What in the world could that title possibly mean? Well, I'm glad you asked. Today was a snow/ice day, and although I will HATE it when we have to make them UP, I LOVE them TODAY!!! I got SOOOO much done, I embroidered all day (mainly for other people, but that means, I'll have them all done when I need to do my OWN!!!) They have already called school for TOMORROW too, so just THINK what I can get done!! Hopefully, more sewing AND some baking!! But I digress... you are wanting to know why I've talked of fame...
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Don't be a hater, because we're famous...
Posted by The Chicken Farmer's Wife----------------- at 7:31 PM 15 comments
Thursday, December 11, 2008
And then there were 6...
My dearest chicken farmer called me today at school. We chatted for a moment, and then he said, "I have some GREAT news!!" You can imagine my thoughts... He got a raise? Perhaps won the Powerball? How about he wants to get someone to clean the house? Well guess which won of the above he said!! NONE!!!!!!!!!!! That's right! Not a one!! He proceeded to tell me that when I got home, I'd be excited to see that we were SIX horses richer. WHAT?!?! Did you say HORSES? Did you MEAN to say "$5 million DOLLARS richer?" Nope, he said horses... You can imagine how the conversation went after that, but the gist of it is one of his buddies knows him PRETTY WELL. Just kidding, a friend of his has these 5 horses, and they keep getting out of this fence where he keeps them. Well, they are tearing up the neighbors stuff when they are out, so they are threatening a lawsuit, so he had to find a place for them ASAP, until he could get his stuff done. Yeah, bring us your down trodden, your pit bulls, your kittens, your HORSES... "Give 'em to SHANE... HE'LL take ANYTHING!!! This is a picture of the pregnant mare. YES, you read that right, let's throw that into the mix as well. Now, for Shane being such a good friend, he's getting to keep the baby. SO?!?! Really? I know, you gotta love him... but come on... FIVE HORSES? I didn't even go out to the stable. I told Graceson to take a picture, and I'd come and look at them when it was daylight and warm. Then of course, let's not forget Lucky!! Shane said that whene they let the others out, he GALLOPED as fast as he could over to them, blowing and snorting, letting them know whose casa they were trodding on.
I will tell you that I do really like Lucky, but as for "his people" that are now visiting, I'll let you know... They aren't saddle broken, so it's not like they serve a purpose. When you come down to it, most don't. Last week, Lucky was at the gate, and Shane was putting up the lawn mower into our shop. One of the goats that share the pen with him, walked up behind him. He wasn't interested in her being there, so he picked up his back leg, and ever so gently put it up against her side, and pushed her away. He didn't try to hurt her, he didn't kick, it was just a "push". That's just his personality...
In the mean time, have a GREAT night and thanks for sharing a moment in the life of the chicken farmer's wife! love to all!! Jerri
Posted by The Chicken Farmer's Wife----------------- at 9:46 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
You're a mean one...
You are about to see, perhaps one of the cutest things you have ever seen. OK, ok, I am to never use "cute" and Garrett in the same sentence, so I will rephrase, you are about to see something really FUN!!! In youth, Bill never wants anyone "NOT" to go on a mission trip because they cannot afford it. So, to help them out, they have the opportunity to work each week, and instead of getting paid cash money, it can go as a credit in their accounts toward a mission trip. Tonight, he had a contest. The contest was simply to dress up as your favorite fictional Christmas character. Sara talked to me about an idea, and we went with it. Now... at 5:30 this morning, if you had asked, I would have told you that it wasn't going to work out, because I thought Garrett had strep, he was up 4 times last night getting sick, and he was about as green as his costume when I woke him up. I got him into the dr. by 8:45, they did the rapid test, and it came back negative. His dr. wasn't confident that it really WAS negative, so he decided to grow the culture overnight, and gave us some antibiotics anyway... Now... fast forward 12 hours.
Posted by The Chicken Farmer's Wife----------------- at 10:56 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
WHAT a great week!!
Posted by The Chicken Farmer's Wife----------------- at 10:05 PM 5 comments
Thursday, November 27, 2008
What a crazy, busy, beautiful day it has been!! It was sunny, and fairly warm. Warm enough to swing with the kids for a little while in just a t-shirt on the back porch!! We were out there, because I was helping Shane put the cover on the swimming pool. YES, it IS very late, and it has been "officially" closed for a few weeks, as far as the pipes blown out and plugged, and chemicals in and all, but I MAY have had to stay on Shane for a few days to get the cover on, so finally, after I agreed to help/do it, then he was ready to get it finished up!! Go figure!!!
