The guy called today that had my computer!! If you will remember, it has been in the shop since MAY SECOND!!!! YEP!!! That is WELL over 3 months!! Well, I get it hooked up, and everyone and everything on it is GONE!! Again, YEP, caplooie, vanished, syahnarah!! I called and spoke with "Habeeb" from my email provider, which talked me through getting outlook set back up, but he told me I'd have to do a mass delete, or it would try to upload 14,000+ emails, and I am only allowed so many downloads per day, and it would slow it down to a crawl (and it is PLENTY slow in the country all by itself!) SOOO, if you emailed me in the last, say FOUR months, please resend it, as it is out there in deleted land!! I've got a call in to the guy, and I am PRAYING that he backed everything up!! I had 20 or 30 little icons on my opening screen, and today there are 3. I had 1000's of songs, pictures, web addresses, embroidery patterns and sites-GONE!!! Of course, now I don't have a single email address anymore either, so if you'd be so kind as to send that to me, I'd love to add it!! I've said a little prayer hoping that he has it somewhere, but I am kind of doubtful, since it did take him nearly 4 months to get it to me! :)
I left school early today, as I was feeling a bit like I'd been hit by a train. I am on my 2nd day of a Z-Pack, and hope to be able to tell a difference very soon! I find that I have been coughing so much, that my stomach muscles feel like I have been doing a 48 hour long version of "Abs of Steal" with no results!! When I cough, I need 3 hands, because I don't know whether to grab my stomach, my mouth, or my head, that feels like it is going to fly off each time I cough! Also, (and I realize that this is more information than you were asking for...), I find that I wish my bladder was COMPLETELY empty each time I coughed as well. Is this my age, or just the severeness of the cough? Am I going to need Depends by the age of 40? I pray NOT!!!!!!!
Also, before I forget, my friend Sara S, tells me that I need to post an ending date for the recipe submissions. Is this the teacher in her, perhaps? Girls (and guys if there is anyone out there that reads this that is not female) I think this is because she is planning on submitting an awesome recipe at the wire to surprise us?!?!?! She really is a good cook, so we'll see! SOOO, to make Sara happy, I will tell you the chicken recipe deadline! It is going to be LABOR DAY!! The Monday that we recognize the holiday, will be the last day you can submit a chicken recipe to go in the taste test for the prize! I will ALWAYS love any recipe you send me, but these are just to get the cool prize!!
Blessings to all, and thanks for sharing a day in the life of the chicken farmer's wife! JA
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
sorry you feel bad...that stinks!!! I love the idea to post 10 things you're thankful for..I'll give it a try tomorrow, since I already posted tonight...Glad you're back up and writing from home, kristi
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