Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Is it time?

Is it just me or do you think it is time that Shane fix the horse pen fence? It is about TWENTY degrees outside, and our heat is not working. I am wearing gloves, a sweatshirt, sweatpants, and a toboggan, and that is IN the house. The kids heat is working fine upstairs, buy I am afraid by morning, it will feel like Antarctica down here!! So I am getting ready to do my nightly routine and go to bed. Part of that routine includes letting Sadie in to sleep in the bathroom (her hair is pretty short, AND, if someone ever broke in, I am pretty hopeful that she'd kill them), and letting Lilli out one last time. I let her out, and she starts growling. I can hear something that sounds like a tyrannosaurus eating tree tops, but I am not ABOUT to turn on the light. Just about then, something at the edge of the porch triggers the motion detector on the light and it comes on. This is what scared me to DEATH!!!

YEP!! That is Lucky!! He is the same horse you saw a few days ago that was in the front yard! He was returned to his pen, but VOILA, he is a bit Houdini like, I see!! I got my flu shot today, had my hair cut and colored, and got to see precious Cooper Thomas Fort tonight. He is a GORGEOUS baby!! I could have sat and rocked all night!!! I am beat, and better go and find the Sand Man!! I hope you all have had a great day and thanks for sharing a moment in the life of the chicken farmer's wife! love to all!! Jerri

Monday, October 27, 2008

Tag- I'm it?!?

OK, I am not exactly sure how Kristi decided that *I* was worthy of tagging, but alas... here I am!! Here is the "tag" and the guidelines to follow. I will tell you 7 things you may or may not know about me, and then I tag 7 people to do the same, and I add their list of sites, in the event you'd like to see what their 7 bits of personal trivia is!! OK... let the madness begin... Let's see... 1- In college, I was an AOII (that last letter is supposed to be Pi, by the way), and an AGR little sis. I LOVED going to college and being Greek. I had a hard time in college at first, and I can't be sure that I'd have stayed without it!!

2- I wish my Dad had known my kids and Shane. Sometimes 1 of them will do something, and it will make me think about what he'd have thought about it. This month marks the year, when I have now been without him longer than I had him...

3- I can still do the splits. I know... fat and all... strange isn't it? And furthermore... HOW did I discover that I maintained that skill?

4- My inlaws have "traditions" at Christmas, that I prefer to call "rules". Each Christmas, we go to Shane's aunt's for Christmas Eve. Only the "INLAWS" do the dishes. It is not a secret. The adult females will even say, "I don't have to do the dishes, I am not an inlaw". THEN, in case that's not bad enough, you are assigned a table. The "head" table is for the matriarch, patriarch, etc. Well, Shane is the oldest grandchild, so since MeMaw died this spring, he is slated to move into the room with the head table. Now, I didn't say, "WE would be moving to the head table", I said, "SHANE". OK, AGE wise, Cary would be next after the next person died, before I would, because he is older than me, so Shanan and I would be in the next room, while Cary and Shane would be eating somewhere else. Shane and I have already reviewed this situation. He moves sans me, he GOES sans me... I don't think it's too much to ask to eat with your wife of the eve of Jesus' birth, but that's just me. OHHHH, and one last "tradition" is that you get in LINE to fill your plates, according to birth order as well. What this means for mothers of young children, is that you cannot fill their plates while you are getting yours. SOOOO, I would be behind Cary, who is behind Shane, but Garrett and Gra, even when they were little, couldn't eat, until I filled my plate, went and set it at my "name tag" and then got back up and got in line where their ages would place them. I didn't have hot food for about the first 8 years of their lives!!

