Again, I want to thank EVERYONE that gave me chicken recipes. I DID try all of them, and although they were all VERY good, I think Sara's was just a LITTLE over the top. Of course, when you have cream cheese AND whipping cream in the same recipe, can it be bad at all?!?!
hee hee Here is a picture of the prize that she won. I don't know if you can see what it really is, but it is a make-up bag with smaller bags that
velcro in and out of the middle section... It's pretty cute, if I do say so myself!! Of course, the next picture is of Sara HOLDING

the bag after I gave it to her tonight... Please, if you have other recipes, I'd LOVE to try them, as we are ALWAYS looking for new ways to fix the almighty "yard bird"!!
It's been a great weekend, but I wasn't too sure how it was going to end up, after the way it started! Thursday night, I made the executive decision to start the belly dancing class, and thanks to the 6 of you that voted!! I will send you the pictures that I take to your personal email addresses with my take on the whole thing!! All of you silent readers will just have to wonder!! :) :) ANYWAY... I rode home with my windows down and my moon roof to the van OPEN about 1/2 way. No big deal, I closed them when I got home and locked the doors... EXCEPT... I FORGOT about the roof part. AGAIN, no big deal, unless the cat gets on the van and jumps down into it. OR, unless it RAINS all night!!! When we opened the doors to go to school, it was DISASTROUS!! There was about 1-1 1/2 inches of water in the cup holders between the 2 front seats, water was STANDING on our seats, and EVERYTHING was wet!! No time to wet/dry vacuum it up, so off we went. Of course, it was FREEZING this particular morning, so I had the seat warmers on as well, as we were SOPPING up all of the water with our butts!! When I got out at school, you could see the steam coming from my back side. It was quite a sight I am sure!!
Although the beginning was a little rocky, so far, the rest has been good! Tonight we had a video scavenger hunt with our Sunday School class! First, we ate at the Woods' house, then we got our envelopes with our team members, got the rules, got our lists and video cameras, and we were off!! Husbands and wives couldn't be on the same team, (which is always good to make sure there is no not getting along), and we began our adventure!! My team members were Lisa, Ty, and Tim!! They were all a LOT of fun!! We even ended up at fellow blogger's house Rhea's, for her husband to sing, "I'm a little teapot" for us!! Everyone had a GREAT attitude, and it was just a GREAT time!! I will have to admit my faux pas, and I was MORTIFIED by it! One of the items on the list was "Find a deacon on the list who has been married for over 30 years. They must kiss on camera, and say how they have been able to stay together that long". Well, we all thought of one, and we looked his number up in the phone book. I call and begin the conversation with, "Hi, is this Mrs. Haile? This is Jerri Annette Crenshaw Fowler" and continued on. She asked me again who it was, and I continued with what we were doing, and what our task was. (I KNEW these people knew me, because I graduated with their daughter, had been to their house before, the works!!) At the end of the conversation, the woman says, "I'm sorry, but you must have the wrong number. You must want the OTHER Mrs. Haile. My husband is dead." She was very nice, but I felt SOOOOO bad. Not only did I tell her my FIRST name, but she also knew my middle, maiden, last, church, and cell phone number!!! Don't you LOVE being a dork? I am very good at it! I will have to take her cookies or something this week!!
Well, I am going to get in the tub before getting in the bed. I hope everyone has had a GREAT weekend and thanks for sharing a day in the life of the chicken farmer's wife!! love to all!! JA
P.S. Sara, Amy, Shanan, Anissa, Traci and Kristi-I'll send pictures from our next class!! Thanks again!!