Well first things first. I need to "holla" out to my people and thank Ali for signing the guest book!! She mentioned that she thought of me because she wore her retainers to work. You see, I too, have retainers, and one night, we both wore them to church. Well as cute as she looks in hers, I just look old and dumb, but the fact remains, we both spit when we spoke to each other. The bad part about it is that yes, I sound like the girl on Drake and Josh, or whatever the show is, and I teach "speech". Now, just WHO would want ME teaching their baby how to make an "S"? The chickens don't seem to mind... BUT...
Today we had a teacher's meeting that was sort of long, so instead of going home between school and church, I just went to my mom's because she cooked supper for us. This was "Grandpa's recipe", but she's never really perfected it before. Tonight it was the BOMB!! Way to go Hazel!! Every time I ATTEMPT to make sauce, Gra will be the first to ask, "Is this supposed to taste like G-Pa's? Did you put peanut butter in it, Grandpa did. Did you do this? Grandpa did" (you get the picture). I just want to say, "Let's go to Olive Garden" when she is so painfully honest! My mom really is a good cook, but I will tell you something she used to do, that has left me forever scarred... When I was in elementary school, I went to UHA, so I had to take my lunch, as they didn't provide lunches at school. I guess one of my favorites, as I can remember having it fairly often, was potted meat and GRAHAM CRACKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT? Graham crackers? Potted meat? Are you kidding? And guess what else... to this day, I cannot even TASTE the mess unless it is on a GRAHAM cracker. That is future counselling bills!!! It is a wonder I didn't get my tail kicked on the playground for that mess right there!!
Well I think I am going to try and get in the bed early. I am a bit whipped. After church tonight, I went to Wal-Mart because the DOGS didn't have any food. Forget that I haven't been BIG shopping since we got back from vacation, but the DOGS needed something. What is wrong with this picture? Also, Shane went to my mom's after church to get spaghetti, since he and Garrett came straight there from football, so I only actually talked to him for less than 10 minutes today. (that has nothing to do with me being tired, I just thought I'd share that for some reason)
I hope you all have a great night and thanks for sharing a day in the life of the chicken farmer's wife! love to all!! Jerri
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
Ok, so I posted by recipe for your contest on my blog tonight..If you need me to email it to you too, let me know...too fun, kj
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