5- I like to embroidery. I added a picture of some burp cloths I did tonight. If you'll remember the surprise supper we had for my friend, Bev, a few weeks ago, they are for her. They didn't decide until about yesterday, what they were going to name this sweet baby, so I haven't been able to do anything with his name on them until tonight!! I am going to hold him tomorrow, Lord willing, after my cut and color!!
6- I rode "The Zipper" at the fair without knowing that I was pregnant with Garrett. I guess that explains a LOT!! That was the LAST time I have been on a fair ride, and that was in '95!!
7- I lasted 8 seconds on a mechanical bull in Mexico. I was with Paige Parker and our kids, and Terry and Shane were out SCUBA diving, so I thought I'd live on the edge!! **Note to self** if I ever am stupid enough to get on one of these creatures again, wear a jogging bra!!
OK!!! What do you guys think? That wasn't too painful!! I am now going to "tag" 7 folks, and see if I can learn some fun stuff about them too!! Have a great night and thanks for sharing some random moments in the life of the prissy chicken's life!! love to all!! Jerri

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Free range chicken... I mean HORSE

Living in the country, you are never sure what you may see. You'll see this picture, and think "Ah, a lovely picture of a horse, grazing in the field, it's picturesque, it looks as if it's sunset, or maybe sunrise". OK, you probably won't think ANY of those words, but roll with it, k? Anyway, YES, that would be such a pleasant picture to see when you gaze out upon your field, but alas... that's not where I was gazing!! This is the view from my FRONT PORCH this morning when I let Lilli out. YES, that IS our horse, and YES, he DOES have a field, but he wasn't in it. Lucky decided the grass was greener I guess, so this is where I found him this morning!! Free range horse? I guess!! Now, at least there is just one of him, because there have been MANY times, that Shane would be off state trooping somewhere, my neighbor would call or come down, I'd be on my way to Concord Baptist Church in a dress, and have to hike it up to my thighs, to get my legs across the 4 wheeler to chase the 55 GOATS back into their pen when they got out. One as opposed to 55, is an easier task!! Here is another fun photo that I snapped today!!
This is a picture of Sadie, our dog that adopted us. It was no secret when we got her, that wherever she was before, she was a princess. How she landed in Fruit Hill, we'll never know, but she is TRULY a sweet heart. At first, I was a bit nervous about her being here, but now, it feels like she's always been ours! Tonight when I went to the car to get my jump drive and a few books out of it, She was laying on one of the shelves on a book case in the garage just shivering. It is supposed to get to almost freezing tonight, and each time the door is open, she DOES try to get in, so I thought I'd let her in and see what happened. She went IMMEDIATELY to Lilli's bed and circled it about 3 times, before twisting her big self into a position to lie down. Now remember, Lilli weighs in at 4 1/2 lbs. and I'd say Sadie is about 65 lbs. She didn't even CONSIDER the floor!! She just laid there and looked at Lilli while she was being the big "Alpha dog" and barking like a maniac. Lilli hadn't been in the bed all night, but I think she is going to hate Sadie before it's all over!!
Well guys, I am beat... Shane and I divided the houses today, so I only walked 2, but the boots KILL my feet!! I hope you all had a GREAT weekend and have a SUPER week!! Thanks for sharing a day in the life of the chicken farmer's wife! Love to all!! JA

Saturday, October 25, 2008

And the winner is...