Posted by The Chicken Farmer's Wife----------------- at 12:29 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Random thoughts
Posted by The Chicken Farmer's Wife----------------- at 10:39 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Part of our Halloween costumes
OK, I am going to take NO MORE than 3 minutes to blog. I am exhausted, and I can think of so many things in the last couple of weeks to talk about, but I have been too beat by the time I get a moment to type about it, and I am equally as tired tonight!! I thought I would show you what a few of my dear family members were for Halloween. First of all, I need to tell you that as I made the whole fam stand still for a picture, my camera DIED, so I had to get someone else to take a picture of them. I am HOPING that I find someone that got a picture of Garrett, and I will post it as soon as I get it! He was Joe Dirt, complete with a mullet, and looked very close to the real thing! Then you have Gra, who decided that she wanted to be a clown! Well, I had a friend's clown costume, and we had rigged a hoola hoop on the inside, so she looked very real! NOPE... that wouldn't DO, because it didn't "FEEL" right, don't you love OCD? So, I had to MAKE a clown costume. The one you see at the left is the result of me staying up until 2:30, and my mom adding the sleeves the next day while I was at school! Then, to right, you will see old Shaney boy, donning his hair and tatts. To show you the difference and Shane and our family's personalities,
I have also added the picture of our family in TX, wearing the EXACT same tattoo sleeves... Same tatts, different Fowler boys... see the difference? A picture is worth a THOUSAND words!!
SOOOO, I am going to bed now!! I hope you all each have a GREAT night!! I've got LOTS of things to talk about, if I can ever find the time and energy to do it!! Sign into my guest book if you haven't or leave me a comment!! Have a great night!! Thanks for sharing a moment in the life of the chicken farmer's wife! love to all!! Jerri
Posted by The Chicken Farmer's Wife----------------- at 10:39 PM 11 comments
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Is it time?
Is it just me or do you think it is time that Shane fix the horse pen fence? It is about TWENTY degrees outside, and our heat is not working. I am wearing gloves, a sweatshirt, sweatpants, and a toboggan, and that is IN the house. The kids heat is working fine upstairs, buy I am afraid by morning, it will feel like Antarctica down here!! So I am getting ready to do my nightly routine and go to bed. Part of that routine includes letting Sadie in to sleep in the bathroom (her hair is pretty short, AND, if someone ever broke in, I am pretty hopeful that she'd kill them), and letting Lilli out one last time. I let her out, and she starts growling. I can hear something that sounds like a tyrannosaurus eating tree tops, but I am not ABOUT to turn on the light. Just about then, something at the edge of the porch triggers the motion detector on the light and it comes on. This is what scared me to DEATH!!!
YEP!! That is Lucky!! He is the same horse you saw a few days ago that was in the front yard! He was returned to his pen, but VOILA, he is a bit Houdini like, I see!! I got my flu shot today, had my hair cut and colored, and got to see precious Cooper Thomas Fort tonight. He is a GORGEOUS baby!! I could have sat and rocked all night!!! I am beat, and better go and find the Sand Man!! I hope you all have had a great day and thanks for sharing a moment in the life of the chicken farmer's wife! love to all!! Jerri
Posted by The Chicken Farmer's Wife----------------- at 11:49 PM 3 comments
Monday, October 27, 2008
Tag- I'm it?!?

Posted by The Chicken Farmer's Wife----------------- at 10:52 PM 8 comments
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Free range chicken... I mean HORSE
Posted by The Chicken Farmer's Wife----------------- at 11:19 PM 3 comments
Saturday, October 25, 2008
And the winner is...
Posted by The Chicken Farmer's Wife----------------- at 10:39 PM 2 comments
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Does this new feature work?
OK... still not enough votes to go public, so I'll give it a few more days. Belly dancing, or no belly dancing? There is supposed to be a new feature that I have added, so that instead of having to go "ALL the way to a different page" you hopefully will be able to post a comment just below the blog entry for that day. I can't see it-I think because it is from my own computer, and it recognizes me-so I don't know if I have successfully added the comment feature below it or not! I guess time will tell! Have a great night, and let me hear from you if I haven't!! love to all!! Jerri
Posted by The Chicken Farmer's Wife----------------- at 10:07 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Please take a moment to vote...
