Today has been a crazy, beautiful, busy, fun day. We went to a restaurant with my favorite Aunt and Uncle Bob. They came in for my uncle's wedding, that was cancelled, but that's really o.k., because he's already married to the woman he was marrying, so we decided to make the best of it and go out to eat!! (I know, if you understand it, call me and explain it to me!!) If you have read any previous posts, you'll see that we were just up there after Wisconsin. With them, they brought Jennie, who my aunt works with each week. Jennie and I get along great and we have all gone to Florida together. It was there that a nurse shark was swimming along the shoreline while we were in the water, 3 feet from where the sand met the ocean. A man there told me not to worry (as I was dragging my kids out of the water by their hair) that they wouldn't hurt me. I told him, that I could assure him that it would make me hurt MYSELF, and to move please. My mom went too, so it was one big happy family event!! (I am sure by the time we left, our server was ready for us to go!) I am adding a slide show of our night, and had to sneak a picture of Lilli in there. I am sure this is what she does while she is waiting for us to come home! We really all had a great time and I wish they lived closer!! Shane entertained us with his ability to tie a cherry stem into a knot without touching it, just by using his tongue. My Aunt Beetle feels certain that she can get him on Leno with that talent. They say that skill indicates a good kisser...I will have to agree... On ANOTHER note, if you will look at the picture of my mom, aunt, and me, it looks like we are on a ride and I am holding them in their seats to keep them from falling out!! HA We were actually in 3 different seats in case you were wondering!!
Now, to tell you about the title of my post... For the last several days, I have been in a slump. When I say slump, I am talking down in the dumps... a rut. It wasn't until today, that I remembered something that I heard 18 years ago in college. I wanted to tell it to all of you, in case you go through a patch and feel this way too! "The only difference between a rut and a grave, is the dimensions" I started out in a rut, but I was trying my hardest to make it deeper and wider, instead of trying to just get out of it. I was either going to have to get out of it, or forever live in it, so I chose the prior. Now, I am not saying that tomorrow I won't be right back in it, but I will tell you that if I am, I will bring my climbing shoes to get out of it. I have more things than I can ever name to be thankful for. I thought my feet hurt, until I see Jennie's. Mine are strong enough to carry me, and 2 full buckets of feed. She can hardly carry her purse. I need to shut my mouth about my feet... You see my point. So when you see yourself in a rut, get out of it before it becomes your grave!! I did!! :o) I thought I'd close with a couple of pictures to show you what else I did with my day!! Hope you have a great night and thanks for sharing a day in the life of a chicken farmer's wife!! love to all!! JA

You know I haven't got the "blogging fever" like you and my sister-However, I had to post after reading this blog!! You looked beautiful in the pictures tonight. You make so many people around you laugh and smile. I am very BLESSED to have you as a friend. Thanks for always being there for me no matter what!! Sara
oh..what cute chics!! I can't believe I'll eat them some day!!! Hate that you were in a "rut"....I can't imagine you being "down". I know you're human too...but you are always so darn funny and is hard to imagine!! gotta get to bed earlier..I'm draggin...kristi
I have been reading your blog and enjoy your funning stories. I wanted to send you a comment. I got to your blog through Kristi's and I am friend with Shanan's sister Sara. It is so neat how the blog worlds can connect. I am from Hoptown as well. Good luck with the start of school. I can't believe Summer is over. I love the saying about the "rut". It puts things in perspective. Blessings,
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