It is 11:00 here and all is silent. Lilli is lying beside me (the 4 1/2 lb. princess) and the rest of the family is in the bed! We swam today, and the sun just wore the natives out!!! There is not a tv on in the house!!! Tomorrow is the big day... FOOTBALL PRACTICE begins!!! It actually started today, but Garrett could not go because he didn't have a current physical. His appointment is for tomorrow at 9:15, and then he should be good to go!! I've had this appt for weeks, and it was the first one available, so I am guessing that all sports have to have physicals, before they'll allow participation. It will be a week of practice and then VACATION!!!! It's good to have all of my family back home!!
I won my bid on Ebay for a new camera, so I am hoping to have lots of pictures to share!! I got a small one that will fit in my purse, so I feel like if it is handy, I will use it more!! Shane's grandmother, MeMaw, died the Wednesday before my birthday that following Sunday in May. She had fixed a birthday card for me, and enclosed some money the day before she died. I had decided that I was just going to keep the money, since it was her last gift. It wasn't until this past week that it occurred to me that MeMaw would have NEVER wanted me to KEEP the money. She had MUCH rather me use it to buy a camera, and take pictures of Garrett, who is "getting so handsome", or Graceson, who is "getting prettier every time I see her". Thanks MeMaw!! I will take pictures of these babies with the gift you didn't know that you got me. We miss you every day...
I'm hoping tomorrow to get my "feet back". I thought they hurt before, but I was wrong. I think the older I get, the more I appreciate body parts if that makes any sense!!! I have also learned, that if these braces that I am wearing will work, I would consider wearing them to PROM!!!!
Well, I've got a few things to do before I hit the hay!! I'm not one of those moms that can't sleep if I know that dishes are in the sink or anything, but I still have some things that MUST be done!! Have a great week!! Jerri
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
I love the new edition! The picture is great of you and Shane. Maybe when we have an ebay night, we need to have a blog night also!! I am a little behind compared to you and Shanan! Talk to you soon! Sara
Thanks for commenting today...I was so surprised to hear from you...How did you find my blog?? I don't know how to search for people. I love your slide show...your daughter is beautiful!! I'll keep reading..I'm addicted to blogging...And, the wedding was great, sorry you had to miss. What is the 4 1/2 lb. princess?? a dog? a chicken?? just curious, Kristi Johnson
ps. You're never too old to make a family bigger...You'll never regret having more kids...just NOT having them. kj
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