Again, I want to thank EVERYONE that gave me chicken recipes. I DID try all of them, and although they were all VERY good, I think Sara's was just a LITTLE over the top. Of course, when you have cream cheese AND whipping cream in the same recipe, can it be bad at all?!?! hee hee Here is a picture of the prize that she won. I don't know if you can see what it really is, but it is a make-up bag with smaller bags that velcro in and out of the middle section... It's pretty cute, if I do say so myself!! Of course, the next picture is of Sara HOLDING the bag after I gave it to her tonight... Please, if you have other recipes, I'd LOVE to try them, as we are ALWAYS looking for new ways to fix the almighty "yard bird"!!
It's been a great weekend, but I wasn't too sure how it was going to end up, after the way it started! Thursday night, I made the executive decision to start the belly dancing class, and thanks to the 6 of you that voted!! I will send you the pictures that I take to your personal email addresses with my take on the whole thing!! All of you silent readers will just have to wonder!! :) :) ANYWAY... I rode home with my windows down and my moon roof to the van OPEN about 1/2 way. No big deal, I closed them when I got home and locked the doors... EXCEPT... I FORGOT about the roof part. AGAIN, no big deal, unless the cat gets on the van and jumps down into it. OR, unless it RAINS all night!!! When we opened the doors to go to school, it was DISASTROUS!! There was about 1-1 1/2 inches of water in the cup holders between the 2 front seats, water was STANDING on our seats, and EVERYTHING was wet!! No time to wet/dry vacuum it up, so off we went. Of course, it was FREEZING this particular morning, so I had the seat warmers on as well, as we were SOPPING up all of the water with our butts!! When I got out at school, you could see the steam coming from my back side. It was quite a sight I am sure!!
Although the beginning was a little rocky, so far, the rest has been good! Tonight we had a video scavenger hunt with our Sunday School class! First, we ate at the Woods' house, then we got our envelopes with our team members, got the rules, got our lists and video cameras, and we were off!! Husbands and wives couldn't be on the same team, (which is always good to make sure there is no not getting along), and we began our adventure!! My team members were Lisa, Ty, and Tim!! They were all a LOT of fun!! We even ended up at fellow blogger's house Rhea's, for her husband to sing, "I'm a little teapot" for us!! Everyone had a GREAT attitude, and it was just a GREAT time!! I will have to admit my faux pas, and I was MORTIFIED by it! One of the items on the list was "Find a deacon on the list who has been married for over 30 years. They must kiss on camera, and say how they have been able to stay together that long". Well, we all thought of one, and we looked his number up in the phone book. I call and begin the conversation with, "Hi, is this Mrs. Haile? This is Jerri Annette Crenshaw Fowler" and continued on. She asked me again who it was, and I continued with what we were doing, and what our task was. (I KNEW these people knew me, because I graduated with their daughter, had been to their house before, the works!!) At the end of the conversation, the woman says, "I'm sorry, but you must have the wrong number. You must want the OTHER Mrs. Haile. My husband is dead." She was very nice, but I felt SOOOOO bad. Not only did I tell her my FIRST name, but she also knew my middle, maiden, last, church, and cell phone number!!! Don't you LOVE being a dork? I am very good at it! I will have to take her cookies or something this week!!
Well, I am going to get in the tub before getting in the bed. I hope everyone has had a GREAT weekend and thanks for sharing a day in the life of the chicken farmer's wife!! love to all!! JA
P.S. Sara, Amy, Shanan, Anissa, Traci and Kristi-I'll send pictures from our next class!! Thanks again!!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Does this new feature work?

OK... still not enough votes to go public, so I'll give it a few more days. Belly dancing, or no belly dancing? There is supposed to be a new feature that I have added, so that instead of having to go "ALL the way to a different page" you hopefully will be able to post a comment just below the blog entry for that day. I can't see it-I think because it is from my own computer, and it recognizes me-so I don't know if I have successfully added the comment feature below it or not! I guess time will tell! Have a great night, and let me hear from you if I haven't!! love to all!! Jerri

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Please take a moment to vote...

This will be brief... A friend that I work with is trying very DILIGENTLY to get me to attend a class with her. It is a 4 week class that is offered at the college. It will be on Thursday evenings, and I will know at least 6 of the people in it. I need your opinion(s) as to whether or not you think I need to participate in it...
The class is... wait for it... "Beginning Belly Dancing"!!! Now, I can assure you that I have no belly for dancing, but it is supposed to be a GREAT exercise, and I am sure that the photos and memories would be a HOOT!! I have one of those Ole St. Nick mid sections... but alas... I am still considering it!!
Here is what you vote for... tell me why or why not I should or shouldn't! From my IP locater that is on this blog, I figure I have about 50+ regular readers... I *AM* planning on taking pictures, whether or not I am IN the class, or just go to "visit" it!! IF you comment and let me know what you think, I will send you the pictures whether or not I go!! If I have a LOT of comments... then I will post them publically HERE!! :) When I say a LOT of comments, I am thinking at least from 20 different people!! SOOOO>>> I'll let you know the verdict!!!
2nd verdict.... Sara Sweeney is my new chicken recipe queen!! If you didn't snag her recipe when she posted it, you don't KNOW what you are missing! The chicken enchiladas were the BOMB!! I have a monogrammed make-up bag for you Sara!! Thanks to everyone for giving me new recipes and they were ALL great!!!
love to all! JA

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Shane and I make pretty babies...

