Now, you MAY be thinking that he dressed up for the breakfast, but NO, that wasn't it!! His principal told everyone to dress today in red, white and blue, because tonight was the championship game!!! Well, everyone did, EXCEPT for the football players, who had to dress UP!! I LOVE that!!! That is SOOO "Friday Night Lights" like!! By the way... it's GREAT to have the GOLD FOOTBALL!! Winning is the best!! The score was 32 to 8. It could have been a wipeout, but the coach decided to put in the "little guys" for the last quarter. That made Garrett angry too. I guess if I was the MOM of the younger guys, I would have been pleased as well, but this was the first time several of them had been on the field. I can assure you that Logan Co., only had their 8th graders in, so I may have been a little nervous for my 7th grader to get out for the first time, in a championship game. OH YEAH, I DO have a 7th grader!! :) NOW... in relations to... the other team... one of the coaches... in relations to... say... me... used to be... MY PRINCIPAL!!! If you are reading this... and you knew him, you'll be giggling by now!! To pass the time in teacher's meetings, we used to sit, and make tally marks for the number of times he said, "In relations to..." and I am telling you, it would be no less than SIXTY, in an hours time, NO KIDDING!! After the game, the parents went out on the field. He saw Garrett and asked him if he used to go to Millbrooke. THEN, he saw me, and figured it out!! Did I tell you how GREAT it is to have the gold football?
To give you an idea how excited I was about the game, I left my driver's side door OPEN!! The ENTIRE GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now, if we were in the old Walnut Street Stadium, all that would have been left in the parking lot would have been tire marks!! All was well in the van though when I returned. I guess I was so worried about getting in, that I never THOUGHT of shutting my door. I think this is the first sign of Alzheimers. It is called "Early Timers". Well, all in all, in the words of my old principal, Mr. Thweatt, "It's a GREAT day to be a colonel!!" By the way... Amy Colley, if you are reading this, tell your husband that the stadium needs "non specific 'pump you up' music"! We are warming up, getting ready, and they start playing "Eye of the Tiger"!! HELLO? Colonels are here... jump back... no TIGER music, K?
Well, I have a few things to sew. I don't want to forget to holla back at Anita for signing into the guest book!!! Thank you SOOO much for signing it! Tell your friends to also!! Even if they don't read it!! HAHA Just kidding, but if you DO read this, would you PLEASE sign the guest book for me? PLEASE? I like to think that I know who is out there reading, and although Cagney and Lacy can catch a stalker, and we have "ways of making people talk..." I'd appreciate you making the effort!! Also, you don't have to sign in with a picture if you don't want to, if that's what's keeping you!!
Have a GREAT night, and thanks for sharing a day in the life of the chicken farmer's wife!! Love to all!! JA By the way...
I bet you thought that *I* was Garrett's biggest fan. I have uploaded a picture of our "gansta" dog in the hood, I mean HOODIE... In the second picture, I even happened to catch her when she was licking her mouth, as if she were hangin' her tongue out, "gansta style"!!
P.S.- I just wanted to say to all of you that read this, to send up a quick prayer on Matthew L's behalf. I just read his mom's post tonight, and he needs ALL of us to pray for him and his family! Thanks so much!!
Go Colonels!Go Garrett!I was so proud of Garrett at the breakfast!He is a wonderful representation of a fine young man!I reserve all comments on the other team's coach.
I will have to say Scott Colley had nothing to do with the PA system last night, but that was pretty funny!
I remember Garrett's first day of kindergarten and how you acted. I thought we were going to have to medicate you! Can you believe they're as old as they are? Remember when we used to walk and push them in the stroller? Time flies and I get to start all over! Ha!
Love, Amy
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