What in the world could that title possibly mean? Well, I'm glad you asked. Today was a snow/ice day, and although I will HATE it when we have to make them UP, I LOVE them TODAY!!! I got SOOOO much done, I embroidered all day (mainly for other people, but that means, I'll have them all done when I need to do my OWN!!!) They have already called school for TOMORROW too, so just THINK what I can get done!! Hopefully, more sewing AND some baking!! But I digress... you are wanting to know why I've talked of fame...
So, my friend Beth calls today and says, "You OWE me one, just so you know." Now, you need to know about Beth to appreciate this. I LOVE LOVE LOVE her, and she truly is one of my dearest friends, but one may wonder why we are friends at all. She is very athletic, I bake. She is thin, I bake. She is EXTREMELY organized (is starting her own business with that by the way), and I bake. You may see the pattern here. Once I sent her a video clip and forewarned everyone to whom I sent it, that they would cry. It was about a little girl, whose brother had been gone a long time for some kind of chemo treatment, so when he got home, she had shaved her little head to give him her hair, and I mean, when I watched this clip, I SOBBED. You know, the body shaking kind of crying where you can't see the computer screen through your blurred vision. She emails me back, "If you want me to cry, you're gonna have to do better than that!" OK, now that you know about Beth, I can continue with my story. So I bite, and I say, "Now remind me WHY exactly I owe you?" She says, "Because I bought your chicken today at Wal-Mart and it was more expensive". (we also went through our Dave Ramsey class together, so I know that she was pained by doing this) Well, I assure her that Wal-Mart does not carry Perdue chicken, and she told me it wasn't Perdue, it was "Harvestland". Well, sure enough, Harvestland is a private division that Perdue provides chicken to. Again, knowing that she would not have that knowledge, I say that there is no way that she had done me a favor, as she didn't know anything about the chicken she was picking out. She said, "OH, but I DID. Ted (her SF husband, happened to be shopping with her today) saw this chicken, and HAD to get it because of the name that was on it. He INSISTED on buying this chicken!" Still not too impressed, but thinking maybe he and Shane had discussed Perdue being under a different label, she tells me, "He wouldn't get any other chicken because this had SHANE'S name on it". I say, "Yeah, right, whatEVER" and she insists, "SERIOUSLY, Shane's NAME is on the package." I hear Ted in the background (they are in Wal-Mart from what I can tell) and he is insisting that Shane's name is ON the package of chicken in the store, for all to see. She asked me didn't I know this, and I assure her that I didn't, and I am going to have to SEE it to believe it. Well, ladies and gentleman, may I present to you...
A chicken that used to live at my house, but now lives in Wal-Mart for the highest taker. Actually, this picture was taken by Beth, so this particular bird is not available... Can you BELIEVE that?!?!?! I had NO idea!! My friend Theresa later calls, because she talked to Beth, and she too, didn't realize she was friends with a famous family!!! HAHAHAHA
This was almost as good as feeding the queen!! I'm posting the picture of the bird from the store, to show you guys too!!
We were quite thrilled, although I DO think they should have thrown the word "Jerri" on the label SOMEWHERE... Thanks Beth for the pictures, and Ted, for loving Shane enough to INSIST on the chicken... He hunts here, so I guess he figures he should support us, so we don't lose the farm, and he lose his hunting spot!! :)
I thought you'd all enjoy that fame story, and thanks for reading a day in the life of the chicken farmer's wife!! love to all!! Jerri
OK. So, it's midnight and I am sitting here trying not to laugh out loud and wake the whole family, but it is not an easy task. It's been a while since I read, so I have been catching up and cracking up. I get the visual of you looking around yoga class while everyone is VERY focused on whatever a person in yoga focuses on. And the nostril thing!!HILARIOUS!!!! Also, the TENS unit episode. I've seen that before and I can imagine the reaction you had.:) Hope you have another day full of accomplished tasks tomorrow. By the way, Congratulations on your fame. That is TOO cool. I can't believe you didn't know that.
ok, so you really are famous...you didn't know they were going to put Shane's name on the chicken?? how funny is that!! Ok, so for the pictures on the post...It is titled, "photo shoot #2" because if you read, the pic is for the in-laws..not for my card...you already got my card, and now they are sending out a card so I dressed the kids in another outfit other than what we already used...I just offered to take the pic for them...
love the famous chicken..too neat, kristi
Congratulations OH Famous One!!! That is crazy that yall didn't know anything about it....Have a great busy day getting things done!!
OMG! That is A-MA-ZA-ZING! So If i buy one of these lovely chickens from the Fowler farm...would you sign it for me???
I am writing this to clarify one error Jerri has in her Chicken Memoires. While it is true I insisted on buying the more expensive chicken because it had Shane's name on it, the reason why I did so is simple. Shane Fowler is my friend. Now I could go into a bunch of mushy stuff about friendship, but that would probably just make Jerri cry. So instead I will ask you all to read 1 John 3:16 to understand how I feel about having Shane as a friend.
That is great... I need to buy one of those chickens. Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas! We sure do miss yall today! Hope you had fun at the Grinch on Ice! Love, Shanan
Hope you had a great Christmas!! I'll be in on the 10th for Nancy's shower...did Holly B. Hampton send you an invite?? hope so, kristi
I am missing your post!! I know you are busy but I still miss you!! See you tomorrow-Sara
Forget about those chickens for a minute girl....you need to post! :)We want to see your Christmas pictures and pictures of the Grinch on Ice.
YOU ARE SLACKIN!! My favorite Chicken Farmer's wife! Where r u hiding?! It has almost been a MONTH! Im thinkin about goin into to depression because of the severe withdrawals I am experiencing due to lack of post... COME BACK!! plz =)
Where are you???? I know you haven't had power but we miss you. Hope all is well and you have your power back and the chickens are doing well. Talk to you soon,
I am starting a petition. Come back. I miss reading about your days and hearing about my neice and nephew. I have had a bad day and need a laugh. Please write. COME BACK............
Its been two years since I've asked you and I'm asking again....COME BACK!!! I miss your blog!
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