This will be brief... A friend that I work with is trying very DILIGENTLY to get me to attend a class with her. It is a 4 week class that is offered at the college. It will be on Thursday evenings, and I will know at least 6 of the people in it. I need your opinion(s) as to whether or not you think I need to participate in it...
The class is... wait for it... "Beginning Belly Dancing"!!! Now, I can assure you that I have no belly for dancing, but it is supposed to be a GREAT exercise, and I am sure that the photos and memories would be a HOOT!! I have one of those Ole St. Nick mid sections... but alas... I am still considering it!!
Here is what you vote for... tell me why or why not I should or shouldn't! From my IP locater that is on this blog, I figure I have about 50+ regular readers... I *AM* planning on taking pictures, whether or not I am IN the class, or just go to "visit" it!! IF you comment and let me know what you think, I will send you the pictures whether or not I go!! If I have a LOT of comments... then I will post them publically HERE!! :) When I say a LOT of comments, I am thinking at least from 20 different people!! SOOOO>>> I'll let you know the verdict!!!
2nd verdict.... Sara Sweeney is my new chicken recipe queen!! If you didn't snag her recipe when she posted it, you don't KNOW what you are missing! The chicken enchiladas were the BOMB!! I have a monogrammed make-up bag for you Sara!! Thanks to everyone for giving me new recipes and they were ALL great!!!
love to all! JA
Posted by The Chicken Farmer's Wife----------------- at 4:57 PM 6 comments
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Shane and I make pretty babies...

Posted by The Chicken Farmer's Wife----------------- at 9:05 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Cagney is home... did I ever leave?!?
Hello friends!! It is official!! I am going to make myself not blog every night!! When I do, I get a comment here and 1 there, and they are from my same faithful friends!! I seem to write my heart out, and noone writes back (except those of you that comment REGULARLY and I LOVE THAT!!!), so, I am going to cut back on posts, which I am hoping will INCREASE the comments, like it did last time!! We'll see how it goes!!
Posted by The Chicken Farmer's Wife----------------- at 10:21 PM 3 comments
Thursday, October 2, 2008
What's this? A Post?
This is what I have learned... I may or may not get a comment or 2 from my 2-3 friends that I know follow this blog pretty regularly... When I DON'T post, I get MORE comments. I think I have found the happy medium!! Wait a few weeks between posts!! :) Actually, it has been very difficult to post these last 2 weeks, I seem to have been covered up with one thing or another. I haven't even gotten on the blogs I typically follow, so I have GOT to get back in the groove, because I feel so disconnected from them!!
I really don't know where to start, so I'll try to skim through the last 2 weeks, and add details later. In a 2 week period of time, Gra got the stomach bug TWICE. Yes, you read that correctly... How does that happen? The second time, when they called me to come to the back hall because she was throwing up, I was most certain that they meant to call someone else. I mean, YES, I have been there for over a decade, and Gra has been there for 6 years, but I thought someone STILL must have been confused, because you just CAN'T get the stomach bug TWO different times, in that short of a time. W-R-O-N-G!!!!!!!!!! Bless her little heart. She is back to normal, but she had a time for a while!
Shane's grandfather passed away last Sunday. I lost my grandfather when I was about 6 from my mom's side, and I lost my Paw, who's farm we now live on, when Gra was 6 mo. old. Shane is 39, so that is just incredible to me that he's had him as long as he has...
Shanan came in with the girls. They were in for a week. It was great to see them, and it is remarkable how much those babies change each time I see them. We had dinner over at Sara's the Friday that she got in, and it was so much fun!! (Michelle, if you're reading this, you are such a hoot! and Sara, thanks for the invite!!) The girls rode back to TX with my boys, so I am sure that was a walk, I mean RIDE to remember. I think it went fine EXCEPT that it took them 16+ hours. Now, PART of it was that there was a wreck and they were stuck in traffic, but the OTHER part of it was they were lost... HELLO? They had Garmin IN the car, but yet... they didn't PLUG HIM UP, until I insisted on the phone!!!!!!!!! I guess it's just me, but I'll tell you, that bad boy would have been on from my DRIVEWAY...
