Garrett and Conley dressed up as the Grinch and Cindy Lou
Hoo. As you can see, they were the BOMB!!! Lilli even got in on the action, and she dressed in drag, as his dog Max, with the antlers and a Santa coat. I felt like, they were without a doubt, the best dressed, but alas, the judges didn't agree. They did, however, get 2nd!! That is o.k. though, because EVERYBODY needs trip money, and ANY is better than NONE!!! How this came to pass... (besides their mothers saying, "you'll do this") is that Garrett and Conley are great friends. They will argue just like he does with
Gra, but he would fight someone for her too. No matter how many times I tell him, he is convinced that they are related. I have told him and
Gra too, that they are NOT, but they both agree that I am wrong. They share an uncle and an aunt, so therefore,

they MUST be kin... There is no other option. It doesn't matter that Garrett's UNCLE is married to Conley's AUNT, it still counts... Just ask him (AND
Gra as well!!) (They are the TX
Fowlers that you've read about) You can also see my friend
Anty from youth. This is more of a close up picture of Lilli dressed in drag, pretending she's a boy.
Anty was excited to be "making" the blog!!

Tonight was dress rehearsal for the Christmas play at church. If you aren't doing anything, you should REALLY make a point to come to one of the performances. They will be at 7 pm on Friday, 6 pm on Saturday, and 3 pm on Sunday. You won't be sorry if you do!! I've always thought that Graceson got her "drama" part of her body from me... Come to find out... it's her FATHER!! He is officially part of the "drama" team I guess, since this is his 3rd play!! Last year he was a shepherd, and he can man handle those farm creatures, like they were small cats. He also had a bruise on the top of his foot, where the goat that he led up on stage stomped his foot, since the shepherd's of Jesus' day were barefoot. He is a shepherd again this year, however the first night, he will be in "another" position. He came home the other night, and told me that Charlie was going to be missing, so just for Friday he would be the "Rabi"..............................
I gave you a minute to figure that out... Our church is: Hillcrest BAPTIST Church, so I am pretty sure in our Christmas production, we wouldn't have a Rabi, which is a Jewish leader. I thought it was QUITE funny!! I asked him did he mean he was going to be a "Magi" and he agreed!! I am a behind the scenes girl for the performance. I actually call myself "Jesus' nanny", although there was never such a person noted in the Bible. Mary is on stage, when an angel comes to her and tells her and Joseph what is going to happen, and then shortly, she is holding a baby, then in another scene, "kid" Jesus goes on stage. Our baby Jesus is named "Cash", and he is really precious. I get him to Mary, and then get him from her, get kid Jesus to her, take the baby around back, then come back and get kid Jesus, take him around back, eventually get the baby back, and deliver him to the opposite side to go back out on the last song. Our "grown up" baby Jesus (kid Jesus) is Jiles. I have never been around him before tonight, but he was SUCH a sweetie. His mom's blog is listed on the left, "Journey to our Baby". He was SOOO good behind the curtain, and just stood there, holding my hand, waiting to go out. You would have thought he was 14 years old, as good as he acted.
And in case the above happenings didn't make for a good day, I had a meeting after school and I won a DOOR PRIZE!!! Man!! An oil change, opry tickets, and a gift certificate? If you can tell me how to find my lucky numbers, I need to get a Power Ball ticket!! :)
There are so many things I could write about, but I am beat. I wish I could blog every day, but it is just not feasible with getting up everyday before 6 a.m.! Maybe if Shane ever insists that I quit work because we are loaded or something, THEN I can post daily!! Until then... I'll just update as I can!!
I hope you ALL have a GREAT night, and thanks for sharing a day in the life of the chicken farmer's wife!! ALSO... Graceson's choir performance is the FOLLOWING Sunday at 6 pm if you are interested. She has a solo, and we have listened to the practice cd so much, that I am certain that Garrett and I could BOTH be her understudies if we needed to be!! Talk to you soon!! love to all!! Jerri
I love it!!! Thanks for posting the pictures, I know you were so tired last night. I had just as much fun planning it, as they did doing it. Your such a great friend--Love Sara have to get up so early..yuck...You're right..they were your boy feeling better??? they should have won, kristi
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