My dearest chicken farmer called me today at school. We chatted for a moment, and then he said, "I have some GREAT news!!" You can imagine my thoughts... He got a raise? Perhaps won the Powerball? How about he wants to get someone to clean the house? Well guess which won of the above he said!! NONE!!!!!!!!!!! That's right! Not a one!! He proceeded to tell me that when I got home, I'd be excited to see that we were SIX horses richer. WHAT?!?! Did you say HORSES? Did you MEAN to say "$5 million DOLLARS richer?" Nope, he said horses... You can imagine how the conversation went after that, but the gist of it is one of his buddies knows him PRETTY WELL. Just kidding, a friend of his has these 5 horses, and they keep getting out of this fence where he keeps them. Well, they are tearing up the neighbors stuff when they are out, so they are threatening a lawsuit, so he had to find a place for them ASAP, until he could get his stuff done. Yeah, bring us your down trodden, your pit bulls, your kittens, your HORSES... "Give 'em to SHANE... HE'LL take ANYTHING!!! This is a picture of the pregnant mare. YES, you read that right, let's throw that into the mix as well. Now, for Shane being such a good friend, he's getting to keep the baby. SO?!?! Really? I know, you gotta love him... but come on... FIVE HORSES? I didn't even go out to the stable. I told Graceson to take a picture, and I'd come and look at them when it was daylight and warm. Then of course, let's not forget Lucky!! Shane said that whene they let the others out, he GALLOPED as fast as he could over to them, blowing and snorting, letting them know whose casa they were trodding on.
I will tell you that I do really like Lucky, but as for "his people" that are now visiting, I'll let you know... They aren't saddle broken, so it's not like they serve a purpose. When you come down to it, most don't. Last week, Lucky was at the gate, and Shane was putting up the lawn mower into our shop. One of the goats that share the pen with him, walked up behind him. He wasn't interested in her being there, so he picked up his back leg, and ever so gently put it up against her side, and pushed her away. He didn't try to hurt her, he didn't kick, it was just a "push". That's just his personality...
In the mean time, have a GREAT night and thanks for sharing a moment in the life of the chicken farmer's wife! love to all!! Jerri
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
too funny..your life is full of all kinds of animals...You take in animals and we take in babies...too who took the pic?kristi
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