Speaking of Shanan, her blog is going private. There appears to be an individual that would like to attempt to make a jab here and there. I may not know WHO they are, but I certainly know WHAT they are. Their agenda is crystal clear, so I guess there is beauty in the transparency of it. You can take care of what you can see, it's those hidden agendas you need to worry about!! SOOOO, with that being said, if you follow Shanan's blog because of mine, and would still like to continue to read hers, if you'll let me know, then I will send her a list of my friends that I can vouch for, that are coming from me, along with your email address. You'll have to be approved to view, so send me an email if you'd like for me to do that for ya!!
FINALLY, while my boys were gone, I had a "situation". While I was still in town, my mother-in-law called to ask me where I was. It seems that our house alarm had gone off, we weren't able to be reached, and they contacted her. EOC told her that they had dispatched a unit and everything looked o.k. Well, I know that sounds well and good, but you see, about 5 years ago, our alarm went off. We were at church and county was dispatched. They called and left the message that they had gone all around the house, and everything was "all clear". YES, but they went around the WRONG HOUSE... They went around the house that was EMPTY... the one where the basement is caved in, where my grandparents lived, and we lived until this house was finished. The house where goats had gotten in and left small black reminders all over the floors... You get the picture. Now, if I were a policeman that walked into an EMPTY house with goat ca ca on the floor, and thought that someone was paying a monthly fee to have an alarm set up on it, I MAY have to give that some thought, but that's just me...
When I got home, my front window screen was cut, and the window was up about 1 1/2 inches. Now, the screen may or may not have been torn before, but I KNOW that the window was down, because the alarm would not have set when I left for school that morning. Do you ever wonder if you could shoot someone in that situation, when you are faced with protecting yourself and your children? I don't wonder. Is that bad? Have I lived with Shane too long?
Well, I have laundry to do!! I hope you all have a wonderful night!! I expect LOTS of comments, or I'll wait another 2 weeks to write again!! love to all, and thanks for sharing the last 2 weeks in the life of the chicken farmer's wife!! Jerri
P.S. I found out yesterday that my favorite exercise tyrant is putting WOG on hold for a while, since there was really only 1 youth committed to it... Was all that pain for nothing? Because I KNOW, that I am not just going to do it on my own for FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by The Chicken Farmer's Wife----------------- at 8:15 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
It has been quite a day. Graceson was well rested, so she woke up and was so pleasant. That ALWAYS makes for a better day for EVERYONE in the house and those around her!! :) (Gotta love her though...)
Today at school was an o.k. day for me, but it was certainly a stress filled one. You could cut the stress in the air. Tomorrow is the big "walk through" from all the powers that be. Yes, as long as you are doing what you are supposed to be doing, there is nothing to worry about. It still makes you nervous though, and I don't care how good you are. When someone is "critiquing you" they can always find things if they are looking for them. Does this make you better? Sure, if you embrace it and change it. Is it ever something you look FORWARD to? Not at ALL... SO... think of us tomorrow. I am pretty sure, that if you could cut the stress in the air today, tomorrow you'll be able to taste it!! Hopefully by Friday, the level will start to recede!!
THEN... I walk into church tonight, and it was SOOOOO "freeing", for lack of a better word. Tonight was the last night of revival, and it was certainly spirit filled. It was as if the Lord was saying, "I'll hold on to the stress for ya. If you need it back when you leave, it will be waiting outside". The evangelist focused more on the youth tonight, and one of our youth recited an AMAZING poem that she had written. It was EXXXXXCELLLLENTTTTT!!! GO ANTY!!
I think our message on Sunday that was delivered by our youth pastor, helped to prepare me for today's. He said, "I am going to help you figure out what kind of Christian you are. Are you a "get" Christian or a "got" Christian?" If your buddy says to you that he just got a new boat, it is supposed to be the perfect weather, and he wants you to go to the lake with him on Sunday, do you say, "I can't go, I've GOT to go to church, OR do you say, "I can't go, I "GET" to go to church." OMG!!! What a revelation THAT was... I would have answered the "got" but I AM going to do better, since it has been brought to my attention!!
