Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The first day of school!!

Where did the summer go? I can tell you a dozen things that were going on, and another dozen things we did, but now that it essentially over, it seems it didn't take any time for it to come and be gone! Today was the first day of school for the kids, and yesterday was my first day. My 7th grade baby. When they get this old, they refuse to listen to anything you say about clothes! Both of my kids assure me that I am SOOOO "old school" and I just have to agree. Although, I don't think that either of them look bad, just old!! I look at the pictures of my nieses and remember: Wasn't it just yesterday that I could dress them alike? Wasn't it just last week that they were that size ? Now, they wouldn't be caught DEAD in the same COLOR, much less the same "theme".
Then, you have my FIFTH grader!!! How did she get old enough to be in 5th grade? What am I going to do when she is not with me at my school anymore?

Yesterday, I just had the funk all day. I was just sad how this was her last year with me, and how they were both growing up, and how the thought of her being in middle school worried me so much that I couldn't even go there in my mind without the tears flowing, and blah blah blah. Beverly, a friend of mine, said that I am going to have to get over that, because I am going to be so sad about it, that I am not going to enjoy the year I HAVE, and she was right. THEN, last night when I was doing my devotion, I came across this:

In the world, you have trials and tribulations, but be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world. John 16:33

Jesus will take care of her, much better than I can. When I worry, then I think that something in His plan is imperfect, and I am doubting Him. Don't get me wrong, I honestly worry about Garrett too, but it is a different worry. He weighs in at 130 lbs, whereas she is topping the scales at 45 lbs. (I thought she got her size from me, but it turns out, she only got the size of her EARS from me! Remember, I am an anorexic in remission (just kidding!)) I worry about his choices, I worry about her safety... BUT... I am going to TRY my very hardest to put that aside, so I can ENJOY that I get another year with her at my school. I may have to be reminded I have said this, so feel free to do so!!

I wasn't sure that we would get to school at all, because I thought we were going to be TRAPPED in Wal-Mart trying to pick the "perfect" folder for specials. HELLO? Put some paper in a Wal-Mart sack and call it a binder. Of course, she had to ADD to the list because she saw all of the "Back to school" goodies out everywhere, and just COULDN'T do without that PRECIOUS bottle of liquid paper... WHAT? We are going to TRY and pick out our outfits a week at a time this year, and see how that goes. I'll keep you posted!!

I need to go and check on supper. We are having chicken... IMAGINE THAT... Actually, I think it was Henny Penny that we are having tonight... JUST KIDDING!! We don't name them, and we don't slaughter our own, so it is not a big deal to us at all!! We LOVE eating chicken!! Also, please feel free to share any recipes that you might have!! Have a great night and thanks for sharing a day in the life of the chicken farmer's wife! Love to all! Jerri


Shanan said...

You are right....wasn't it yesterday when Gra and Soph were wearing matching snowmen dresses????????? The pictures are great! I am praying for "all you teachers" back at work!
Love ya!

Unknown said...

Love your blog!!! How did you get the new look. You and your sister-n-laws blog are two cute. I want to change mine. Help. Thanks, Rhea Anne

Slow Fade

Mooses and go carts - OH MY

Our GREAT day @ the H2O Park!!

Patti's pix

Graceson at horse camp - June '08

My football fella, holding the 4 1/2 lb princess, Lilli

My football fella, holding the 4 1/2 lb princess, Lilli

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