Did I say BABY? WHAT?!?! I don't HAVE any babies, but is this one of the most handsome young men you've ever seen or what?!?! This morning he was invited by his principal to an event called the "Eye Opener" Breakfast. If you know about this, please feel free to correct me, but I am going to try and explain to you what little I know about it... Our school district is supposed to have an "Academic Index" of 100 by the year 2014. Garrett, and several other 7th graders were chosen to go to represent the "Class of 2014". WHAT?!?! He's going to GRADUATE? Isn't he just a baby? How did this happen? I guess that it is probably GOOD that *I* wasn't invited to the breakfast, because I don't think I realized until it was explained to me this morning, that he was GOING TO GRADUATE? How did this happen? What was I doing when he grew up?! I know, it is a little funny, even though I have tears streaming down my cheeks as I type this!! That, by the way, is his "football look". You know, the tough guy, frowny, intimidating face. Fortunately, he doesn't frown as much as his FATHER, who I had to ask on our wedding day, when he was standing across from me with his frown, did he like me?! SEVERAL of the Fowler's are "frowners", but he is not as much as some of the others!!
Now, you MAY be thinking that he dressed up for the breakfast, but NO, that wasn't it!! His principal told everyone to dress today in red, white and blue, because tonight was the championship game!!! Well, everyone did, EXCEPT for the football players, who had to dress UP!! I LOVE that!!! That is SOOO "Friday Night Lights" like!! By the way... it's GREAT to have the GOLD FOOTBALL!! Winning is the best!! The score was 32 to 8. It could have been a wipeout, but the coach decided to put in the "little guys" for the last quarter. That made Garrett angry too. I guess if I was the MOM of the younger guys, I would have been pleased as well, but this was the first time several of them had been on the field. I can assure you that Logan Co., only had their 8th graders in, so I may have been a little nervous for my 7th grader to get out for the first time, in a championship game. OH YEAH, I DO have a 7th grader!! :) NOW... in relations to... the other team... one of the coaches... in relations to... say... me... used to be... MY PRINCIPAL!!! If you are reading this... and you knew him, you'll be giggling by now!! To pass the time in teacher's meetings, we used to sit, and make tally marks for the number of times he said, "In relations to..." and I am telling you, it would be no less than SIXTY, in an hours time, NO KIDDING!! After the game, the parents went out on the field. He saw Garrett and asked him if he used to go to Millbrooke. THEN, he saw me, and figured it out!! Did I tell you how GREAT it is to have the gold football?
To give you an idea how excited I was about the game, I left my driver's side door OPEN!! The ENTIRE GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now, if we were in the old Walnut Street Stadium, all that would have been left in the parking lot would have been tire marks!! All was well in the van though when I returned. I guess I was so worried about getting in, that I never THOUGHT of shutting my door. I think this is the first sign of Alzheimers. It is called "Early Timers". Well, all in all, in the words of my old principal, Mr. Thweatt, "It's a GREAT day to be a colonel!!" By the way... Amy Colley, if you are reading this, tell your husband that the stadium needs "non specific 'pump you up' music"! We are warming up, getting ready, and they start playing "Eye of the Tiger"!! HELLO? Colonels are here... jump back... no TIGER music, K?
Well, I have a few things to sew. I don't want to forget to holla back at Anita for signing into the guest book!!! Thank you SOOO much for signing it! Tell your friends to also!! Even if they don't read it!! HAHA Just kidding, but if you DO read this, would you PLEASE sign the guest book for me? PLEASE? I like to think that I know who is out there reading, and although Cagney and Lacy can catch a stalker, and we have "ways of making people talk..." I'd appreciate you making the effort!! Also, you don't have to sign in with a picture if you don't want to, if that's what's keeping you!!
Have a GREAT night, and thanks for sharing a day in the life of the chicken farmer's wife!! Love to all!! JA By the way... I bet you thought that *I* was Garrett's biggest fan. I have uploaded a picture of our "gansta" dog in the hood, I mean HOODIE... In the second picture, I even happened to catch her when she was licking her mouth, as if she were hangin' her tongue out, "gansta style"!!
P.S.- I just wanted to say to all of you that read this, to send up a quick prayer on Matthew L's behalf. I just read his mom's post tonight, and he needs ALL of us to pray for him and his family! Thanks so much!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Cagney is home... did I ever leave?!?