You'll remember that a few days ago, we got the midnight hour call, that said that the bobcat driver had hit the end wall of one of the chicken houses. Well today, our flock supervisor told Shane that they were probably not going to pay for it, because they are worried that people are saying things happen, so that they can get their stuff repaired on the company's dime. HELLO? Their number is still on the caller ID at midnight!! WHAT?!?! I think they may have lost their mind a little. The flock supervisor said to one of the repair managers, "Shane may or may not be able to get through to the manager, and he may get a little loud, but they'd sure rather talk to him, than to Jerri". WHAT?!?! What is he trying to say? Have I ever yelled at him? Should I be offended?!!?!? Should I feel privileged that he thinks I won't let people walk all over us? I'm not too sure, but I am getting a script going on in my head... just in CASE I have to talk to the big dogs...
Mom got home today!! She is brown as a biscuit, and if she wants them published on the WWW, I will post some of her pictures of her fishing adventure!! Welcome home, Haze!!
Have a GREAT night and thanks for sharing a day in the life of the chicken farmer's wife!! Love to all!! Jerri
Posted by The Chicken Farmer's Wife----------------- at 9:33 PM 5 comments
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
busy, busy, busy
Kristi asked where have I been? The better questions is, "Where do I START?" It has been a busy last several days, so I am going to give you a quickie run down, and then go to bed!! I guess the first thing I did Friday night was have a couples get together for a friend of mine who is having a baby in a month. Her name is Bev, and she INSISTED that we were to do NOTHING for her because this is her THIRD, but her ONLY boy!! OK Bev, I submit, whatever you say!!! HAHA I told her I was having everyone over for Shane's birthday, but VOILA, it was a couple's thing for HER!!! I think she was VERY surprised and I LOVE that she didn't know!!
(Now, Shane really was having a birthday on Monday, but that had nothing to do with the dinner, other than to get her there!! We did play a game where I bought these little teeny babies in the cake section of Walmart. I then froze them all in water in small dixie cups.
The rules were simple, you wanted to be the first one to give birth to your baby, but you couldn't run it under hot water OR bite the ice off of it. It had to thaw. You wouldn't BELIEVE how aggressive the men were at trying to deliver their babies. QUITE a hoot!! This is what I made for the winner...
Now let's move on to Saturday. This weekend, the rest of the flock went out. Here are a few photos of the birds at 49 days old.
They will weigh in right at 5 lbs. or a little over.
If you'll look back at some of my previous posts, you'll see their growth from the day we get them, until the day they come and catch them back.
One of the pictures, I thought was SOOO cute, because Shane was trying to take a picture of the bird while holding it. It made me think of all of the teenage girls, that had rather hold out the camera to take a picture of themselves and a buddy, that to simply have someone else take it!! I have succeeded in documenting the stages of our chicks
to adulthood, so I guess my blog is complete!! I need to think about whether or not to keep on writing, since you now know all that goes into (well not ALL) the chicken's life cycle after hatching!!
Sunday revival started and we had a youth workers meeting. I am responsible for getting the food taken care of when we have these. I ended up feeding around 50ish people spaghetti. I was in need of a nap, but Garrett had to get back for a CORE meeting, and then revival started that night.
Monday, was Shane's birthday!! Happy birthday my little hottie!! I won't tell you how old he is, but I will let you know he's only 364 days away from the big 4-0!! We got home late that night too, because Graceson had softball, and of course Garrett had football.
Tonight, they both had games so it was my turn to go to the football game and Shane's turn to take Gra. We won, by the way, both kids!! After getting home, I had some embroidering to do. I put an initial on a dress for the girl that does my hair. She is getting her baby's one year old picture in it barefoot. Is that precious or what? I added that to, just so you could get a visual!! NOW, I'm beat!!
Cary... if you are reading this, scroll down, pause the music, and see if the you tube video will come up of the Browning Springs game, where the refs were in the other teams' pockets. It took FOREVER to upload it, and it is only about the last however many minutes. I have to do the whole thing in stages, and I didn't feel like doing it ALL today, but will try to do the rest for you later. I believe this is the very last though. I haven't watched it yet, but I am sure that the crowd is unruly as well, so beware!! Have a great night, and thanks for sharing a day in the life of the chicken farmer's wife!! love to all!! Jerri
Posted by The Chicken Farmer's Wife----------------- at 4:33 PM 1 comments
Slow Fade
Mooses and go carts - OH MY
Patti's pix
Graceson at horse camp - June '08
My football fella, holding the 4 1/2 lb princess, Lilli