM UP, until I insisted on the phone!!!!!!!!! I guess it's just me, but I'll tell you, that bad boy would have been on from my DRIVEWAY...
Speaking of Shanan, her blog is going private. There appears to be an individual that would like to attempt to make a jab here and there. I may not know WHO they are, but I certainly know WHAT they are. Their agenda is crystal clear, so I guess there is beauty in the transparency of it. You can take care of what you can see, it's those hidden agendas you need to worry about!! SOOOO, with that being said, if you follow Shanan's blog because of mine, and would still like to continue to read hers, if you'll let me know, then I will send her a list of my friends that I can vouch for, that are coming from me, along with your email address. You'll have to be approved to view, so send me an email if you'd like for me to do that for ya!!
FINALLY, while my boys were gone, I had a "situation". While I was still in town, my mother-in-law called to ask me where I was. It seems that our house alarm had gone off, we weren't able to be reached, and they contacted her. EOC told her that they had dispatched a unit and everything looked o.k. Well, I know that sounds well and good, but you see, about 5 years ago, our alarm went off. We were at church and county was dispatched. They called and left the message that they had gone all around the house, and everything was "all clear". YES, but they went around the WRONG HOUSE... They went around the house that was EMPTY... the one where the basement is caved in, where my grandparents lived, and we lived until this house was finished. The house where goats had gotten in and left small black reminders all over the floors... You get the picture. Now, if I were a policeman that walked into an EMPTY house with goat ca ca on the floor, and thought that someone was paying a monthly fee to have an alarm set up on it, I MAY have to give that some thought, but that's just me...
When I got home, my front window screen was cut, and the window was up about 1 1/2 inches. Now, the screen may or may not have been torn before, but I KNOW that the window was down, because the alarm would not have set when I left for school that morning. Do you ever wonder if you could shoot someone in that situation, when you are faced with protecting yourself and your children? I don't wonder. Is that bad? Have I lived with Shane too long?
Well, I have laundry to do!! I hope you all have a wonderful night!! I expect LOTS of comments, or I'll wait another 2 weeks to write again!! love to all, and thanks for sharing the last 2 weeks in the life of the chicken farmer's wife!! Jerri
P.S. I found out yesterday that my favorite exercise tyrant is putting WOG on hold for a while, since there was really only 1 youth committed to it... Was all that pain for nothing? Because I KNOW, that I am not just going to do it on my own for FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
Thank goodness! I was going into withdrawals. Thank you for posting.
Glad your back. Sorry to hear about Shanan's blog. I e-mailed her already. People can be so mean. Take care and hope to hear from you soon not in 2 weeks... but hey it takes me a while to post... just too busy. Rhea
Well, it's about time...I'm always commenting and I was getting ready to send out the Hoptown rescue squad for you....So, glad you're back....and are you saying that your house got broken into and the cops didn't notice the raised window and cut screen....did you leave it unlocked??? OK, so now i'm afraid for you and Shanan...too freaky!!! GEt back to posting and don't wait 2 weeks next time (: Glad you're alive, Kristi
shrimpy fowler i missed your blog so much! and i miss you! where have you been all my life?!
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