I have had a GREAT weekend!! Yesterday morning, Garrett had football practice. Shane decided he was going to take him, which meant I had an extra hour to sleep!! That CAN'T be a bad day! Graceson had to go to town to work at a Pancake Breakfast for K-Kids. That is just a "kids" version of Kiwana's Club, which is a philanthropic organization that does various projects in our community. She got ready pretty early and was just messing around here and there while I was getting up and moving. For some reason, I walked into our foyer, and noticed our coat closet was open a little. Not thinking too much about it, I shut it and heard "Hey!". I open it all the way to see Gra, on top of some blankets, and snuggled up with Lilli, the dog. I asked her why in the WORLD she would be in the closet. (this is one of those closets, you know the ones, that house EVERYTHING you don't need at the moment-winter coats, jackets, gloves, hats, Pampered Chef boxes I don't use often, you get the idea!) She told me... wait for it... it was TOOO funny and cute... "I am having an earthquake drill with Lilli". SOOOOO, if we ever have an earthquake in Fruit Hill, and you guys cannot locate us, check the closet!!! Isn't that a scream?
Last night was date night. Shane and I went to the Melting Pot in Nashville. Now, I will assure you that this would not be a typical date night of a blockbuster rental and popcorn, but we thought we'd live on the edge, if just for the night!! It was SOOOO yummy!! In case you've never been, it is a fondue restaurant, and it is VERY expensive, so save up and go hungry!! We were going to go to the movies too, but I had to get back and cook a few things, because I had to fix lunch for the youth workers that had a training this afternoon. I fixed French Dips, and I think they were a hit as far as I could tell! A few of the people asked me what the "au jus" was for, so even though I WANTED to say it was for cleansing your fingers between bites, I wasn't a smarty pants outside of my head, and told them it was for dipping their sandwiches! Next time they'll know!!!
I have to give a yell out to a couple of people that signed the guestbook for my blog! Kelly Putty is a blogger that I follow, and she and her family are adopting from Ethiopia. Her link is to the left if you want to see their progress. They go and get him in a few weeks! Rhea signed in, and she TOO, is adopting. She is adopting from Korea, and her blog address is also to the left if you want to see where they are in their process. She actually goes to my church, but I didn't know her until she started reading Shanan's posts, then came to mine, posted, and we ended up going on the same retreat for youth workers at church. Funny how small the world is, isn't it? Kelly is Kristi's sister, and she is also adopting. If you see a pattern here, I'm just fond of their posts. Unless God REALLY shook, rattled, and rolled me, I don't see adoption in our future, they are just friends that I love to check on. My dear Graceson would have to have such therapy, that I don't know how she'd survive! She'll be the first to tell me that she never wants any more brothers or sisters to live here!!! Oh well, go take a look if you ever need more things to read, you'll enjoy them!!
I hope everyone had a great Lord's day, and got refreshed for the week ahead! Have a great day, and thanks for sharing a day in the life of the chicken farmer's wife! love to all!! JA
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
You crack me up....Show your daughter some videos of orphan babies in orphanages around the world and she'll be begging you to save one!! My girls saw the free video that All God's Children (our adoption agency) sends out and were hooked!! They all want to adopt now when they're older..too fun!! How do you make a french dip?? My hubby loves those things, kj
Ok, Gra's little drill reminded me of something that happened in Hoptown back in 1990. Do you remember in Dec. of 1990 (my senior year and you were at WKU) when the Christian County School Board of Education CLOSED the schools down for TWO days b/c of Nostrodomius' (sp?) prediction that our city would be destroyed by the EARTHQUAKE? I remember all of the bread and bottled water were gone off the shelves at Kroger. I tell people here about that and they just look at me dumbfounded, not knowing what to say. That is embarrassing! Can you believe they did that???!!!! I just wondered if you remembered?!
love ya! shanan
I want the french dip recipe!!! I love new and easy things to make. Is it easy? I loved the guest book-how did you do it? Too cool!! The practice drill was great. We had a date night on Saturday as well. It was our 6 year anniversary. We went to the Looking Glass. I will post about it tonight. Just to busy, Have a blessed day, rhea
Where are you? I keep looking for a post! Entertain me please!
I am addicted to bloggers! Glad I found yours. It keeps me laughing!
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