Friday, August 29, 2008

Happy Un Birthday!!

OK, So Gra's birthday is not until Sept. 11th, but you see, Grammy will be gone, for almost a MONTH, while her birthday "occurs" so we had a little "not your birthday" birthday dinner last night with mom cooking. It was YUMMY! Gra picked the menu, and she did a FINE job if I do say so myself. She wanted roast and gravy, mashed potatoes, corn, green beans, fruit salad, rolls, and an oreo cake for dessert. Yes, that may be an overkill, BUT, I guess she thought Gram should pay since she wouldn't be here!! haha OH, I almost forget the rootbeer in "bottles" (that is very important) to drink. The above is a picture of Garrett breaking into song singing "L-is for the way you... me!" into the rootbeer bottle. I added this song a few days ago, and he just randomly bellows it out for me, with no prompting, for no reason!! One of the gifts that Grammy gave Gra was Taylor Swift's cd. She also gave her a couple HSM 1 and 2 musical cd's. Garrett has already insisted that we can NOT listen to these on the way to school, or any other time he is in the van with us. OH, he is SUCH a boy!!

Now, the next picture is of her blowing out her candles. Of COURSE she would NEVER want the numbers 1 and 0, she would want 10 separate ones. She'll be the one in the nursing home, that wants 115 of them on her cake for her 115th birthday, and will count them to make sure that noone tried to cheat her out of any of her candle!! Trust me! I know her!! It was a very tasty cake by the way!! The whole dinner was a great time! Garrett was so glad that he chose THIS over the middle school dance, as he said the food was "way better" than the dance would have been fun. I am afraid he won't be keeping that opinion for much longer, so I'll take it while I can get it!! I hope everyone has a GREAT weekend, and I'll write more soon!! Have a great day and thanks for sharing a day in the life of a chicken farmer's wife! love to all!! Jerri


Shanan said...

Happy early birthday Gra! Your present is in the mail! (I know...don't pass out b/c it is on time!!!)

Just hearing Garrett and middle school dance in the same sentence made me feel old. I remember my first middle school dance....I think I went with Brian Thompson and the theme was "Say You, Say Me." That is showing my age....A Lionel Richie song headlining a dance. Oh my gosh!!!

Love you all-

Tell Shane I posted a pic of the Plow Boys that Cary told him about....

Kristi J said...

soooo cute!! WE were in Hoptown today celebrating my grandpa's 96th b-day...I love b-days!!! Have a great long weekend, kj

Slow Fade

Mooses and go carts - OH MY

Our GREAT day @ the H2O Park!!

Patti's pix

Graceson at horse camp - June '08

My football fella, holding the 4 1/2 lb princess, Lilli

My football fella, holding the 4 1/2 lb princess, Lilli

Please let me know you're here!!