Hello friends!! It is official!! I am going to make myself not blog every night!! When I do, I get a comment here and 1 there, and they are from my same faithful friends!! I seem to write my heart out, and noone writes back (except those of you that comment REGULARLY and I LOVE THAT!!!), so, I am going to cut back on posts, which I am hoping will INCREASE the comments, like it did last time!! We'll see how it goes!!

If you'll notice the title, you'll see that Cagney is now my new code name. Lacy, my partner in crime, or rather SOLVING them, is still at her home in TX, and I am back in KY. When we got home, Shane had fixed a roast and mashed potatoes for us, (wasn't that SWEET?), but then as of today, I am pretty sure that my whole trip to TX was just a dream. Back to normal... as if I never left Kansas, I mean, KY! Baby chicks are coming tomorrow, so the day was filled with preparation for their arrival. I received the honor of scrubbing feed pans today. I got the last 500 or so done. These are pans from last flock, so they have been soaking in a disinfectant solution, and then I have to get all of the "last flock's yuck" off of them. Between the cleaner, and the UV rays of the sun, where we stack them to let them dry, I am pretty sure that a person could eat off of them, although I wouldn't advise it. If they could find a way to make this stuff non toxic, I am pretty sure it could kill cancer, polio, colds, and plantar warts. It is some good stuff!! I had to take Garrett to football practice, pay some bills, scrub the pans, do some laundry, etc., and it felt like I had never gone!! As for the Cagney comment, I can't say too much about it, but Shanan and I are some TOUGH investigators, and make a lovely team. Cary assures us that he is Law and Order, but we are old school, and I think age ranks beauty in this case. Surely, if speech ever fails me, and I don't get the job being the Wal-Mart greeter, I see P.I. working out for me...
This first picture is of when the boys were going to TX. They went the weekend before Gra and I went. We don't travel well together, so we went separately! HAHA (Just kidding) I didn't realize that they had the camera in the car, but they took a few photos of their journey. They both had a great time, and really enjoyed the game and especially getting to visit with Cary. Shanan and the girls rode back with them, as they had been home the week before. I am guessing that Shanan took the next picture, because it looks as if Shane is telling everything he knows about whatever topic they were on at the time. I will tell you that 12 hours or more is a LONG time to be in the car. It is even LONGER, when your passenger is in the very back, watching movies, and singing their church musical! Of course, Graceson doesn't WEIGH enough to sit in the front, so I entertained myself on our trip in MANY different ways. I listened to a sermon on the radio about the rapture, I counted cows, llamas (yes, I passed several different llama farms), I had many deep thoughts about armadillos (which basically, from what I can see, are possums in travel trailers), and numerous other things to pass the time!! This last picture of the billboard is another one I found on the camera. I am not sure which one of them took it, but I am sure that they were thinking they were witnessing? Who knows, but here is the billboard that they photoed!! Last, but not LEAST, is the picture of Lambie, and it appears to be Shane picking Lambie's nose. I know, I know... they never grow up!! Garrett got lambie when he was ONE for his very first Easter from Aunt Beetle. Lambie has been washed, repaired, stuffed and restuffed more times than I can remember. When Lambie gets a hole, we patch it. When Lambie gets filthy dirty, we wash it. I keep thinking that Lambie is going to finally DIE, and Garrett asks if I can sew it up AGAIN. Lambie even went to with Garrett to KY Changers. I was sure that big, bad football playin' Garrett would not have wanted his buddy to even KNOW about him much less SEE him, but I was obviously wrong. Bill told me that we were probably going to have to burn Lambie, as much molesting as the animal had at Changers by the other boys in the room, but Garrett wouldn't DREAM of throwing it away!!
