Wednesday, August 13, 2008

2nd verse same as the first

A LITTLE BIT LOUDER AND A LITTLE BIT WORSE!! I mean, 2nd POST... OK, I was on my way to bed, and I thought I'd drop by a few blogs I read for a sec before hitting the hay. The pressure is ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My friend, Kristi, not only has submitted HER recipe for our chicken contest, it ALSO is a crockpot recipe, she posted pictures, AND she used PERDUE chicken!! I would take that as a challenge!!! If you get a chance, drop by her blog, you'll be amazed at all she does!! She has 4 babies, 1st grade and under, is adopting a baby, has play dates, lessons, family field trips, throws parties, and cooks for others!!! I'll tell ya, it makes having 100,000 chickens look easy!! You can find her at:
She is well on her way of winning the contest (right now, that is because she is the only person that has sent me a recipe!! heehee) I have a cute prize by the way!! You can post to the blog, or send it to my email, or something else if you have another creative way!! I can't already fix the recipe, and no Shanan, it doesn't have to be something you created on your own!! (love ya) Have a great night and NOW I'm going to bed! love to all!


Kristi J said...

You are so funny!! It seems like I do a lot, but truthfully, I just have nothing else to do besides play with my kids and clean house!! And, yes, I clean my own house..I"m pretty sure I'm the last standing person in Brentwood without a maid and an nanny, but I wouldn't have it any other way...Well, truthfully, i'd let someone clean my toliets if my hubby would let me...but I"d never let a nanny step foot in my house, ha. Kristi

Slow Fade

Mooses and go carts - OH MY

Our GREAT day @ the H2O Park!!

Patti's pix

Graceson at horse camp - June '08

My football fella, holding the 4 1/2 lb princess, Lilli

My football fella, holding the 4 1/2 lb princess, Lilli

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