Thursday, October 23, 2008

Does this new feature work?

OK... still not enough votes to go public, so I'll give it a few more days. Belly dancing, or no belly dancing? There is supposed to be a new feature that I have added, so that instead of having to go "ALL the way to a different page" you hopefully will be able to post a comment just below the blog entry for that day. I can't see it-I think because it is from my own computer, and it recognizes me-so I don't know if I have successfully added the comment feature below it or not! I guess time will tell! Have a great night, and let me hear from you if I haven't!! love to all!! Jerri


Slow Fade

Mooses and go carts - OH MY

Our GREAT day @ the H2O Park!!

Patti's pix

Graceson at horse camp - June '08

My football fella, holding the 4 1/2 lb princess, Lilli

My football fella, holding the 4 1/2 lb princess, Lilli

Please let me know you're here!!