My friend Amy, went to the game yesterday. She took a few pix of Garrett, and uploaded them to Snapfish, or whatever the program is that she uses. I thought I would NEVER be able to get it to here!! I have been working HOURS (literally) to get the photo into my blog!! So... here you go!! This is a picture of my football hero!! His name is Garrett... but I call him "Bubby". His number is '51', which is significant because it was also Shane's number in high school. I "HEAR" he was a pretty significant football presence in his day, although I know if I had known him then, we wouldn't be here today!! :) (you know how that goes!!)
A couple of my youth girls are supposed to be making me a "My Space" page to keep connected. WHAT?!?! How does that connect you? I am not sure, but will let you know! I am pretty sure I won't have a "friends list" as everyone else does, because I don't know how to get one!! Anyway, I'll let you know how that goes!! I'll try to post of the baptism too!! Have a great Lord's Day and thanks for sharing a day in the life of the chicken farmer's wife!! love to all!! Jerri

Wow Garrett! You look really tough in your uniform! Sure wish that we could come to a game. We hear out here in Texas that you are so good that you are playing on the EIGHTH GRADE TEAM!!! Wow! Keep it up and uncle Cary will be hunting you down to sign that scholarship! We love you! Uncle Cary, Aunt Shanan, Soph and Bella
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