While the GIRLS were in TX, we decided to go to the movies and see "Beverly Hills Chihuahua". It was really cute. It was actually Bella's first movie, but I know that the bigger girls loved it. We had a really great time while we were there. Shanan even COOKED for me!! She fixed me nachos that were DIVINE!! I even took a picture as proof of it!! What I WILL say, however,
is that I am not sure if she has been cooking for a LONG time, or if she was previously such a good cook, that she doesn't want to show me up!! This store that they have called "Braums" has some chili that Cary LOVES. Shanan wanted to fix it for me. For those of you that are from here, I am sure you have had Ferrell's chili, and know how it comes in somewhat of a "stick". You add a little water to the frozen "chunk" of chili, and as it melts down, it turns into the chili we have all come to love. WELL, this chili was frozen in sort of a square shape. (the package reminded me of a folger's coffee bag that is vacuum sealed, if you know what I am talking about). Shanan read the directions, and began the preparation. The instructions indicated to add a small amount of water to the bottom of the pan and add the chili. SHE DID!! She put the water in the pan, and then put the WHOLE package of chili (I am talking COMPLETELY wrapped), into the water to wait for it to boil I guess. Once I composed myself from laughter, I showed her how to cut the package OFF of the food, in order to reduce the fiber addition from the added packing. She swore that she just thought that it was a boil in the bag product like the Jolly Green Giant's corn. I told her that I understand how she could make that mistake!!! NOT!!!!!! Anyway, Shanan, when you read this... remember that I love you dearly, and LOVED the nachos!! I know you were just checking my skills!! :)
The football game that we went to was GREAT!! Shanan noticed how my football knowledge has really improved since the last game I attended with her. I even used a few words that were football related, and used them at the right TIMES!!! Cary's team was playing his old team, where he'd coached for 7 years, so I think that the victory may have been a little sweeter than normal! Shanan was certainly hostess with the mostest, and here she is taking us to the movies. We stayed up late each night working on our "investigation", but then we would lay in bed and talk for another 2!! By the way, she passed her LAST test today, so I guess she is official!! Congrats and thanks again for everything this past weekend!! One last side note, and then I have GOT to go and fold some laundry... again... did I ever leave? While we were there, Graceson just HAD to go shopping, as she had a little money in her pocket and she HATES our mall. We go, and I decided to pick up something for Shane that I never do. I always try and get a little something when I am out of town for them, hoping that they will look forward to me coming home... if not for ME... then for the gifts!! Anyway, this time, I got him some cologne called "SoCal". It is actually the smell that you smell each time you walk by a Hollister store in the mall. I liked the smell and am hoping he will wear it. I say that I am HOPING, because there is a story. Shane USED to wear Eternity for Men. Let me tell you, I LOVE(d) it when he wore this, and I actually got it for him when we started dating. Well, soon after we married (did you notice this time frame) he stopped wearing it. When I asked him WHY he no longer wore it, he told me that it gave him heartburn. WHAT?!?! Don't DRINK it... WEAR it!! SOOOOO... we'll see how old Southern California works out for me. Now, he won't HESITATE to put on "Dead down wind" deodorant, or "I'm a deer on my period" spray to go out in the woods... I think that stuff it WRETCHED, so SURELY he can overcome, you think?
I hope everyone has a GREAT night, and thanks for sharing a day in the life of the chicken farmer's wife!! love to all! Jerri

Thursday, October 2, 2008

What's this? A Post?

This is what I have learned... I may or may not get a comment or 2 from my 2-3 friends that I know follow this blog pretty regularly... When I DON'T post, I get MORE comments. I think I have found the happy medium!! Wait a few weeks between posts!! :) Actually, it has been very difficult to post these last 2 weeks, I seem to have been covered up with one thing or another. I haven't even gotten on the blogs I typically follow, so I have GOT to get back in the groove, because I feel so disconnected from them!!
I really don't know where to start, so I'll try to skim through the last 2 weeks, and add details later. In a 2 week period of time, Gra got the stomach bug TWICE. Yes, you read that correctly... How does that happen? The second time, when they called me to come to the back hall because she was throwing up, I was most certain that they meant to call someone else. I mean, YES, I have been there for over a decade, and Gra has been there for 6 years, but I thought someone STILL must have been confused, because you just CAN'T get the stomach bug TWO different times, in that short of a time. W-R-O-N-G!!!!!!!!!! Bless her little heart. She is back to normal, but she had a time for a while!
Shane's grandfather passed away last Sunday. I lost my grandfather when I was about 6 from my mom's side, and I lost my Paw, who's farm we now live on, when Gra was 6 mo. old. Shane is 39, so that is just incredible to me that he's had him as long as he has...
Shanan came in with the girls. They were in for a week. It was great to see them, and it is remarkable how much those babies change each time I see them. We had dinner over at Sara's the Friday that she got in, and it was so much fun!! (Michelle, if you're reading this, you are such a hoot! and Sara, thanks for the invite!!) The girls rode back to TX with my boys, so I am sure that was a walk, I mean RIDE to remember. I think it went fine EXCEPT that it took them 16+ hours. Now, PART of it was that there was a wreck and they were stuck in traffic, but the OTHER part of it was they were lost... HELLO? They had Garmin IN the car, but yet... they didn't PLUG HIM UP, until I insisted on the phone!!!!!!!!! I guess it's just me, but I'll tell you, that bad boy would have been on from my DRIVEWAY...
Speaking of Shanan, her blog is going private. There appears to be an individual that would like to attempt to make a jab here and there. I may not know WHO they are, but I certainly know WHAT they are. Their agenda is crystal clear, so I guess there is beauty in the transparency of it. You can take care of what you can see, it's those hidden agendas you need to worry about!! SOOOO, with that being said, if you follow Shanan's blog because of mine, and would still like to continue to read hers, if you'll let me know, then I will send her a list of my friends that I can vouch for, that are coming from me, along with your email address. You'll have to be approved to view, so send me an email if you'd like for me to do that for ya!!
FINALLY, while my boys were gone, I had a "situation". While I was still in town, my mother-in-law called to ask me where I was. It seems that our house alarm had gone off, we weren't able to be reached, and they contacted her. EOC told her that they had dispatched a unit and everything looked o.k. Well, I know that sounds well and good, but you see, about 5 years ago, our alarm went off. We were at church and county was dispatched. They called and left the message that they had gone all around the house, and everything was "all clear". YES, but they went around the WRONG HOUSE... They went around the house that was EMPTY... the one where the basement is caved in, where my grandparents lived, and we lived until this house was finished. The house where goats had gotten in and left small black reminders all over the floors... You get the picture. Now, if I were a policeman that walked into an EMPTY house with goat ca ca on the floor, and thought that someone was paying a monthly fee to have an alarm set up on it, I MAY have to give that some thought, but that's just me...
When I got home, my front window screen was cut, and the window was up about 1 1/2 inches. Now, the screen may or may not have been torn before, but I KNOW that the window was down, because the alarm would not have set when I left for school that morning. Do you ever wonder if you could shoot someone in that situation, when you are faced with protecting yourself and your children? I don't wonder. Is that bad? Have I lived with Shane too long?
Well, I have laundry to do!! I hope you all have a wonderful night!! I expect LOTS of comments, or I'll wait another 2 weeks to write again!! love to all, and thanks for sharing the last 2 weeks in the life of the chicken farmer's wife!! Jerri
P.S. I found out yesterday that my favorite exercise tyrant is putting WOG on hold for a while, since there was really only 1 youth committed to it... Was all that pain for nothing? Because I KNOW, that I am not just going to do it on my own for FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Slow Fade

Mooses and go carts - OH MY

Our GREAT day @ the H2O Park!!

Patti's pix

Graceson at horse camp - June '08

My football fella, holding the 4 1/2 lb princess, Lilli

My football fella, holding the 4 1/2 lb princess, Lilli

Please let me know you're here!!